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parsonjack last won the day on May 12

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About parsonjack

  • Birthday 06/16/1963

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    Gert Lush Frome

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  1. Definitely still there. It's in the middle of the first Tangerine Fields camping field.
  2. This is the stuff of dreams. The problem is she'd either need to strip some of that to fit the Legend timeslot, or chuck in Sara and Don't Stop for a full headline set. I think I'd feel short-changed with the former tbh.....give her Sunday night and the time to give us everything.
  3. Has anyone who stayed at Holt Farm previously done Tangerine Fields at all? I'm wondering what the walk is comparatively, and especially on the return leg where TF is all uphill. TF was £900 for us this year (4-man tent + parking pass), so even with a price hike for 2025 Holt Farm PYO could still possibly save us a fair whack in costs.
  4. Certainly we struggled this time to maintain the pace of previous years but with enthusiasm still there for another it's made it clear we need to do some prep for next year before tackling it, and may review our accommodation options accordingly. A fallow in 2026 therefore suits us nicely, a welcome break with no FOMO involved. After that.....we'll see.....
  5. parsonjack


    We were at AC/DC at Wembley Stadium on Weds night. There was a group next to us middle of the pitch who just got completely bladdered and barked at each other throughout the whole gig. At one point there was great hilarity (within the group obvs...) when one of them spent 10 minutes trying unsuccessfully to get one of the females onto his shoulders only to all end up on the ground. We moved away but even at a distance we, and everyone else, could hear them over Angus and Brian tearing the place up. They'll go home and tell mates it was a great gig....how come I shall never know as they didn't watch a single moment as far as we could tell.
  6. If I could watch one set again it would be The National. Stunning.
  7. "Excuse me Ms Nicks, there's an Emily Eavis calling for you?"
  8. Afraid he's not been here for 4-5 years now 😢
  9. That's a pity. Certainly the Traffic Management Plan has that route operating north to south from today, then reversing from Sunday, so the implication is that it's there to service in/out for Pink parking. Odd 🤔
  10. Yes..... you should be able to go down Woodford Lane to Pink....if it's not allowed however your only option for West parking (Pink or Orange) is to continue to Glastonbury and then east on A361.
  11. Should be but going past Woodford Lane is your only option if you want West parking from Wells 🤞Can you confirm if it's open please for others to use?
  12. Where are you now? Blue Route A361 South will only be signed once you get to Shepton if you have headed to Wells then Shepton from there
  13. A361 Glastonbury town side?
  14. From Coxley to TF I'm assuming you know you'll need to loop round Wells - Shepton - A37 South - Blue Route?
  15. I'm assuming driving....this morning after 0900.....about 10 mins tops 👍
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