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Volunteering 2024


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1 hour ago, Johnnyseven said:

Be careful what you wish for, a cushy volunteer position could be very boring and the time will drag massively. A busy position is much preferable, being busy helps the time fly by.

Couldn’t agree with this more! I’m usually gate C which is fully mental all festival and it’s so much more enjoyable than a quiet spot.

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3 hours ago, Johnnyseven said:

Be careful what you wish for, a cushy volunteer position could be very boring and the time will drag massively. A busy position is much preferable, being busy helps the time fly by.

dont underestimate my laziness. i can happily sit with my music for 8hrs lol

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2 hours ago, stuie said:

Couldn’t agree with this more! I’m usually gate C which is fully mental all festival and it’s so much more enjoyable than a quiet spot.

I kinda wish i'd been there rather than the places I was stationed last year.

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5 hours ago, Johnnyseven said:

Oxfam won't like you sitting or listening to music whilst on shift.

well thats not the shift i want then. I asked what the easiest was and bro said "I did off site stewarding. Basically involved sitting on someone's driveway making sure no one parked there.... 3 x 8 hour shifts"....thats what I'd be down with.


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22 hours ago, Nuthugger said:

dont wanna sound like a complete bum but what is the cushiest vol position?

From the ones I know about definitely the Guardian hands down. 

Three shifts between 3 and 5 hours long, all finished by 2pm one 6am start. All shifts on site at busy points.

They're a mix of paid and volunteer roles like Avalon, so some people have that pattern and get paid!

The problem is you basically have to work for them to get it. 

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On 3/29/2024 at 9:37 AM, Johnnyseven said:

This was my friends view too. It's not like he was picking it up by hand, they had tools for dealing with it. Sounds like i'm not as squemish as you, it wouldn't bother me. Toilets need cleaning, lots of people do it every day, it's not a big deal.


On 3/29/2024 at 6:49 AM, Jay Pee said:

Don't knock it until you have tried it. Honestly and I deffo ain't looking to cause any arguments but having done it, it is absolutely not as bad as many seem to fear.

I do think people underestimate the benefits of virtually all Wateraid volunteer shifts being between 06:30 and 22:30. It's fantastic to not have an overnighter and the disruption that causes to the days either side of that shift.

Yeah tbf that post came across little harsher than I meant. I've always said that the people I know who've done it say "it is what it is, but it's honestly not as bad as you'd think" 

They definitely do have shifts through to 2-3 am though, I remember diving into a freshly scrubbed longdrop on the way back from the SE corner last year. They'd even left soap at the taps!

Edited by Leyrulion
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23 hours ago, Nuthugger said:

dont wanna sound like a complete bum but what is the cushiest vol position?

22 hours ago, marathonsteve said:

The easiest one is Park bar with Avalon Sat. Absolutely nothing to do. Even my Manager went Awol Just twiddling our Thumbs 

Guessing that Park Bar you mention isn't the bar in The Park that is Stonebridge then?

Would be my nightmare bar placement Stonebridge. The furthest away from camp by my reckoning and certainly one of the most insanely busy on the Wednesday/Thursday. Unless you just meant it's just quiet on the Saturday @marathonsteve?

Was placed at The Bar on The Green in Williams Green last time I volunteered and the Thursday was full on non stop queues out of the door all day. And still non stop working most of the festival really. Was the spot for the Guilty Pleasures crowd.

The phrase "cushiest" is relative @Nuthugger

Cushiest bar job I was ever positioned in was also in Williams Green 2016. A bar that only sold three different types of Thatchers cider. We turned away more customers looking for other types of beverages than we actually served I'm sure. Metaphorically fighting over customers it was that quiet.

It really dragged being there though. Constantly thinking, "what a waste of time there's nothing to do and half of us could probably bunk off and go and watch Adele (or whatever)".

Since Thatchers dropped out it's been a Pimms tent so probably even less busy now if that's possible.

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12 hours ago, marathonsteve said:

That's not Legal is it.

Yes it is. It’s required due to right to work legislation and in this case, to prove that you are a British citizen. This can be done with either a current or expired passport.

Mate, it’s been said before, you are bringing odd vibes to this thread that has been a source of help for a lot of people.

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2 hours ago, Jay Pee said:

A chap at an old workplace brought his mum's passport as proof of ID as he couldn't find his own.

Still makes me chuckle 

We ask for id from guests at check in (youth hostel).

Once had a guy try to use his car as ID.

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16 hours ago, MrZigster said:

Guessing that Park Bar you mention isn't the bar in The Park that is Stonebridge then?


Nah, there's another bar in the Park that's a nice job. Always chaos if you get a Wed shift there due to people making their way up the hill for sunset/fireworks, but then pretty steady all through. However, Saturday night there 2022 (7pm-3am shift) was mad for a while. Maybe not so much Saturday day time. 

Swapped it for West Holts last year which was a totally different vibe. They have bands on in between the bands on stage so was loud.

Very kind, accommodating managers throughout - often have let people off for an hour to watch a specific band they want to see here and there if everything's under control, and if you don't wanna do that they let you finish early instead.

As jobs go, I reckon the Avalon ones are pretty cushty, even if we don't get the good parking/camping.

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The cushiest volunteering free entry has to be a set on a small stage on the Thursday of the festival @Nuthugger. Have you considered committing yourself for the next year to learning to either be a superstar DJ OR a novelty act playing 90s dance tunes on the acoustic guitar so you can get a 30 minute slot and a free ticket?

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Just now, irnkrtn said:

The cushiest volunteering free entry has to be a set on a small stage on the Thursday of the festival @Nuthugger. Have you considered committing yourself for the next year to learning to either be a superstar DJ OR a novelty act playing 90s dance tunes on the acoustic guitar so you can get a 30 minute slot and a free ticket?

Tbf I think showhawk duo have that as their full time job!

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2 hours ago, irnkrtn said:

The cushiest volunteering free entry has to be a set on a small stage on the Thursday of the festival @Nuthugger. Have you considered committing yourself for the next year to learning to either be a superstar DJ OR a novelty act playing 90s dance tunes on the acoustic guitar so you can get a 30 minute slot and a free ticket?

A gig on a lot of the small stages won't come with a ticket. I've played Bimble Inn and Avalon Cafe and we needed to already be on site to get the slots.

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14 minutes ago, Johnnyseven said:

A gig on a lot of the small stages won't come with a ticket. I've played Bimble Inn and Avalon Cafe and we needed to already be on site to get the slots.

Looks like he's stuck cleaning the loos!!

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10 hours ago, Festival Sounds Podcast said:

Yes it is. It’s required due to right to work legislation and in this case, to prove that you are a British citizen. This can be done with either a current or expired passport.

Mate, it’s been said before, you are bringing odd vibes to this thread that has been a source of help for a lot of people.

I am sincerely sorry that having a discussion about volunteers / customers with disabilities have upset you and are giving you an odd vibe. My absolute apologies to you.

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  • Crazyfool01 changed the title to Volunteering 2024

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