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  1. I definitely think there was an increased amount of people out at 3am onwards, not sure if that’s age related per se but definitely partly down to the rave scene having a resurgence….i remember walking through west holts at 3am and it could’ve passed for daytime easily
  2. Hoping to arrive around 10/11am Wednesday, friends are putting my tent up, am i likely to move through quite quickly at that time?
  3. if you were looking at it from the same level as the peoples heads though, they will be seeing the stage fine, it is only really if you are really far back that it blocks your view but then you wouldn't see much from back there anyway, i camp opposite the pyramid stage and i go into the crowd and only ever to about half way down and i can't say i have ever really had too much of a problem or certainly never thought it was because of the flags. As long as they don't become forms of advertising i like them and think it makes the festival unique
  4. Claire0406

    Arcadia 2024

    Think i spy red paint on the tail of the Dragonfly...........
  5. i actually quite like the flags and i am somebody who doesn't go deep into the crowd, i think it makes glasto unique and i love seeing what people come up with, however if it becomes all adverts then i would change my mind.
  6. i did this too, i always get home and see videos and think ahh poo i forgot about them, so this time liked everything so i can just make a decision at the time.
  7. Claire0406

    Arcadia 2024

    is anyone else concerned that the space looks like it is way smaller than usual? Or do we think those tents etc are temporary?
  8. Emily said no one locked in yet, But that they know roughly who it'll be......thoughts?
  9. Hannah Laing is free and links nicely into Ben Hemsley ??
  10. im sure you'll find it there 🙂
  11. Hmm maybe i will try on Thursday and see how i get on.....It is throwing me because of the unknown, but to be honest both sets i'm sure will be amazing anyway 😄 and then try Friday if i fail
  12. I am so torn on what to do RE Bicep, do we think there will be much of a difference between the two sets? My thinking is if i go to the Thursday one then it is ticked off and done, but i will be gutted if the Friday one is better.....More confident i will get into the Thursday one than Friday given it is in Shangri La.
  13. Nothing wrong with a bit of trance
  14. I reckon so, I can’t see that there would be a whole Joy anonymous and friends day and that Fred won’t be there at some point 🤣 they live together and of course he’d want Fred to be a part of it. Especially as Fred also loves the festival. There’s so many other acts he’s worked with performing this year too, I think we’ll see him pop up a lot to be honest.
  15. Any ideas? Anyone know why the Joy Anonymous and friends section of the lineup has been removed too?
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