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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2024 in all areas

  1. I went for a stroll yesterday all the long drop were in but otherwise quiet b9e983f645cd4b76a17d0ccd26ff47fd.mov
    4 points
  2. There’s an army of people reading that would absolutely smash this sheet if they were available to help for a short period of time on Thurs or Sunday or ideally both . Please contact Matthew to help . I’m helping someone from here Thurs but will have sheet open incase departures aren’t available and hopefully will be full steam ahead . There will be some regulars on there . So if you aren’t sure help them and that should help the entire sheet as the help then becomes available from them to help others . Hopefully some spreadsheet green appears later in the week
    3 points
  3. Anyone catch any of Coachella thus far? I saw Deftones, Justice and Vampire Weekend and I'm even more excited for Thursday now. Justice set was epic. Aside, but the crowd for Blur were embarrassing.
    2 points
  4. Yeah added to mine too https://clashfinder.com/s/glastoprediction/
    2 points
  5. Of course, just fire me over a message with your email address!
    2 points
  6. Just think we make it clear that anyone who posts a Sun or Mail link is a c**t.
    2 points
  7. Forced nothing so for the 3rd time fill yer boots if you want to link the scum or mail .
    2 points
  8. They're one of those acts where when someone who's never been asks afterwards what was your highlight and you try to explain that one of them was enjoying cheesy music dj'd by two women dressed in pinnies and waving around feather dusters. And then you give up and say one of the headliners.
    2 points
  9. Walked the site yesterday and made a compilation video, will go back and make part 2 b9e983f645cd4b76a17d0ccd26ff47fd.mov
    2 points
  10. Showhawk Duo confirmed at least 3 sets including their usual Thursday night bandstand set at their Manchester gig tonight.
    2 points
  11. Recycling crew that go direct- check your emails 😃
    2 points
  12. It’s not a pain that goes away particularly - experienced same loss in 2021. It’s ironic that while I’ve no intent to see Coldplay, now you’ve got me thinking, ‘Fix You’ can move me to tears just by thinking about it, let alone hearing sung to me live, by Coldplay themselves… sh*t, I’m gone 😭 very much hoping that doesn’t ‘don’t impress me much’
    2 points
  13. NEW Have a great holiday @grumpyhack
    1 point
  14. Talking of Coachella, I reckon they have got Olivia Rodrigo in for next year after her cameo with No Doubt
    1 point
  15. STONE Probably the last post for a week as I'm off to Madeira at silly o'clock in the morning. Keep the associations going.
    1 point
  16. Check their Instagram post from yesterday, clue in the emojis 😉
    1 point
  17. OK. I'm down with Avalon or somewhere getting on the dog'n'bone to Andy Scott for an afternoon Sweet-fest. Chinnichap tunes are low key goated when glam rock is the vibe.
    1 point
  18. Ballroom Blitz slaps tho
    1 point
  19. I fear that the book wouldn't actually be that small at all.
    1 point
  20. Fantastic! 👏 Feeling real now!!
    1 point
  21. Not sure if this counts.
    1 point
  22. Primavera Sound announced them as only EU festival appearance 😞
    1 point
  23. Sorry just seen this! Sent you a pm
    1 point
  24. I think she's f**king amazing and from NFR onwards has absolutely stepped up a gear. Some of my favourite records of the last decade.But I also think she's way better on record than live, and that's absolutely fine. There are artists who are phenomenal live and mediocre recorded. She's the opposite. Almost no acts can do both equally well..
    1 point
  25. Got ours & the shifts we wanted 😃
    1 point
  26. Can't get enough of Angie McMahon ❤️
    1 point
  27. Here is a list of competitions and closing dates: https://www.glastofestfeed.com/features/lists/glastonbury-competitions/
    1 point
  28. Could you gaffer tape the pole vertically to the backpack ( if you were to do it horizontally you could end up on manslaughter charges)?
    1 point
  29. Just watched Raye's set from Coachella and it was pretty impressive by all accounts. They only gave her 45 mins (expect it to be an hour at PKP) but even though I don't know much of her stuff it all sounded great. The Marquee often lines up against the Dance Hall, which would mean a potential clash with Brutalismus 3000, who I am probably going to see the following week at Field Day anyway, so shouldn't hopefully be too much of an issue. There's also Charlotte De Witte later this morning and then Barry Can't Swim tomorrow from the PKP line up. Really hoping Orbital, Gesaffelstein, The Last Dinner Party, L'imperatrice, The Beths, Carlita, Jockstrap and Vampire Weekend get added too!
    1 point
  30. Update on the can over the bed situation, I fessed up and my sister said don’t worry because she was planning on washing the sheets anyway 😂 🙉
    1 point
  31. I think that's a little harsh, she played the same stage Andy C played last year. She was a special guest I believe at Tramlines or one of those the last couple of years, is that any different go Hard-Fi, Natalie Imbruglia and Blossoms having done the special guests and afternoon slots at them including The Vaccines as well? She's not a constantly touring dj either. She might. She might be a radio dj but so is Danny Howard and he plays some big slots.
    1 point
  32. I saw Steve Cradock sharing this on his socials so I think it’s the full band. He doesn’t really do acoustic. I reckon it’ll be close to a regular set.
    1 point
  33. Saw Kid Kapichi last night at the O2 Forum. The thing that tipped it over for me to buy tickets was the excellent Dead Pony were supporting and all for a reasonable £51 for 2 tickets all in. Kid Kapachi and Dead Pony were fantastic. Can't say I thought much of the other support Dumb Bouys Fishing Club. They were not my sort of thing a rather poor beastie Boys style group inmy opinion Aalthough my partner loved them and said it was the first show she had been to in ages were she liked all the acts. I did warm to Dumb Bouys when they came out to duet on New England with Kid Kapachi and one of the Dumb Bouys set sail on a inflatable dingy across the crowd. Also, Suggs came out to duet on Zombie Nation.
    1 point
  34. Oh goodness I’ve seen a taster… but if I happened to be walking past as it was about to start…. Seems it would be rude not to take it in! 😳
    1 point
  35. Having just watched Lanas Coachella headline slot I am so ready for her headline on the saturday Also why are we so certain Fred will close out?
    1 point
  36. I still maintain they should have headlined Other instead of Disclosure
    1 point
  37. 8 of the major meteorological agencies around the world have released their temperature forecasts for June. All 8 have gone for a warmer than average June in the Glastonbury area, some considerably so. Given the effect global warming has had on the climate and the temperature records that have been broken over the last year, that’s no real surprise, but nice to see such consistency nonetheless.
    1 point
  38. I cannot believe that in the year of our Lord 2024 that the best Saturday night option at Glastonbury Festival of Performing Arts this year is Ocean Colour Scene. Jesus f**king Christ!
    1 point
  39. Just a Couple of Mums hearted my question about Glasto 24! Niche I know but always great fun!
    1 point
  40. Here’s one! Teddy, how can I blame that little sweet face 🐕🙈
    1 point
  41. That's definitely not solving any of last years issues, so I hope they have something else up their sleves. Would be interesting to know the thinking behind the setup, when it comes to the floe between scenes and creating a maximum audience for their artists as it puzzles me every time. Anyway.. Thursday and Friday filled with clashes, while there a giant holes on Saturday and Sunday. Fingers crossed for cancellations and new interesting bands in 😉
    1 point
  42. I lost my mom in September. Really hope the Glastonbury gods align to let me hear this, which she loved: and then I'm going to absolutely hyperventilate when I hear THIS: LET'S GO GIRLS!!!! My new year's resolution was that I was going to manifest Shania Twain playing at Glastonbury, and I did this by playing LETS GO GIRLS, just that little intro, every morning. MANIFESTED!
    1 point
  43. Totally agree on Vampire Weekend. Ageing like a fine wine.
    1 point
  44. GMM app is finally updated with latest bands and also a day schedule. Looks like they are preparing to release timetable really soon, maybe this or next week
    1 point
  45. Never stumbled across this thread before, but wish I had. I've had depression my whole life and spent many years drowning the negative thoughts with alcohol and playing at being a "normal" citizen. My first Glasto changed my life as it opened my eyes to so many things, but also showed me that humanity and society could be inclusive, supportive and differences were to be celebrated. In 2013 I split with my wife of 10 years, with whom I have 2 kids and the event triggered me. I hated being on my own away from the kids and after 6 weeks attempted suicide. Luckily, I failed. I got some therapy and support and have been largely OK every since. At G last year, I had an altercation with a coked up selfish w*nker and went to throw a punch. Luckily, my group stopped me and his stopped him. That night I went very dark. By the end of July I was still in a bad place and blaming myself, feeling guilt, shame, self loathing and work pressure was ramping up. My mind broke. My wife had to stop me slashing my wrist. I went back into therapy, on to antidepressants and had 10 weeks off work. I'm lucky. My family, friends and employer were nothing but understanding and helpful. I now feel like myself again. I'm a little concerned about this year's festival and for a while considered not going, given what happened last year. There was so much inconsiderate behaviour, open cocaine use and (to me) tension in crowds that I'd never really felt before. The flashpoint when I lost it was by no means the only incident of pushy (coked up) selfishness I'd experienced that weekend, which felt a million miles from previous festivals. Maybe I was already in a downward spiral, but I still have a degree of nervousness about this year. Luckily, I've had a refresher in coping techniques. Per the YouTube clip above, I think most of the attendees will have some demons. I'm 49 so struggle a little bit with being open about this IRL as my upbringing was very 70's/80's. All I will say is get help if you need it. I've decided this year that if the "vibe" of the festival is more 2023 and less 2019/previous and there are selfish, pushy w*nkers and blatant coke-heads everywhere then this will be my last. For my own good.
    1 point
  46. I don't recall in memory football ever being shown on West Holts during the festival. In 2010 they carved off a field but I am fairly sure they said they wouldn't do that again. If it was a final I could maybe understand people going off to watch but the way I see it they are knock out stage games and either they get knocked out and it would put a bit of a downer on your festival or they win and you'll get to watch the next game when you are home.
    1 point
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