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Mich1268 last won the day on September 5 2023

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  1. Like it or not Robbie or a full crew take that would be ridiculously massive. I reckon really really massive crowd. Especially if all of them.
  2. Good work Crazy. Great performance. Top notch. Respect.
  3. Absolutely loved Nothing But Theives. Just watching it back to check I wasn't just too tipsy. My god I love them. Nailed it for me
  4. This was bloody brilliant. Up there with Idles
  5. Mich1268


    Yeah I was at the top above tree. Not as busy as Elton. About same as paul
  6. Sorry, quick question . Having a debate with my 1st time friend. The inn gets built every year doesn't it?
  7. Leak testing time (don't worry. Have spares!)
  8. Yeah, respect the weather gods. I'm packing for snow forecast. And also heatwave. Sensible
  9. This is a must do. Hoping not to get suspended this time though
  10. Mich1268


    Far too knowledgeable for my liking. 😆
  11. Mich1268


    Sorry, but I am still trying to work out why the other stage is so tall. I mean, it's a fair point
  12. High green. Out of hours went live at 12pm today....breath
  13. Thanks everyone. I think it is going to be crazy that night
  14. I absolutely love Romy. She finishes at 9 woodsies. Justice at 10. I absolutely love Justice. What are my chances of making both? Fear people will be frontloading Justice early on.
  15. I like colour and joy. Don't care if my pub closes at 11. No firm opinion on fireworks. No idea what you are talking about with joyless England support. The minority of flag holders ruin the view for many. I assume you take a flag and also assume you won't admit to it now. Either way take it down when a band plays so the other 60000 can see the gig.
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