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Volunteering 2024


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1 minute ago, Festival Sounds Podcast said:

How would you feel if you missed out in the resale and you had turned down this guaranteed place?

I’d take the sure thing

Tears would be involved...

As I'm sure is the case for many on here, not going is not an option for me.  For some reason I'm fairly confident I would be able to bag an Oxfam place before the festival even if unsuccessful in the resale.  Massive gamble though so veering towards just accepting the place as its the only one that's actually real at the moment.

Having been a few times (14 with 1 x oxfam stewarding) thinking it would be interesting to do bar work inside the fence for the different perspective.  Also travelling light and coaching it could be a new challenge.  Would miss my cool box in the car though.  Someone said they sell cheapish booze at the avalon camp which would help.   Would then just take a bit of boxed cider and spirits.

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If anyone on here does get an offer from WaterAid (non-campaigner), could they please hint at the standard of their credentials ?
Cos it's starting to look as if Loo Crew is becoming tougher to qualify for than Law School !?!

Might give some indication whether it's worth applying to them next year.

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1 hour ago, rebus said:

Tears would be involved...

As I'm sure is the case for many on here, not going is not an option for me.  For some reason I'm fairly confident I would be able to bag an Oxfam place before the festival even if unsuccessful in the resale.  Massive gamble though so veering towards just accepting the place as its the only one that's actually real at the moment.

Having been a few times (14 with 1 x oxfam stewarding) thinking it would be interesting to do bar work inside the fence for the different perspective.  Also travelling light and coaching it could be a new challenge.  Would miss my cool box in the car though.  Someone said they sell cheapish booze at the avalon camp which would help.   Would then just take a bit of boxed cider and spirits.

I waited until after the resale to look into volunteering last year. After I didn't get a resale ticket I found it really hard and stressful to get a spot and I really wished i'd sorted it out before. Long story short, take the Avalon spot. If you're lucky enough to not need it it's a bonus.

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2 hours ago, Festival Sounds Podcast said:

All pedestrian gates I’ve stewarded have gate managers, dealt with plenty of them over the years. Pretty friendly bunch overall and a useful escalation point when you are supervising.

I've worked with rubbish stewards and supervisors, rubbish security and rubbish festaff at times, but only ever had good experiences with the gate managers. Friendly, approachable, know everything there is to know about running a Glastonbury gate and usually absolutely recognise the fact that we're volunteers (not always the case at some festivals). 

They are also usually an excellent source of gossip, so if you haven't already you'll need to up your gossip game Paul.

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3 hours ago, rebus said:

Tears would be involved...

As I'm sure is the case for many on here, not going is not an option for me.  For some reason I'm fairly confident I would be able to bag an Oxfam place before the festival even if unsuccessful in the resale.  Massive gamble though so veering towards just accepting the place as its the only one that's actually real at the moment.

Having been a few times (14 with 1 x oxfam stewarding) thinking it would be interesting to do bar work inside the fence for the different perspective.  Also travelling light and coaching it could be a new challenge.  Would miss my cool box in the car though.  Someone said they sell cheapish booze at the avalon camp which would help.   Would then just take a bit of boxed cider and spirits.


1 hour ago, Johnnyseven said:

I waited until after the resale to look into volunteering last year. After I didn't get a resale ticket I found it really hard and stressful to get a spot and I really wished i'd sorted it out before. Long story short, take the Avalon spot. If you're lucky enough to not need it it's a bonus.

Gone all in and signed up - I'm on my way!  Thanks for the advise and best of luck to those still trying, still plenty of time left.

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2 hours ago, This_Fields_Good said:

If anyone on here does get an offer from WaterAid (non-campaigner), could they please hint at the standard of their credentials ?
Cos it's starting to look as if Loo Crew is becoming tougher to qualify for than Law School !?!

Might give some indication whether it's worth applying to them next year.

One of my friend's is on loo crew again this year. She did say that she does support them through the year in various ways plus wrote an article about her experience last year that got published. This will be her 3rd time with them

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15 hours ago, MrZigster said:

My Glastonbury Fairy Godmother. I got my first volunteering spot thanks to you and this site and these threads.

Would've been my fifth time volunteering and two decades without missing a festival.

My own bad that I missed T day this year.



Join a resale group on here, and keep an eye open for Oxfam places coming up. It's not over yet!! Happy to help with Oxfam if you want to entrust me with your account details and form of payment. Fingers crossed for you! 😊

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7 minutes ago, StoneCircle said:

Join a resale group on here, and keep an eye open for Oxfam places coming up. It's not over yet!! Happy to help with Oxfam if you want to entrust me with your account details and form of payment. Fingers crossed for you! 😊

Have DMed you.

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Car Sharing

I'm volunteering for Avalon this year.

If parking spot become available it would be great to drive.

Anyone want to set up a car share 

M4 corridor in South Wales and points along the M5

Get in touch !





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I got loo crew today. I’ve volunteered with oxfam 3 times and was hoping to get a late space there. Quite interested to try a new type of work at the festival and grateful to be in. Has anyone done it before? How was it? Was thinking of hanging on for late oxfam space but reading the chat in here it’s probably best to take the actual offer rather than three more months of refreshing the oxfam page. 

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5 hours ago, This_Fields_Good said:

If anyone on here does get an offer from WaterAid (non-campaigner), could they please hint at the standard of their credentials ?
Cos it's starting to look as if Loo Crew is becoming tougher to qualify for than Law School !?!

Might give some indication whether it's worth applying to them next year.

My honest advice is give them something more than just an application for them to judge you on against 3500 other forms all of which are claiming they have met Nelson Mandela, scaled Everest single handedly and brought peace to the Middle East.

Its honestly the best thing you can do. Don't leave it till the next application ballot.  Apply for another festival with them with less demand, join one of their sponsored events or even join the Speaker Network.  The greatest thing any charity can get (other than heaps of money gifted from wealthy benefactors) is for people to gift their time.  I have said it many times on here that the charity is there all year round and not just when one does not get sorted on ticket day.

Make an effort for them and they will recognise that.  I am on my 6th stint with them and literally never stop supporting them in many ways and i am 55, employed full time and have grand kids (a busy chap).


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38 minutes ago, Lisanextdoor said:

I got loo crew today. I’ve volunteered with oxfam 3 times and was hoping to get a late space there. Quite interested to try a new type of work at the festival and grateful to be in. Has anyone done it before? How was it? Was thinking of hanging on for late oxfam space but reading the chat in here it’s probably best to take the actual offer rather than three more months of refreshing the oxfam page. 

Its a good gig.  I have done it and its never as bad as you think it may be.  Your team / crew will help you and the crack is great and the WaterAid permanent staff are incredibly well in tune with your health Safety and well-being.

The shift times are really well split and one of the things I love is that no matter what role you have with them, you are in the middle of all the action and get to hear music and be in the atmosphere when on shift.  I know many returning loo crew staff and know very few who say "never again"

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I’m in a similar position to @MrZigster. I’ve had the offer for Avalon/Calm. I’ve no problem with the shifts or being on my feet, but Bristol, and having to walk to the bus on Monday is killer.

I’ve done coach before, but stayed at Sticklinch so no tent to carry. I can make that up by carrying less booze, but it’s still a lot of stuff.

Against that is the risk of not going at all, which is a big one. Plus my friend and I were considering coach to increase our chances. So I obvs hadn’t ruled out Bristol or Walking with my kit.


Ah well, a few more days to decide.

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21 hours ago, MrZigster said:

Have enjoyed the interesting debate regarding Reasonable Adjustments versus just being an older and/or unfit lazy git.

It is with deep regret that with the deposit deadline looming I have just emailed Hannah to withdraw my Avalon spot because I have become the latter. I'm just not fit enough to carry the bare minimum necessary camping gear to and fro without a sack trolley these days, and you're not really meant to take them on the coach. Space is limited.

That and the whole new (for me) getting to Bristol malarkey nightmare that I have whinged enough about already in this thread. Plus the additional moved goalpost this year of having to traipse across the whole site on the Monday to get to the return coaches.

Decided I just can't risk the risk of not being able to manage it all and getting seriously stranded somehow. I'm fine standing for long periods so completing shifts is not an issue. It's just the getting there and back.

Rather pissed off that this could all be solved if I could only drive myself to site rather than the ridiculousness having to drive past the site to catch a coach that then doubles back on my route. Green it is not. Would willingly pay going price or more for a parking pass.

I totally get the reasoning. I'm sure most people would prefer to make their own way there and a couple of hundred(?) or so more cars would be a logistical nightmare. It is what it is.

Will still be trying in the resale.

@StoneCircleI honestly don't know how you still do it. Respect.

Definitely a class system when it comes to volunteers. Avalon/ex Shelter aren't on site 'till the Tuesday. Personal transport allowed close to quiet campsite bourgeoisie you lot are. /s lol.

I would try and email them anyhow even though you said you canceled , just to see what they would say, you might be surprised MrZigster.

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1 hour ago, ukmountie said:

I’m in a similar position to @MrZigster. I’ve had the offer for Avalon/Calm. I’ve no problem with the shifts or being on my feet, but Bristol, and having to walk to the bus on Monday is killer.

I’ve done coach before, but stayed at Sticklinch so no tent to carry. I can make that up by carrying less booze, but it’s still a lot of stuff.

Against that is the risk of not going at all, which is a big one. Plus my friend and I were considering coach to increase our chances. So I obvs hadn’t ruled out Bristol or Walking with my kit.


Ah well, a few more days to decide.

I would endeavour to email them again.UkMountie

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4 hours ago, ukmountie said:

I’m in a similar position to @MrZigster. I’ve had the offer for Avalon/Calm. I’ve no problem with the shifts or being on my feet, but Bristol, and having to walk to the bus on Monday is killer.

I’ve done coach before, but stayed at Sticklinch so no tent to carry. I can make that up by carrying less booze, but it’s still a lot of stuff.

Against that is the risk of not going at all, which is a big one. Plus my friend and I were considering coach to increase our chances. So I obvs hadn’t ruled out Bristol or Walking with my kit.


Ah well, a few more days to decide.

I believe the deposit refund deadline is today mate.

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