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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2023 in Posts

  1. Thank you so much thenewunion! Off to Bordeaux tomorrow and shade much needed!
    7 points
  2. They were pitch black at night, no lights in them. 😬 On Saturday morning some of them were full, peaks of human sh*t visibly rising above the toilet seat level. A couple of squatters missed the bowl too. There was a huge Barry White beside the seat in one of them at the entrance from the camping to the Woods for all of Saturday. Door wide open, a 3 inch high stool. Every toilet had a noticeable permo glisten of blokes piss under and around the seat due to the lack of urinals. Been to 15 odd Glastos, 5 EOTRs and a load of other festivals but this is 2023. Was fine for me. I found the flushing toilets behind the Cider Bus I used once a day for a plopsie and made the extra effort to walk to one of the two urinals. but for women, sitting down in them maybe 7, 8, 9, 10 times a day, urgh. Talked to a load of people over the weekend who were avoiding drinking at night (water and booze) so they didn't have to use them after dark. 15,000 people. 10k blokes maybe? Two small urinals. Two! And thats even not to mention people with mobility issues etc. A bizarre misstep from the festival.
    4 points
  3. Indeed not, typed at the end of an over indulging fantastic festival with the foggy headed blues! I've been on-board with Future Islands for a long time and enjoyed watching their progress. I totally agree with the 'Loud and Quiet' review X'd by #EOTR: "The key to that lies in the irresistible magnetism of Samuel T Herring, who surely must be the most captivating frontman currently operating" The atmosphere down at the front was absolutely incredible. One person's trash is another person's treasure. The beauty of the #EOTR festival can be seen on this forum page. So many people at the same event enjoying such a wide range of totally different fantastic music.
    4 points
  4. Superlative weekend as ever. The good - and this is worth stressing in light of the stick they got for it: the line-up. I was in the same boat as many others when it was first announced, in thinking that there was less than usual that I knew towards the top of the bill. But what we got when it came to it was the best, most interesting and most diverse line-up we've had in the ten years I've been going. It was tremendous, so many great acts in genres I don't listen to at home and that I'd never have discovered otherwise, so much of it international. Also worth reminding ourselves that they've added more stages since covid to increase the range further - as far as I know they were under no kind of pressure to do that and could instead have put that money higher up the bill to make more headlines. Can't give them enough credit for being willing (and evidently able) to do it that way despite the criticism and the commercial risk. Anyone who cares about music and musical diversity should be lauding them for that line-up regardless of how well it suited their own tastes. It'd be a real shame if they gave in to the naysayers and went back on it. I don't think they will. Bad and ugly: nothing worth mentioning.
    3 points
  5. Tickets in the bag Now just need to get me some cargo shorts. New rule - you should post a picture of your own sartorial excellence before you criticize others.
    2 points
  6. I posted a congratulatory comment about this year's event to Simon on Instagram and also asked him to listen to people's comments about the loos. He responded that he would.
    2 points
  7. Theres a few massive over reactions here, if they are even serious posts its a festival yes to more urinals but beyond that they were honestly not that bad
    2 points
  8. Express Out of likes for today, been too much good music listed, well done all @dondo, @grumpyhack and @oneeye
    1 point
  9. Saw them in 2017, at Primavera, was ok. At Cala Mijas was a Blast. f**king amazing
    1 point
  10. Depends what music you like. Truck is at the start of the school holidays so could be an option although it's pretty indie heavy. Kite festival in Oxford has an eclectic line up and lots of talk stuff if that's your thing. 2000 Trees? We Out Here is the weekend before Green Man in August so may not be early enough but it's one that I have heard a lot of good things about.
    1 point
  11. After Hot Wax? Personal Trainer. Seem like a great set of lads and I really enjoyed them. Twice.
    1 point
  12. https://www.nationalgrid.com/stories/energy-explained/onshore-vs-offshore-wind-energy
    1 point
  13. Not meaning to mislead, the vans are visible on the left. And I understand the thing about the power lines, but even accounting for that there was a huge amount of available space.
    1 point
  14. You should hang out in a university town. It is like a normal business with buisness cards, uber type deliveries and all sorts. <boggles>
    1 point
  15. As much as I am a fan of James, Ash and Suede, they are not acts that fit the EOTR template. There are places for those bands all over the summer festival season, and none of those places are EOTR. You've also got to factor in that the line-up is very much curated by Simon. You can almost trace his evolving taste in music over EOTR's lifespan, and you will often get acts given a leg-up to headliner status because he think's they're worthy of it, not necessarily because they have sold the most records. Finally, I know for a fact, from speaking to someone involved with the festival, that they don't want to book acts with a "following" so to speak. The Mac Demarco year saw a very different demographic descend on the festival who were there purely for him. So the likes of boygenius/Phoebe Bridgers, probably even Mitski now, wouldn't necessarily be booked because of that regardless of cost. So I often wonder if Nick Cave would be out for a similar sort of reason. A different set of fans, but certainly a very specific set of fans. (again, ignoring the logistics of cost, etc.) The talk of The National being "too big" because they've sold out two nights at Ally Pally...haven't Future Islands just done the very same thing?
    1 point
  16. you've been on this train a few years now ... got to happen someday
    1 point
  17. one use of the Glastonbury bags
    1 point
  18. Wut? Not sure if trolling! Seriously? You haven't scored any EOTR house points until some other middle-aged bloke compliments you on your obscure 90s indie t-shirt, after which you engage in a bit of chat and maybe exchange contact details to engage in nerdery over said band. 'Twas ever thus: "Kitchens of Distinction? Great band. Did you see them at Spunkbridge Poly in November '91? Absolutely amazing, sonic cathedral. Is that t-shirt original or a reissue?"
    1 point
  19. The Good Scott Lavene (amazing - and I met him for a chat wandering around too, lovely chap) The Last Dinner Party, Brigitte Calls Me Baby, Friendship, Royel Otis, Say She She, Daniel Norgren, Angel Olsen, CVC, Wet Leg, Future Islands and Caitlin Rose were my musical highlights. We take our 8yo son, and whilst he likes EOTR, a bit of alt country sometimes isn't his thing, so I had to miss a few sets to keep him entertained, but saw enough to keep me happy considering that a week prior we were thinking of ditching our tickets for the first time since 2008. Glad we stuck with it. The weather was great after an iffy start, always helps. The people. We go with a massive group of mates from all over the UK, so it's good to see each other in one place once a year. Just hanging out at Larmer Tree is a really nice thing to do. Likewise most attendees seem pretty nice, chilled out people, there remains a very low dickhead quotient, long may that continue. The campervan field. Really well organised compared to other festivals. (we don't bother with showers, but I know there were some queues/water supply issues). The food and beer offerings. We're spoilt compared to the fare offered up at the more corporate festivals. The volunteers and staff. They're all great in my view. Love having a chat with people as we wander around. The Bad The Mary Wallopers. Only stayed for two songs, they just came across as a terrible Oirish tribute act who said f**k a lot. My wife is Irish and is a bit tired of that kind of Sweary Mary stereotype, it just seemed a bit try-hard to sound edgy. They don't. Bunch of eejits. We had great hopes for Caroline but their set was self-indulgent to say the least, they started with a near full Garden and ended with about 1/3 of the people. The Ugly I've got to join in with a lot of other people - the lack of urinals, see separate toilet thread. We had a look behind the workings of the composting toilets, each composting container (effectively a glorified wheelie bin) had a drain hose running out of it to collect urine, so it's not as if they are gaining much by NOT having urinals - that liquid still has to be tankered off somewhere, but better it be via a urinal than having blokes piss all over the seat that someone has then got to use after them. We all mourn how great Andy Loos were and know they are not coming back, but these composters just seemed a cheap, poorly designed ineffective replacement masquerading as a green alternative. Nobody is fooled by that. I really hope that EOTR listen to the critical feedback.
    1 point
  20. Me too. My lad did loads of bands and the raves. Was in the Arena at 12 all three days.
    1 point
  21. The one from Shrek is huge.
    1 point
  22. Just give us more urinals (one beside every composter), clean the composters a bit and put some lights in. Sorted.
    1 point
  23. Delight Probably my favourite band, keep the faith
    1 point
  24. 100% ! I clocked Hawley too. Good to see them supporting newer artists as fans.
    1 point
  25. i think a lot of people are in for a shock as e head to net zero - and a pollution free world
    1 point
  26. To be fair it's a relatively simple fix, more urinals for the blokes and some dedicated, female only loo's
    1 point
  27. Not a cargo shots person myself, but surely it's more important that people wear whatever they feel comfortable in?
    1 point
  28. Rise Great gig in underworld a few years back, hopefully get to see them again this year. I do wish festivals would let a bit more goth onto the stages!
    1 point
  29. I reckon this might be the year we get Peej. Currently active, some small scale gigs this month, then can easily see her doing the festival circuit next summer, with EOTR tacked on the end as a home fixture.
    1 point
  30. PLEASURE A great fun band I've just booked tickets to see next year.
    1 point
  31. bit optimistic in here i think
    1 point
  32. So far on this thread people have discussed: A) Big Tent returns, in place of MSW, a la the old pre-covid setup B) Ditching the 1xtra stage and bringing back a somewhat smaller scale version of the Big Tent - but still offering 3 extra ‘headliners’ of household name status that clash with MSE C) Simple rebrand of stages - no logistical changes whatsoever D) Return of the Lock Up / Pit … okay nobody mentioned the lock up but I think it should come back anyway
    1 point
  33. This is the best post I've ever read on this site. And I've read the Twix story at least twice. Please elaborate on the 'one small, very plain, non-fibrous meal' I'm dying to know more.
    1 point
  34. Really good couple of days the sound was definitely rubbish Friday! Saturday might have been one of my favourite days at a festival this year! Loved it from start to finish, ended the night next to nick banks and Richard Hawley, didn’t quite click who they were till it was slightly too late. I was talking to nick banks thinking ‘I know you but where from’ 😂 wish I’d asked him if pulp are playing Glastonbury next year 😂
    1 point
  35. This 👇 Though I realised last week 2021 confirmation was 30th August, not 25th.* * @kalifire! Job broke out.
    1 point
  36. I think that would quite a small percentage 5% or less. I’m Welsh but don’t speak Welsh and the majority of accents I heard were either English, Cardiff, Newport or Valleys. I did keep bumping into Huw Stephens and his kids and last year was chatting with Stephen Jones the ex-Wales outside half on a similar subject. So there’s a few Welsh speakers.
    1 point
  37. I’m definitely nervous about it but not to my usual high levels. I think because boomtown was so good this year it’s great to have a viable alternative which I enjoy almost as much as glasto and I’m considering doing one abroad next year that being said glasto still is and always will be my number 1
    1 point
  38. I'm definitely down for volunteering in 2024 if I don't get tickets. My friends did it this year and enjoyed it. Of course they would rather have an ordinary ticket so we will try that first, but if not I'm definitely going for a volunteering space and would be really excited to see that side of the festival too! 🙌🏼
    1 point
  39. Love seeing them and the work that goes into making and lighting/decorating them. And they seem to be incredibly comfortable!
    1 point
  40. You would have access to all of the crew bars with your Glasto accreditation and I think you can arrive early with Festaff too. My only issue with Festaff is that it's a private company and your work hours are making the directors richer - there's no charitable element to it, which is important for me when I give my time.
    1 point
  41. these young people with their knob twiddling
    1 point
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