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When will this shit end?


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I still use the app (contact tracing and check-in) and intend to carry on doing so, but that's mainly because of the immunocompromised people in my life and wanting to do everything I can to avoid giving it to them (as well as doing LFTs before meeting them). But I've got to say it does seem a bit ridiculous to keep up the whole test and trace project when the government strategy is basically to let it rip and trust the vaccines. As @DeanoL has said, it only really makes sense to do contact tracing when trying to reduce the spread.

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Even though guilty of this myself, it's a bit odd that they allow you to turn off contact tracing through the app isn't it?

Surely it should really be a case of if you've got the app it's on no matter what etc.

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2 minutes ago, JoeyT said:

Even though guilty of this myself, it's a bit odd that they allow you to turn off contact tracing through the app isn't it?

Surely it should really be a case of if you've got the app it's on no matter what etc.

No - Firstly because there's multiple legitimate reasons as to why you'd turn contact tracing off (which are even stated in the app). Secondly because even if the App itself didn't allow you to, the phone Settings app (on Android at least) does allow you to and even if it didn't simply turning off Bluetooth on the phone has the same net effect.

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1 hour ago, topmarksbri said:

Right but this greatly impacts the individual not going out - having to wear a mask on public transport isn't the same as asking people not to leave the house. I'm really not sure what the big drama is about wearing a mask in certain situations?

Got a source for this?

Nhs. Being i work in it and have been be9ng briefed since last march

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25 minutes ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

I still use the app (contact tracing and check-in) and intend to carry on doing so, but that's mainly because of the immunocompromised people in my life and wanting to do everything I can to avoid giving it to them (as well as doing LFTs before meeting them). But I've got to say it does seem a bit ridiculous to keep up the whole test and trace project when the government strategy is basically to let it rip and trust the vaccines. As @DeanoL has said, it only really makes sense to do contact tracing when trying to reduce the spread.

This is where I am with it as well, it does seem odd to keep it going but I’ll still keep the app on etc I realise I’m fortunate that if I get pinged I can still work at home though and not everyone has that ability. 

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2 minutes ago, topmarksbri said:

Sorry man, but I don't think taking your word for it is a reliable source. If you have anything that we can read about it then different matter. 

Absolutely no worries. 

The 5percent is my guess work to make clear on people not touching ,removing ,putting in  pockets, keeping on all day etc. 

Ill have a root around my work emails and see what i can find although boringly a lot of it was done with a teaching session as required. Up there with a what order to take gloves, aprons etc off without contaminating stuff. 

A particular highlight was having marines tell us about new masks (the top end stuff) and having to lose my stubble.

Whilst on that subject- wearing gloves is almost totally pointless in public too due to the way people wear them. 

And i ageee , wearing masks in certain situations - public transport etc totally realistic.

In pubs and clubs - very much a grey area. Its been wearing them just to visit the loo etc for 6 weeks. I cant see losing that bit will make much difference tbh.


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Not my trust but generic nhs advice. 

Bin mask after removal or touching the inside. That isnt happening in the real world.

 There's other bits in there. Im trying to find about the 45 minutes effectiveness. Obviously this link says no hard and fast rules but we have been told differently repeatedly. 

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6 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

But that is fundamentally not true unless you believe masks stop all transmission ?

Just because something doesn't completely stop something doesn't mean it doesn't help, it's not binary. 

7 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Why are you putting masks higher than the vaccine would be my question

I'm not? I think everyone who can should get the vaccine. Again, what's the drama with wearing a mask in enclosed public spaces for the time being while cases are rising so quickly? Masks are for the vast vast majority at most a minor inconvenience. 

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1 minute ago, danmarks said:




Not my trust but generic nhs advice. 

Bin mask after removal or touching the inside. That isnt happening in the real world.

 There's other bits in there. Im trying to find about the 45 minutes effectiveness. Obviously this link says no hard and fast rules but we have been told differently repeatedly. 

Appreciate it. Some mask wearing is still better than none at all even if it's not done perfectly though right? Touching this also interesting, I was under the impression that fomite transmission is basically nonexistent. 

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1 minute ago, topmarksbri said:

Appreciate it. Some mask wearing is still better than none at all even if it's not done perfectly though right? Touching this also interesting, I was under the impression that fomite transmission is basically nonexistent. 

Yep course it is. 

But i worry that battle lines will be drawn over things that actually dont make that much difference. Not on about public transport and stuff. For the time being totally valid view but the general in public bit. We have all come so far it is just a shame to have these drawing lines in the sand opposing views. As someone said earlier in this thread - we mostly all want the same thing- just may take a slightly different path to get there. 

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36 minutes ago, danmarks said:

Nhs. Being i work in it and have been be9ng briefed since last march

I just wanna say thanks for all your hard work through the pandemic, I can only imagine how tough things must have been at times. 

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Ah thanks mate but theres millions of us have been doing our bit. 

Any one who has worked through this or has taken guidance have done our bit and mostly no one should be singled out.

Obviously some massive self sacrifices have been made by very caring and generous people but most of us vaguely muddled through and kept hoping it was gonna pan out ok. 

That's why i was hoping for a stop and collective breath  and a bloody hell that was a close call kind of thing

 Lets all try and get it together with allowing others to do the same. 

Unfortunately it seems the human race is bollox at the love in bit except on a 1 to 1 kind of way.

Always hope for the future though!.

I hope your anxiety is starting to ease a bit too.

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Ok cant get the link to work but there is a very exciting 6 page document online pdf format. Duration of wearing of face coverings.

All the details are in that. 

Bloody hell this feels almost civilised. Good stuff 👏

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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Just thinking about supermarkets and shops...

If some decide to continue to requests masks and others don't...  Going to be interesting to see people voting with their feet - in either direction.

I would 100% avoid the ones asking for it - and stick online if it remains the norm.

People were outraged in my area when mask wearing and queuing outside were first introduced last year because they'd be slightly inconvenienced on the weekly food shop, a few posts in the local Facebook group, probably like most places. Ultimately people kept shopping at the local Morrisons instead of driving 20 minutes to the next closest supermarket. Suspect it'll be a bit different this time round though as you say

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This will be interesting to see how it will be enforced, I know quite a few airlines have already stated mask wearing is staying and I guess much easier to enforce.....

Personally I see a U-turn from Gov on Monday about use in public transport as we know they like to gauge public opinion 1st and so far there has been a leaning acceptance towards mask wearing in public transport settings


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1 minute ago, shoptildrop said:

This will be interesting to see how it will be enforced, I know quite a few airlines have already stated mask wearing is staying and I guess much easier to enforce.....

Personally I see a U-turn from Gov on Monday about use in public transport as we know they like to gauge public opinion 1st and so far there has been a leaning acceptance towards mask wearing in public transport settings


Sadiq will almost definitely mandate it in London I reckon

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5 minutes ago, zahidf said:

Sadiq will almost definitely mandate it in London I reckon

I think it will be the same for here in Greater Manchester too give our case rates at the moment, most people (barr the anti-maskers) seem to be okay to keep wearing them in public transport settings if they can be removed elsewhere.. 

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in other news you might survive covid but our transport secretary is going to increase the number of knackered HGV drivers on our roads.... H&S out the window Jesus!! (saying that I'm not sure transport company unions will allow this tbh)


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