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BST - Hyde park 2016


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What a great day.

Got in for TOTR and it was an ok set. I think the sound and wind didnt aid them and the song selection was meh...I need to see them at their own solo shows.

Ghostpoet I have never heard of before and really really enjoyed him. Another one to check out. 

Patti was crazy and as they show continued she got better and better.

Warpaint were just brilliant. I have seen them so many times and they have a habit of turns their shows into a jam session which works at their own shows but not festivals . This was their best festival set by far. Good energy, people around me really dug it and they vibe was amazing.

I got a very good spot during Massive Attack and what a fucking blast it was! I think this was my favourite show of theirs given the crowd were respectful. The sound of Untitled Snakes was raw. Hearing songs like Eurochild finally was beautiful and Pray for Rain with Tunde was a rare treat. 

Really didnt think Horace would be there but fuck me Angel was amazing. 

Highlight for me was Young Fathers. I dont know what it is about those three but they have the capacity to be huge. I have seen them at festivals but with a band and production behind them, they are a different level. Apologies for people around me for dancing my tits off during their last song He Needs Me. I think their segment was why we didn't get Teardrop and Paradise Circus (i was convinced they would have done it while the orchestra was there) I didnt mind, I think Young Fathers injected an energy that was welcome.

I wanted more but thats the beauty of music. 

To be honest, I am ok with BST shows selling bad. The queues didnt exist aside from seeing Shura in the PS Tent, which was shit but I got to play PS4 for a ticket. I wish life was like that. Also there was a strangely large queue for free delieveroo meals. 

The only downside is how corporate it all is. I am pretty Massive Attack or someone called out the VIP section. There was essentially NO merch which fucked me off majorly. One or two massive attack shirts and a jamie xx tote bag. The rest was BST merch and a strange amount of light up hats and glowsticks. I am not against it totally when it comes to all that corporate sponsorship but kind drains the life out of it in some ways. I wish they did weekend passes because Id be down for that. 

Big love to @Mash011 again

Edited by brayshizzle
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Knackered as hell after getting the last train back, but well worth it. 1st time of seeing TVOTR, good to see how they do their sound live with the brass and screaming the guitar at the top of the neck.  With so many good songs a small set was only going to scratch the surface of what they do - would love to see them doing their thing at their own show.  Ghostpoet was fine enough, but like most of the other artists could have done with performing under darkness.  Showed my respect to Patti Smith, and got close for Warpaint - decent musicians but could have done with killer tunes.  Remembered the advice about getting close to speakers for MA, so I wasn't close but had clear sound.  Probably should have got closer to see everyone in action. Young Fathers worked well, and the string section at the end was lush - a bit wasteful for only one song though.  They didn't play karmacoma - or was that when I went to the loo?


Anyway I enjoyed my first time there, really chilled atmosphere, and facilities were a breeze with a smaller number there.  Only complaint was getting stung for a fiver for antihistamines, my own fault for not taking some along.

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3 minutes ago, tillyandthewall said:

Knackered as hell after getting the last train back, but well worth it. 1st time of seeing TVOTR, good to see how they do their sound live with the brass and screaming the guitar at the top of the neck.  With so many good songs a small set was only going to scratch the surface of what they do - would love to see them doing their thing at their own show.  Ghostpoet was fine enough, but like most of the other artists could have done with performing under darkness.  Showed my respect to Patti Smith, and got close for Warpaint - decent musicians but could have done with killer tunes.  Remembered the advice about getting close to speakers for MA, so I wasn't close but had clear sound.  Probably should have got closer to see everyone in action. Young Fathers worked well, and the string section at the end was lush - a bit wasteful for only one song though.  They didn't play karmacoma - or was that when I went to the loo?


Anyway I enjoyed my first time there, really chilled atmosphere, and facilities were a breeze with a smaller number there.  Only complaint was getting stung for a fiver for antihistamines, my own fault for not taking some along.

thats crazy. painkillers were 3.50 

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I know what you mean Tuna and it would be my one gripe really. Bit of a sterile atmosphere at BST generally I think and when a lot of people have paid next to nothing they're not so engaged with the artist. We had to move a bit during massive attack to find a spot where people weren't just talking through it! That said I still loved it. Makes you appreciate that electric Glastonbury atmosphere though. 


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You're absolutely right about Glastonbury. By Safe From Harm we were front and centre, about 7 or 8 people back. And someone told us off for dancing! Definitely the main problem with the cheap tickets.


How was Saturday (mainly, how was Kendrick?) for those that went? Hopefully because everyone paid full price you didn't have these crowd issues! 

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I had a big chunk of people in front of me for Massive Attack who didn't face the stage and just talked among each other the entire way through. Before the show they came in front of me, all of them were quite short girls and were like "Oh you're quite tall, you don't mind if we stand in front of you so we can see?", then when the show started they didn't shut up, none of them looked at the stage at all, but bizarrely they went absolutely bezerk after every song, proper loud clapping and wooping, which seems to have been prompted when everybody else clapped because they wouldn't have known it was finished otherwise.

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4.50pm Michael kiwanuke 

6.15 don Henley 

8.15 Carole King


4.40 billie marten 

7.30 Ed HArcourt 

may smaller stages. 

38 minutes ago, Justiceforcedave said:

Anyone got the stage times for today? I known its on the app but only have a windows phone.

Just on my way now - nice weather finally

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18 minutes ago, GETOFFAMYLAWN said:

I had a big chunk of people in front of me for Massive Attack who didn't face the stage and just talked among each other the entire way through. Before the show they came in front of me, all of them were quite short girls and were like "Oh you're quite tall, you don't mind if we stand in front of you so we can see?", then when the show started they didn't shut up, none of them looked at the stage at all, but bizarrely they went absolutely bezerk after every song, proper loud clapping and wooping, which seems to have been prompted when everybody else clapped because they wouldn't have known it was finished otherwise.

A few songs into Massive Attack, a group of girls asked me who was playing! True story. 

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5 hours ago, Tuna said:

You're absolutely right about Glastonbury. By Safe From Harm we were front and centre, about 7 or 8 people back. And someone told us off for dancing! Definitely the main problem with the cheap tickets.


How was Saturday (mainly, how was Kendrick?) for those that went? Hopefully because everyone paid full price you didn't have these crowd issues! 

That sucks. Everyone around me was pretty good. Centre in the pit about halfway back. We had the misfortune of being behind people who kept putting umbrellas up to get their friends attention. That stopped after a few people started shouting and throwing things at the umbrellas.

Aside from that, everyone danced around me and had a blast. Young Fathers upped the tempo massive around me and when Old Rock N Roll came on people were really into it. I lucked out because a dude from Spain came specificly for Young Fathers and I think his energy fed off of everyone. My body was aching from it all yesterday morning. 

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18 hours ago, GETOFFAMYLAWN said:

I had a big chunk of people in front of me for Massive Attack who didn't face the stage and just talked among each other the entire way through. Before the show they came in front of me, all of them were quite short girls and were like "Oh you're quite tall, you don't mind if we stand in front of you so we can see?", then when the show started they didn't shut up, none of them looked at the stage at all, but bizarrely they went absolutely bezerk after every song, proper loud clapping and wooping, which seems to have been prompted when everybody else clapped because they wouldn't have known it was finished otherwise.

Utter twats.

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Carole King was fantastic last night.  To see Tapestry in full was really moving, and no one where I was stood talked at all, just lots of quiet singing along.  Obviously the crowd was majority older people which helped.  That and at 70 odd quid for the cheapest tickets it wasn't really for the casual gig goer. 

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On 3 July 2016 at 11:03 AM, Zoo Music Girl said:

A few songs into Massive Attack, a group of girls asked me who was playing! True story. 

See that's weird to me, it's not like Young Fathers are any better known so why would they have been there if their taste is too mainstream for Massive Attack

Maybe they were there on a free work jolly

Edited by Zac Quinn
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Does anyone no how thorough the searching is when you enter the arena? I know they are quite strict there as went to blur last year but I forgot how strict they are, so they pay you down or just bag searches?

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