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dentalplan last won the day on December 22 2021

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  1. A Merry Christmas to us all!
  2. dentalplan

    Kendrick Lamar

    Hello! All is fine. Just stepped off the forum for a while. It seems people have correctly assumed why so will leave it at that. I didn't know about any threads or I'd have logged in and said hello sooner. Anyway, to bring it on topic, I am definitely looking forward to this album, and the whole May/June album release list. It's gearing up to be like 2013 when there was a tranche of highly anticipated albums all at once. Here's hoping it'll be as high quality a summer as that was. It is funny though that some big albums around that time have 1950's album titles. Enjoy it, and enjoy the festival if I don't pop by again. Peace and fuckin' ☮️
  3. He’s in Germany across Glasto weekend.
  4. dentalplan

    Wet Leg

    Emerson Dan Burn's gone Here comes Son Oh no
  5. dentalplan

    Wet Leg

    What? Were they commentating?
  6. dentalplan

    Wet Leg

    They'll have an album out on Friday and you'll know all the songs. That'll change it.
  7. Normally 2nd and 3rd names are against each other... Surely that won't be the case here?
  8. dentalplan

    Wet Leg

    all my friends call it ‘the big D’
  9. Ehhh... I don't expect them to be anywhere other than Sonic in the evening at this point. Early on the Other Stage though. Would love to see it. That'd be unmissable.
  10. dentalplan

    Kanye West

    He played Paris Fashion Week since. He’s done that a few times. Dude loves fashion.
  11. Real nice secret organisation we had once...
  12. Always has been. 🌍🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀
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