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When will this shit end?


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7 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I think some NHS workers might disagree with some of that...

For reference some of the things which have been handled less ideally than needed. Lack of PPE, wrong shipments of PPE ordered, care homes/release sick patients back into care homes, effective test & trace inc an app, lack of any real plan to get kids back in schools to name but a few. The government had 2 reports indicating a pandemic is the biggest risk facing this country, they also had time from other countries that were suffering but Boris decided to go on holiday and when back gave off completely the wrong message by saying he was shaking hands with COVID patients.

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2 hours ago, Matt42 said:

Nah. Eventually it will mutate into a less dangerous strain. How long that will take though is anyone’s guess. It’s what happened with the Spanish flu.

It could mutate into a deadlier strain, or a milder one, or not. There's no way to predict that.

Spanish flu likely had a severe mutation prior to the second wave.

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

For reference some of the things which have been handled less ideally than needed. Lack of PPE, wrong shipments of PPE ordered, care homes/release sick patients back into care homes, effective test & trace inc an app, lack of any real plan to get kids back in schools to name but a few. The government had 2 reports indicating a pandemic is the biggest risk facing this country, they also had time from other countries that were suffering but Boris decided to go on holiday and when back gave off completely the wrong message by saying he was shaking hands with COVID patients.

The pandemic being the biggest risk facing the country thing is not really relevant. The country carries out a risk assessment every year, every year it would’ve concluded a pandemic would be the biggest risk we faced. The same would’ve happened in every other country and like every other country we ignored it, because although it would be the biggest risk any country could face, it hadn’t really happened for 100 years.

The conversation back and forth between Deano and is more about the effectiveness of lockdown rather than issues regarding PPE.

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7 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

The pandemic being the biggest risk facing the country thing is not really relevant. The country carries out a risk assessment every year, every year it would’ve concluded a pandemic would be the biggest risk we faced. The same would’ve happened in every other country and like every other country we ignored it, because although it would be the biggest risk any country could face, it hadn’t really happened for 100 years.

The conversation back and forth between Deano and is more about the effectiveness of lockdown rather than issues regarding PPE.

It’s completely relevant to the topic of lockdown/the virus. If you have several reviews stating an area is your number 1 risk then the sensible thing to do is prepare for it. Not ignore the findings and cut your stockpiles. Otherwise there’s no point listing it as a threat. No one has launched a A bomb in a century nearly but we still prepare for that. 

I know what your conversation is about thanks, it doesn’t mean I can’t add my thoughts. It’s funny you comment on the effectiveness of lockdown as you’ve recently said you’ve breached government guidelines in pubs yourself. Maybe you should stick to the guidelines before you comment on their effectiveness in the future. 

Edited by Ozanne
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7 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

It’s completely relevant to the topic of lockdown/the virus. If you have several reviews stating an area is your number 1 risk then the sensible thing to do is prepare for it. Not ignore the findings and cut your stockpiles. Otherwise there’s no point listing it as a threat. No one has launched a A bomb in a century nearly but we still prepare for that. 

I know what your conversation is about thanks, it doesn’t mean I can’t add my thoughts. It’s funny you comment on the effectiveness of lockdown as you’ve recently said you’ve breached government guidelines in pubs yourself. Maybe you should stick to the guidelines before you comment on their effectiveness in the future. 

In recent years we’ve had SARS, MERS, swine flu, not to mention Zika, Aids and Ebola.

A pandemic is, was and always will be the biggest risk any country will face and every year every country will have reports that tell them that. Pretty much every government will ignore them because the last global one was 100 years ago and the chances of one actually happening while they’re in charge is minimal.

In hindsight of course they should’ve listened to the report, but like every other government in every other country in every other year they ignored it.

Edited by Deaf Nobby Burton
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3 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

In recent years we’ve had SARS, MERS, swine flu, not to mention Zika, Aids and Ebola.

A pandemic is, was and always will be the biggest risk any country will face and every year every country will have reports that tell them that. Pretty much every government will ignore them because the last global one was 100 years ago and the chances of one actually happening while they’re in charge is minimal.

In hindsight of course they should’ve listened to the report, but like every other government in every other country in every other year they ignored it.

I'm sure i remember WHO warning us back in Jan/Feb, and then plenty of warnings coming out of Italy and then Spain in early March...and the govt advice was wash your hands....and then it was too late. They fucked it up and a lot of people lost lives because of it.

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Just now, steviewevie said:

I'm sure i remember WHO warning us back in Jan/Feb, and then plenty of warnings coming out of Italy and then Spain in early March...and the govt advice was wash your hands....and then it was too late. They fucked it up and a lot of people lost lives because of it.

See the video above - we were way behind the curve on this for reasons that are very unclear beyond general incompetence.

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1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

I'm sure i remember WHO warning us back in Jan/Feb, and then plenty of warnings coming out of Italy and then Spain in early March...and the govt advice was wash your hands....and then it was too late. They fucked it up and a lot of people lost lives because of it.

The WHO only told us HTH transmission was possible at the end of Jan when the virus has been found to have been in Europe since December. They’re as complicit in this disaster as anyone.

Edited by Deaf Nobby Burton
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1 minute ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

In recent years we’ve had SARS, MERS, swine flu, not to mention Zika, Aids and Ebola.

A pandemic is, was and always will be the biggest risk any country will face and every year every country will have reports that tell them that. Pretty much every government will ignore them because the last global one was 100 years ago and the chances of one actually happening while they’re in charge is minimal.

In hindsight of course they should’ve listened to the report, but like every other government in every other country in every other year they ignored it.

You’ve contradicted yourself there. You initially said we haven’t had anything for 100 years and then you listed diseases we have faced. We let them off because we haven’t had a disease outbreak for 100 years or we have had outbreaks and still not acted. What is it? 

As I’ve said to you before every government should be held accountable for ignoring their own advice on the biggest risk facing them. I focus on the U.K. government because I live in the U.K. Just because the majority of governments ignored it doesn’t mean I should excuse my government for doing so. You might be happy to do so and be happy to ignore 40k plus deaths but I frankly am not and will continue to hold them to account. Just like you ignored government guidelines on pubs. 

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

You’ve contradicted yourself there. You initially said we haven’t had anything for 100 years and then you listed diseases we have faced. We let them off because we haven’t had a disease outbreak for 100 years or we have had outbreaks and still not acted. What is it? 

As I’ve said to you before every government should be held accountable for ignoring their own advice on the biggest risk facing them. I focus on the U.K. government because I live in the U.K. Just because the majority of governments ignored it doesn’t mean I should excuse my government for doing so. You might be happy to do so and be happy to ignore 40k plus deaths but I frankly am not and will continue to hold them to account. Just like you ignored government guidelines on pubs. 

Key word - Global.

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1 minute ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

Key word - Global.

You must have missed that keyword from your initial post where you referenced 100 years ago. 

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Just now, steviewevie said:

and yet we still didn't bother

Typical British exceptionalism, we didn’t do anything wrong but that other organisation did.  

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16 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

You must have missed that keyword from your initial post where you referenced 100 years ago. 

You’ve misunderstood the point of listing those viruses, their very existence means every country every year would’ve had a report on their desk saying a global pandemic is the biggest risk they’ll face for probably the last 20-30 years in a row.

hindsight is 20/20 and it’s great you’d would’ve had the foresight to listen to the report.

Edited by Deaf Nobby Burton
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More factory outbreaks:

Third bed factory in Covid-19 outbreak

BBCCopyright: BBC

A bed factory has seen eight workers test positive for coronavirus - the third in a series of outbreaks at similar sites in West Yorkshire.

Highgrove Beds in Liversedge ceased production as a safety precaution with all staff being offered tests.

The outbreak follows cases at Deep Sleep Beds in Ossett and Dura Beds in Batley over the past month.

There have also been cases of coronavirus reported at two meat factories in West Yorkshire.

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28 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I'm sure i remember WHO warning us back in Jan/Feb, and then plenty of warnings coming out of Italy and then Spain in early March...and the govt advice was wash your hands....and then it was too late. They fucked it up and a lot of people lost lives because of it.

Come on, that’s unfair... They did tell us to sing Happy Birthday while washing our hands.

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30 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

The WHO only told us HTH transmission was possible at the end of Jan when the virus has been found to have been in Europe since December. They’re as complicit in this disaster as anyone.

Now I know you are joking, or you are not fully cognisant of just what the WHO is and how it operates.

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1 hour ago, DeanoL said:


It was work from home unless you can't and it's "essential". 

The word "essential" was never legally defined, though it was made clear it didn't just mean "key workers". It was left up to individual companies what was considered "essential".

Let me put it another way. 

In the past three months, who here has bought anything online and had it delivered. Other than essentials?

Where do you think those things came from? 

Who picked and packed them?

Who do you think delivered them?

Key workers?!


24th March - Day after lockdown announced.

Matt Hancock: a "national effort"

Health Secretary Matt Hancock told MPs that people should only be leaving their houses for four reasons:

  • to buy food
  • to exercise once a day alone or with members of the same household
  • because of a medical need or to provide care for a vulnerable person
  • to travel to or from work that cannot be done from home. For work that cannot be done at home, Mr Hancock recommended a 2 metre gap between employees.
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10 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

You’ve misunderstood the point of listing those viruses, their very existence means every country every year would’ve had a report on their desk saying a global pandemic is the biggest risk they’ll face for probably the last 20-30 years in a row.

hindsight is 20/20 and it’s great you’d would’ve had the foresight to listen to the report.

It’s gross negligence that they ignore those reports then, even more so if we have actually had outbreaks around the world. They might as well not have those reports if they aren’t going to act on them. 
Yes hindsight is wonderful but these people are in charge of a country it is their job to protect us from potential risks, they chose not to act on those because they wanted to save money and thought they could get away with it.

Even without all of those reports they had the benefit of time, warnings from other countries and the WHO in Jan but they didn’t act. No matter how you try to justify it they have handled this badly.

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