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Arcade Fire

Zoo Music Girl

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I thought they were a lot better than 2007- the crowd were a bit flat, and the set seemed to be missing a bit of genuineness or heart or something, but I guess that's just been Arcade Fire the last few years.

However I'm not sure what to make of it yet, as I was stood by the soundstage, and the stewards dragged someone in who had collapsed- he was absolutely none responsive, and they had to do chest compressions. I hate that kind of stuff because I get very distressed (even when I see ambulances driving out to the stone circle at night, I find it upsetting) so it was tough trying to block it out of my awareness and try to focus on the music, but at the same time not being able to.

They ended up putting him in the recovery position, so I guess that means he was breathing, but he was still completely none responsive despite their best attempts. I hope he's okay. To make the whole situation even more surreal, this was all going on during 'Wake Up' of all songs, and when they started blasting out the confetti, it started burying the poor man and the first aid people who were trying to revive him.

Did anyone find out what happened to him? I'm glad he didn't die, as I think the only death was at the stone circle (which is also very sad).

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yep, it was fantastic. got right down front in the inner circle despite turning up after strolling from the Park. they nailed it. perfect setlist as well. went so mental when they started Keep The Car Running

I was the same about Keep the Car Running, got really excited when they put Win's mandolin out on stage before they started as I knew we'd be getting it then.

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Just seen a bit if Arcade fire on youtube. Either I was hammered or the TV lies to me.

I thought they were great... Tv says otherwise

I hate it when that happens! Personally, I think bbc's sound mixes for tv is usually awful when it comes to glastonbury coverage- it's happened too many times over the years to be just me deluding myself!

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I was absolutely devastated to be given a shift on Friday night, but managed to switch it at the last hour, cue elation! Got there for the last fifteen minutes of Elbow, managed to make my way to about 10 rows back, just slightly to the left. Probably third out of the seven times of seen them in terms of enjoyment. Thought the bass was a bit loud and the crowd could have been a bit more energetic, but the band were brilliant.

Watched it back just now and didn’t think they sounded that great, so I dunno about that. Overall they still came across well on the footage, just the sound lacked something, but I was really glad to see how many non-fans enjoyed it.

Hmmm…I absolutely adore Arcade Fire, but was pretty underwhelmed on Friday…They sounded great, but it's contrived. Exactly the same setlist that they have been practising ad nauseum (basically Primavera with the extra songs removed due to the reduction in stage times across the site, so no Laika or Rococo). Win needs to stop pandering to Regine and get rid of Haiti, it's weak, and she was dreadful on Friday during Sprawl II (which also needs to go)…completely out of tune (and she usually sounds better when you are there, but she really was bad this time). Far better setlist in Dublin last night (b*stards play Crown of Love when I'm not there!…and in my home town and all, feels like they did it deliberately xD )…anyway, I just expected them to mix it up a bit but they didn't, they phoned it in (technically very well, I might add, but it was sterile). Coldplay decided to do Arcade Fire by numbers on Viva la Vida, because the crowds at Arcade Fire gigs sang the house down, but the crowd were barely involved on Friday (futile attempts to keep the crowd singing Wake Up as they left were laughable compared to when I saw them in 2005 and they came on to the ringing chorus of Wake Up before they had even played a note…sh*t, James Hetfield had the entire crowd singing Unforgiven the next night))...anyway, I was just disappointed, and it's not a "they were brilliant when they first started" type thing, The next best gig (after 2005) I've ever seen them play was on the Suburbs tour, so I know they have it in them...

Why not just say you don’t like Haiti, instead of making up a load of bollocks about "Win pandering to Regine”? I hardly think that’s the case, as it’s amongst my favourite few Arcade Fire songs (Sprawl II is up there, too) and I’m probably not the only one. How did they phone it in? I mean fair enough that you didn’t enjoy it, out of tune etc, whatever, but they’ve always played similar setlists repeatedly, they gave it there all and clearly loved every minute.

Regine is by far and away my favourite member and a big reason why I love the live shows so much. I often just watch her, mesmerised.

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Why not just say you don’t like Haiti, instead of making up a load of bollocks about "Win pandering to Regine”? I hardly think that’s the case, as it’s amongst my favourite few Arcade Fire songs (Sprawl II is up there, too) and I’m probably not the only one. How did they phone it in? I mean fair enough that you didn’t enjoy it, out of tune etc, whatever, but they’ve always played similar setlists repeatedly, they gave it there all and clearly loved every minute.

Regine is by far and away my favourite member and a big reason why I love the live shows so much. I often just watch her, mesmerised.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. really didn't feel much from the band. Technically excellent, but compared to the livewire performances I've seen from them before it just wasn't there (they reduced me to tears in 2005). You're right, I don't like Haiti, or Sprawl II (love in the backseat though if we are picking on Regine songs), but singing completely out of tune does ruin in for me. Maybe I just prefer them in smaller venues? I did enjoy them at Primavera, but that was the first time I'd seen this set in this order, and every note was the same this time…no spontaneity, no chance that something different might happen to mark the gig in some way, just exactly what I'd seen a month ago on a different stage. That's what I mean by phoning it in.

Edit: Maybe i'm being a bit harsh, to be honest, if it was my first time seeing this set, on the Pyramid at Glasto, it would probably have been quite special...I'm just being greedy by wanting to see something different every time i see them is all.

Edited by Toilet Duck
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Fair enough. But I don’t think that’s phoning it in. They’re all similar shows, but just because it might lose it’s effectiveness after seeing it multiple times doesn’t mean they’re not making an effort. They’ve done a lot to make the arena shows a lot more special than they usually are in that kind of venue. In comparison I found The Suburbs tour pretty sterile and distant, they seem to care a lot more about everything now that they did then (not to say I didn’t love it all at the time).

They’re a lot older than they were in 2005, too, and they’re headlining the biggest festival in the world, it’s a lot more difficult to be spontaneous.

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Took my uncle (who knew none of their songs at the beginning of the year when we bought the tickets) to see Arcade Fire in Dublin on sunday and he commented that he could see the band, in ten years time, reaching their utmost peak whereby their sets are packed jam full of hits that no one can deny are instant classics. I thought this was pretty interesting as I sort of agree as there are 'classics' on each of the four albums but the sets are always filled with some weaker songs that do drag a little bit I find (and that's coming from a big fan here).

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Toilet Duck, I just read my first post back and it comes across as more hostile than I intended, which I have a habit of doing on here. I always sound like I’m really pissed off. Apologies.

Took my uncle (who knew none of their songs at the beginning of the year when we bought the tickets) to see Arcade Fire in Dublin on sunday and he commented that he could see the band, in ten years time, reaching their utmost peak whereby their sets are packed jam full of hits that no one can deny are instant classics. I thought this was pretty interesting as I sort of agree as there are 'classics' on each of the four albums but the sets are always filled with some weaker songs that do drag a little bit I find (and that's coming from a big fan here).

I agree to an extent, but they could do that now if they wanted to, in my opinion. There are songs from Reflektor that aren’t amongst my favourites, but I like the fact that they always go strong with the album they’re touring in terms of setlists, rather than reeling out the ‘classics’ they’ve been playing for years.

Interesting that someone who’s not a big fan mentioned that We Exist was a highlight as that’s probably my least favourite of the songs played (although, having said that, Friday was probably my favourite performance of it).

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Toilet Duck, I just read my first post back and it comes across as more hostile than I intended, which I have a habit of doing on here. I always sound like I’m really pissed off. Apologies.

No worries! :) T'would be a terribly boring place if nobody actually cared or was passionate about the bands they love!

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I was disappointed with them. I wasn't sure what to expect, I don't rate the new album but I like a lot of their stuff. However, I don't think they're a headline band. I was hoping they would change my mind about that, but they didn't. Some great moments, but all together it felt a bit samey and I found myself getting bored at times. From where I was stood, the crowd seemed to thin out quite a bit during the last third. Still, good to hear No Cars Go, Wake Up etc live. Think it would have worked better having them 2nd top with a shorter set.

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Average... Really?

One of my favourite Glastonbury moments.

Yup. I persuaded my group to go see them on the basis that they're better live than on record and I spent the rest of the weekend feeling pretty sheepish. The stuff from Funeral was good and the stuff from Reflektor, er, wasn't.

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