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44 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I hope you have a nice time seeing your partners family, enjoy being out of London!

Thanks! On our way back now, was really lovely to see people! Even in slightly weird circumstances. Hopefully seeing a friend on Sunday too and my parents in a couple of weeks so baby steps back into the world.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Radiohead sets from 1997 and 2017 on 6music in the car on the way back and really enjoying it :)

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I'm having a really hard time. Just found out my sister-in-law is pregnant, which is — of course — wonderful news. However, she and her husband were supposed to go to Glastonbury with us this year (would've been their first time, and they were coming over from the USA).

Was so looking forward to sharing that experience with her, but now it's never going to happen. We would've had such a nice bonding moment during Robyn...

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I'm watching Beyonce on the way box.. 

Wasn't there to see her in the first place but the wife wants to see it.................... I'm feeling ill.. 

Can't remember where we were but I'm glad we weren't there... She didn't even do her own stuff... 

Ah man.... Wife needs help 

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2 hours ago, guypjfreak said:

I'm watching Beyonce on the way box.. 

Wasn't there to see her in the first place but the wife wants to see it.................... I'm feeling ill.. 

Can't remember where we were but I'm glad we weren't there... She didn't even do her own stuff... 

Ah man.... Wife needs help 

I’m the opposite. I was somewhere else that night but I can’t remember who I was watching. I’m thinking if I had seen that Beyonce set then I might have actually remembered a headliner set that year. 

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20 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

I’m the opposite. I was somewhere else that night but I can’t remember who I was watching. I’m thinking if I had seen that Beyonce set then I might have actually remembered a headliner set that year. 

I've been doing this a lot.

I know I wasn't at that, but why the fuck wasn't I at that? What was |I at/doing at that particular point in time?

Looking at old line ups occasionally helps, but not always.

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10 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

It’s 2am. I’m drunk. Watching Orbital thinking I should be in a field on another substance and not actually caring about the outside world. This next year is going to be long 

Let's just hope it's going to be worth waiting for!

Right now, I am laid in bed watching, of all things, WWE... What has my life become?

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I know this will be controversial, but i'm actually glad this year is cancelled. On Monday I was rushed into hospital with sever chest pains and paramedics queried a heart attack. After many hours in A&E I had bloods done, CT Scan, ECGs etc etc - finally released at 5am saying they hadn't found anything to indicate a heart attack but also hadn't found a cause.

Just done a covid test too to try and rule that out but its given me time to re-evaluate things.

Its my 40th on 3rd July so was hoping to celebrate my 40th and Glasto's 50th this weekend, but alas its not to be. 

The amount of amazing Glasthomebury photos I have seen from you all has cheered me up and made me realise its been ages since I was last here. Wanted to come back and get involved again - lockdown makes you feel sooo isolated and this community is where I need to get back to :)

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38 minutes ago, xploit said:

I know this will be controversial, but i'm actually glad this year is cancelled. On Monday I was rushed into hospital with sever chest pains and paramedics queried a heart attack. After many hours in A&E I had bloods done, CT Scan, ECGs etc etc - finally released at 5am saying they hadn't found anything to indicate a heart attack but also hadn't found a cause.

Just done a covid test too to try and rule that out but its given me time to re-evaluate things.

Its my 40th on 3rd July so was hoping to celebrate my 40th and Glasto's 50th this weekend, but alas its not to be. 

The amount of amazing Glasthomebury photos I have seen from you all has cheered me up and made me realise its been ages since I was last here. Wanted to come back and get involved again - lockdown makes you feel sooo isolated and this community is where I need to get back to :)

I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're feeling better? And I really hope they can find out what made you feel like that, not knowing something is the hardest bit so hope you can get some answers soon. 

Nice to have you back 😊 

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Apologies in advance for a downer of a post.

Really finding it hard today. Just had a reminder of a photo taken 10yrs ago today with my youngest brother and sister. My brother passed away at the end of Feb (non covid reasons) at the age of 33. Was the biggest Muse fan, and despite many mental health issues he made it to the festival and had an amazing time in 2010 (he was also there in 2004).

I've not really had a chance to grieve or come to terms with what happened as lockdown occured days after his funeral and nothing has been close to 'normal' since that time.

It's only just hit me that I'll never get to create any new memories with him. He adored the festival, the people and all that it stood for and I loved watching his face as he noticed something extraordinary or amusing occuring. Most of his favourite stories were from the fesitival, he had an amazing memory and could recount the tiniest details years later.

Missing you so much Rob. x


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23 minutes ago, broken monkey said:

Apologies in advance for a downer of a post.

Really finding it hard today. Just had a reminder of a photo taken 10yrs ago today with my youngest brother and sister. My brother passed away at the end of Feb (non covid reasons) at the age of 33. Was the biggest Muse fan, and despite many mental health issues he made it to the festival and had an amazing time in 2010 (he was also there in 2004).

I've not really had a chance to grieve or come to terms with what happened as lockdown occured days after his funeral and nothing has been close to 'normal' since that time.

It's only just hit me that I'll never get to create any new memories with him. He adored the festival, the people and all that it stood for and I loved watching his face as he noticed something extraordinary or amusing occuring. Most of his favourite stories were from the fesitival, he had an amazing memory and could recount the tiniest details years later.

Missing you so much Rob. x


I'm sorry you're feeling sad today and I'm terribly sorry about your brother. 

I can't say anything to make you feel better or make it right but sending lots of love your way x

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2 hours ago, xploit said:

I know this will be controversial, but i'm actually glad this year is cancelled. On Monday I was rushed into hospital with sever chest pains and paramedics queried a heart attack. After many hours in A&E I had bloods done, CT Scan, ECGs etc etc - finally released at 5am saying they hadn't found anything to indicate a heart attack but also hadn't found a cause.

Just done a covid test too to try and rule that out but its given me time to re-evaluate things.

Its my 40th on 3rd July so was hoping to celebrate my 40th and Glasto's 50th this weekend, but alas its not to be. 

The amount of amazing Glasthomebury photos I have seen from you all has cheered me up and made me realise its been ages since I was last here. Wanted to come back and get involved again - lockdown makes you feel sooo isolated and this community is where I need to get back to :)

Sorry to hear this, but glad the photos are helping. I'm also very much feeling the EFestivals love this week 🙂

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40 minutes ago, broken monkey said:

Apologies in advance for a downer of a post.

Really finding it hard today. Just had a reminder of a photo taken 10yrs ago today with my youngest brother and sister. My brother passed away at the end of Feb (non covid reasons) at the age of 33. Was the biggest Muse fan, and despite many mental health issues he made it to the festival and had an amazing time in 2010 (he was also there in 2004).

I've not really had a chance to grieve or come to terms with what happened as lockdown occured days after his funeral and nothing has been close to 'normal' since that time.

It's only just hit me that I'll never get to create any new memories with him. He adored the festival, the people and all that it stood for and I loved watching his face as he noticed something extraordinary or amusing occuring. Most of his favourite stories were from the fesitival, he had an amazing memory and could recount the tiniest details years later.

Missing you so much Rob. x


Never apologise. Sorry to hear this. Sending thoughts your way. I'm not sure anyone will be able to say anything that will be able to ease the pain, but it really does sound like he had the best of times at Glastonbury and I'm sure, as most of us who have been lucky enough to go will know, that means the world. I hope you are able to attend the festival in future years when you are strong enough and his memories can live on through you knowing the enjoyment the festival brought him

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@Sasperella @D-Low @Wellyboot Thanks all. Just reading the EFests forums has been a huge help, especially knowing how we're all missing the greatest place on earth and feeling a huge sense of loss in same way with not being there. My family are about 2hrs away so have been sharing memoriesand thinking of the good times virtually.

Big love to all of the Efestivals community, you really are a big factor in what makes the whole Glastonbury experience what it is and why I'll always be a gold subscriber. xx

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11 hours ago, MrZigster said:

I've been doing this a lot.

I know I wasn't at that, but why the fuck wasn't I at that? What was |I at/doing at that particular point in time?

Looking at old line ups occasionally helps, but not always.

Yea me to.... I know I wss drunk plus.. But where... Then you see something and think wow should have been there. Lol.. Well have a good day 2 old sons.. Peace and cider 

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I have an odd relationship with Glasto, probably not the only one... Not missed one since my first in 94. Once I leave on a Monday I can't really come to terms with it all. I don't watch highlights, can't bring myself to do it. I check on here just to see if anything happened, good or bad. Then I'm out till I know I'm coming back, usually after ticket day. 

It's like I fall out with Glasto and can't bare to communicate. Too raw, emotionally WTF.  

This didn't happen for me in October, might have been lucky in April, but never happened. We wouldn't be on speaking terms if i wasnt goung and this weekend fuck knows if it was on and I wasn't there. 



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18 minutes ago, guypjfreak said:

Well have a good day 2 old sons.. Peace and cider 

It's day three for me. Started Thursday. And the iPlayer channel coverage goes on through Monday. 

I usually have a strict "no alcohol until after 9pm" rule, but given that I'm on leave and should be at a festival where I usually let said rule slide...

I feel like a drink.

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1 hour ago, ghandi said:

I can't get out of a sad state of mind today, obvious reasons why but it's very hard to shake. 

Same. I think yesterday was easier as I could take my mind off of it by working (half heartedly), but the weekend just feels like a waste of time where I know we should all be somewhere better.

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