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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2024 in Posts

  1. This IT Crowd quote jumped to mind: Denholm Reynholm: When I started Reynholm Industries, I had just two things in my possession: a dream and six million pounds. Today I have a business empire the like of which the world has never seen the like of which. I hope it doesn't sound arrogant when I say that I am the greatest man in the world!
    4 points
  2. Quite a bit of overlap to be fair, must be similar sources. West Holts headliners were reconfirmed (three Js), also Squid high up on West Holts on the Fri. Park I THINK Fontaines headlining or subbing. Hoping this isn’t true, but sounds like The Smile may not be doing it. I had them nailed for headlining Park but apparently not happening. We’ll see though. Woodsies Sat headliner is Gossip, Sleaford subbing and Yard Act before them.
    4 points
  3. Oh, I see, somehow missed the news. How many times do we have to explain that Coldplay are not playing at Sziget anytime soon. Especially when they have 3 shows in Budapest this year.
    3 points
  4. An optimistic take is that they are waiting for Glastonbury to make their announcement, possibly because there's a shared act that is meant to be revealed first on the Glastonbury lineup poster, which is reportedly being released next week.
    3 points
  5. Glass Beams just announced by Way Out West, so they'll be back in Europe next August. They have a sold out show at Botanique next April and could be a wonderful Spring addition. Osees (I know they would be a 2023 repetition but sometimes it happens) don't have any Belgian show announced this year and are playing London Aug-15 and Green Man Aug-17, so they're also a possibility for the Sunday.
    3 points
  6. I’ve replied to him as I think it’s a bit snide. Everyone knows glasto runs like this and people work for tickets all over the place. Thing is, they’ve done it multiple years on these terms and now changed their mind. Either do it for what they offer or don’t. Don’t do it and cry about it after. My reply: you’ll probably delete this but as I’ve pointed out before you also got signed when you were spotted at Glasto. It’s not like other music festivals, it’s almost like a music conference with labels searching for talent… crawling with A&R everywhere. That’s before you even consider all the new fans you’ll collect along the way, like us.. who have since come to your tour and bought your vinyl. It’s also a charity focused event - I give my time to it for free (in exchange for a 1 week ticket to the farm of course) and it raises millions for charity. You done it more than once under those conditions and now you’re signed you’ve got a problem with it?
    3 points
  7. He may have already done so for all I know but Brian confirmed BC Camplight from the stage in Bath tonight. Prime afternoon Park fodder.
    2 points
  8. I've never heard of Morgan Wallen... and I'm ok with my life choices
    2 points
  9. Sat at the top of the farm today as I wanted some fresh air. Site looks so green.
    2 points
  10. Am I the only one who really hopes there isn't a "Churnups-type" slot this year? I really think the set last year was a one off and will be glad to not have it being constantly mentioned in future years. Of course there will be secret sets etc but it isn't going to become an annual thing where a headline level act plays during the day in the pyramid (under alias or not)
    2 points
  11. I made a few updates to it last night but it needs a bit more work
    2 points
  12. the irony is its the opposite. if you are not a rock band of some sort many people turn their nose up at it. its mostly other genres that have been excluded from glastonbury over the years. look at the jay z reaction from none other than noel gallagher and the majority of people attending. Kendrick lamar got the same reaction, stormzy, and so on. Bringing others to your level isnt excluding you, its including others. The bands that are booked over the last 10 glastos shows there is no exclusion, just a move towards more inclusion. Also have no idea what you mean by "culture we created" ?!?! what you think white men created music and festivals? 🤣
    2 points
  13. I mean... I can't see it but IMAGINE if it's gone full circle back to Madonna after all this 🤣
    2 points
  14. No, most of the biggest names are out. But this post is far too dramatic.
    2 points
  15. Was just offered a place from the wait list for Avalon bars. Applied and approved in minutes. Let's go!
    2 points
  16. You’ve missed the initial opportunities but places still likely to appear if you’ve got wits about you … have a read of volunteers thread there’s a wealth of knowledge in there . At this stage likely oxfam is best bet .
    1 point
  17. No Trbes, Just Love. The Festival is Love manifest.
    1 point
  18. If the main stage line up is whack I'll just spend all weekend in Silver Hayes. They knocked it out of the park last year.
    1 point
  19. If you bully Sza ebough youre gonna get Morgan Wallen to fill in.
    1 point
  20. So basically we would all be better off without it *runs away* 😁 edit - ok, Sugarbabes are ok and have kept many people in employment over the years 😁
    1 point
  21. This has now made its way to my WhatsApp group. Before the truth has got its boots on.
    1 point
  22. Us scousers will tear the place apart if she doesn’t play One Kiss - it’s the only reason we’re all sneaking in!
    1 point
  23. If Glastonbury cared about getting everyone talking then it's been proved that Thursday news works best for that.
    1 point
  24. I think the WH Js were Justice, Jungle and Jessie Ware right? Than Janelle rumoured for elsewhere?
    1 point
  25. Although Woodsies headliners do tend to fluctuate quite a bit I’d say Gossip are very much on the weak end of the spectrum. Possibly a blind spot for me but a band largely known for a single song almost two decades ago seems like a very sh*t Woodsies headliner, but maybe I’m completely underestimating their lasting appeal and I’m open to be proven wrong post-festival if they manage to draw a sizeable crowd. Glastobudget shout wasn’t just aimed squarely at Gossip but also with the knowledge of LCD sub, PJ on before etc - hardly screaming huge bookings thus far, but was only being silly anyway. I’m sure/I hope the lineup will be good at large.
    1 point
  26. Chanting 'Fear Is The Mind Killer' over and over to defend myself against more line up news.
    1 point
  27. Yard act followed by sleaford mods is where I'll be at.
    1 point
  28. On this note the forum is very male dominated I’m happy to take dms to try and attempt to level things up slightly and for those afraid to post or don’t sometimes because of a higher male representation please feel free
    1 point
  29. I think SZA is a weak headliner and Glastonbury audience isn't remotely her usual fanbase (based on audience at her gig that I went to), but she's still multiples bigger than Raye.
    1 point
  30. i reckon they'll just stick a single page ad in next weeks NME
    1 point
  31. I found it extremely easy to sneak spirits in last year using pouches. I had a bottles worth of Captain Morgans each day while my wife had a bottle of Malibu in pouches attached to her. I even went off site on the Saturday to the local Sainsburys to get another bottle to dispense into pouches. Note, I did not drink all of this myself! However, let's just say...Kaisers into Kasabian was a massive party for us!! Only festival cost I really had was buying some coke from ice cream vendors.
    1 point
  32. https://glastonbury.uk/marketplace-webcam/ Glastonbury's town webcam is back up and running again
    1 point
  33. Heard from a very good source. Friday top 3 = PJ Harvey - LCD - headliner.
    1 point
  34. I think Prodigy are going to be an Other Stage headliner. Just a hunch.
    1 point
  35. if thats the case, echoing what everyone else is saying, insane booking, they would be one of my most anticipated of the festival, but the crowd would be incredibly off
    1 point
  36. Seem to recall someone had the concrete info that was the case.
    1 point
  37. not really sure what he (?) was hoping to achieve with this? was he expecting a pat on the back and a collective "there there, poor dear, its ok, have some more tickets and a nice little cuddle while we're at it". anyways, they can f**k right off.
    1 point
  38. It's an inarguable fact that he benefited from his parents wealth and from his first gig at his Dad's event, yet intriguingly he is worthy of your stout and heartfelt defence. https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristenharris1/nepo-babies-spoken-out-or-ignored-criticism https://screenshot-media.com/culture/entertainment/matty-healys-parents-famous/ https://dnyuz.com/2023/10/06/nepo-baby-of-the-week-god-help-us-matty-healy-is-back-on-tour/
    1 point
  39. More names added: - Ellen Krauss - Nation of Language - Blondshell - Glass Beams - Serpentwithfeet
    1 point
  40. Ack, couldn't get up to that one. Glad you enjoyed!
    1 point
  41. Exactly it also almost always comes from men. I think a lot of men have no idea just how much unconscious bias they have in this area. It seems to be a default for many people that if they personally aren't interested in something and sadly society teaches boys from a young age that things women create are for women or girls and not for them to assume something sinister is going on rather than just thinking maybe I haven't listened to this enough or maybe it's passed me by because I have been so busy listening to x and y instead. Yes but these people legitimately have very famous parents who will have undoubtedly opened doors for them there is no such obvious connection for the female artists who get the same grief. Yes perhaps The 1975 may end up having success that's even greater than his famous parents but they will definitely have heloed him get opportunities. Yep as I mentioned it was the lack of students rather than the lack of working people that surprised me.
    1 point
  42. Been listening to her the past week. Obsessed already. SOS is an incredible album and she seems so good live. Very chill of course but looking forward to it. I still think she will sub or headline the other to be honest but that’s just me
    1 point
  43. Here is @gooner1990 report, apologies to @neil - my phone wouldn't delete your tag.
    1 point
  44. She came across really well today. She never expected, or wanted, to do this long term, but once she found herself leading it, she was determined to do things her own way whilst still respecting the festivals history and ethos. She knew the festival needed to remain current to ensure it's longevity whilst not abandoning what makes it so special in so many people's hearts. A tricky balance to navigate, especially with her determination to drive the equal representation agenda in the face of a massively male dominated industry and the inevitable cynicism many people have viewed her with since she's taken over. No other festival can sell out every year without a single artist being announced until months later. So, i'd say she's smashing it to be perfectly honest.
    1 point
  45. Not sure you can draw that comparison. Both technically Soul/RnB but there’s almost no similarity after that. Stevie is all about hooks, catchy tunes and party vibes. SZA to me is very very generic and - to my ears - boring across most tracks. Nothing I’d feel compelled to dance to.
    1 point
  46. News broke today on big Brazilian news outlets and the official Rio di Janeiro Instagram page that Madonna is doing a special free concert there in May. https://oglobo.globo.com/blogs/lauro-jardim/post/2024/03/show-de-madonna-em-copacabana-esta-confirmado-e-deve-ser-o-maior-de-sua-carreira.ghtml (Non translated link) This may just be to close the tour she’s on, but it may be relevant to Glastonbury as it does extend things further than expected, especially if Madonna is open to doing something for a lower fee (free in this case!).
    1 point
  47. Dammit. Out of upvotes again.
    1 point
  48. It was a great panel discussion. Lots of discussion about the recent 'misogyny in music' report which all the panelists said was probably the wrong word to use as it's not about "hatred" of women, more about the safety of female artists and freelancers in the industry. The general consensus was that things are improving but there is much, much more to do. Artists are becoming more vocal/taking more steps and being the change they want to see. Emily spoke about 99% of agents being male and the challenges that has brought over the years. She also said she probably winds a lot of bookers up forcing them the have a more equal representation of female artists on festival lineups over the years. "I can see them glazing over and thinking 'Oh God she's off again!'"
    1 point
  49. Stop reading my stupid questions and concentrate on the q&a!
    1 point
  50. Biffy to me are the new Stereophonics. They won't headline the major festivals (maybe Isle of wight) and Download (with a suitable undercard for them) but don't think they'll be first priority I can see them headlining the medium sized festivals like Y Not etc and they'll still carry on Being a arena sized band.
    1 point
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