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Any Glastonbury compatible hayfever fixes?


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Whereas my excitement levels are 11/10.... my only fear is the fact I'll be a red sneezy bag of snot (because the weather is definitely going to be so nice this year).

Any of you veterans found a worthy farm friendly fix (other then the three pictured below)? Perhaps all us pollen averse can be put together in a big green snotty tent...



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I usually use all of the usual tablets and stuff but find this spray seems to work really well for me. You have to request it from behind the healthcare counter and quite pricey at 7 quid but seems to be one of the only things that stops me feeling like total death. Mine's been really bad this year so I'm happy to try anyone elses suggestions too!


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I'm not a regular sufferer but I have had a couple of bouts of it so I usually do take some just in case but I just go for Aldi's own brand cheapest. I'm pretty sure it's the exact same stuff as the allacan you have in your picture. I've never had a problem so will just stick to that. 

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Yeah the nasal spray (beconase, but same ingredients as OP) works, plus eyedrops.

Also works to clear your nose out of any other bits that find themselves up there during the fest. Saves accidentally coming up mid indie set the next day.

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Agree with all those (esp. the nasal spray) and wearing sunglasses helps to stop it getting in your eyes.  Plus a twice daily hand wash then face wash at a sink helps to get the pollen off your skin and away from your nose.  Makes a huge difference for me not to mention it's lovely and refreshing when the sun is beating down ?

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25 minutes ago, AmazingAbby said:

I usually use all of the usual tablets and stuff but find this spray seems to work really well for me.

Will give this a try!

23 minutes ago, gigpusher said:

I'm not a regular sufferer but I have had a couple of bouts of it so I usually do take some just in case but I just go for Aldi's own brand cheapest. 

Yeah I go for whatevers cheapest.

10 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Nadal spray for me.

You must know Nadal quite well?

4 minutes ago, MJP said:

Yeah the nasal spray (beconase, but same ingredients as OP) works, plus eyedrops.

Also works to clear your nose out of any other bits that find themselves up there during the fest. Saves accidentally coming up mid indie set the next day.

Thanks all.... will carry on dosing myself up; just as long as I'm not missing a Glasto-specific mega-remedy like a daily gong-bath, aura cleanse and naked sauna. 

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some where in the healing fields you can buy Local pollen, I think it is and you just eat it . worked a treat fro me one year


(I am sure it was pollen, could have been anything , it worked )

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10 minutes ago, croiz said:

Will give this a try!

Yeah I go for whatevers cheapest.

You must know Nadal quite well?

Thanks all.... will carry on dosing myself up; just as long as I'm not missing a Glasto-specific mega-remedy like a daily gong-bath, aura cleanse and naked sauna. 

That's the ticket, but not necessarily in that order 

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I use the beconase and hay fever tablet combo! For any girls (or guys if your into it) I also find that wearing false eyelashes MASSIVELY helps with the itchy/watery eye situation, I assume they somehow catch the pollen and stop it going into your eye or something. ??‍♀️A weird one but it works!

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Pollen attacks me with extreme prejudice here in Ireland - was fully expecting to get it really tight over in Somerset. Thankfully been getting away with it so far. I've found the cheap, non-branded anti-histamines, 99p from Boots are more effective for me than Clarityn or any of the branded variants! I'll never understand using nasal sprays, I've found them to be the absolute worst thing to try to use when your nose is already running/mostly closed over. Whatever works for you of course! 

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Ignoring branding, there are 4 different types of tablet, and 2/3 different types of spray. Different ones work best for different folks, so you do need to find out what works for you. But once you do, you can buy own brand, nothing to be gained (and money to be lost) buying the brands. For the best bargain, if there's time, order a supply from one of the online places - MoneySavingExpert always has a page with the best deals: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/family/cheap-hayfever-remedies/.

But yeah once you know what you want, tablet + spray + eye protection (sunnies) is the best course.

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I use nasal spray and loratadine, the latter of which can be purchased dirt cheap online (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Haylief-Loratadine-Hayfever-Allergy-Tablets/dp/B00ZD4NHMQ/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=loratadine&qid=1560767186&s=gateway&sr=8-7

I used to take certirizine but I find it makes me too drowsy these days.  Although I guess that might help with sleeping if you take it before bed?

I also try to find the most eye-covering sunglasses possible to stop shit getting in my eyes.  And take some kind of soft-ish tissues too!  Wiping your nose with bog roll all day will take its toll very quickly! 

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Hayfever been especially bad last few days and pollen count showing very high throughout the festival. Praying for a comfortable time as I’m sure fellow sufferers will agree it can make a huge difference to the day to day enjoyment! Tasting food and indulging in other activities to name two of the things most affected..

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1 hour ago, Johnnyseven said:

I use Beconaise spray and Loratadine tablets. I read recently that putting Vaseline around your nostrils catches pollen and stops it going up your nose, I plan to give it a try this year.

It's honestly a life saver for me. I smear it on my eye lashes too and wear oversized sunglasses if the pollen is really high 

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I suffer pretty badly from hayfeaver, I use Fexofenadine and Beconase nasal spray which seems to work pretty well. Fexofenadine is prescription from the Dr though.

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