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  1. I would assume you'd have EP on after Diplo, so likely correct, but the website isn't usually a reliable indicator as to when each act will be on, it's usually misleading and has no pattern from over the years. I'm still wondering when the final acts will be announced, there is apparently a major artist still to come, I'm not sure who though.
  2. Usually it isn't released until the morning of each day of the festival, typically on social media but if you're there it's encouraged you purchase the lanyards
  3. Hi mate, aye 1.5K is a bit out of my range to be fair! If you hear anything else though that's greatly appreciated
  4. Have you got any feelers still out there that could be sent my way mate?
  5. Very interesting! Well if anyone with the connections sees this and wants to message me go ahead 😂
  6. Yeah I can imagine! Thanks for asking 👏🏼
  7. How much are we talking 👀
  8. At this stage I likely would too
  9. 2 SPACES! Hi all, I have 2 single spaces opened up in 2 different groups for tomorrow. Need to get requests in by no later than 17:00 today. I'll update on here once they've been filled out.
  10. Hi I have just replying now
  11. Done mate! Do you need the WhatsApp link too?
  12. Hey we're full for now, I'll fire you a message if we get space!
  13. Hi all, Got more requests through than anticipated so will add all of those requesting above this post into our group. Don’t worry if you’ve not heard from me yet, I’ll ensure I get through the messages by this evening at the latest!
  14. I’ll send you a message now
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