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Why so many Scousers?


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Absolutely embarrassing seeing people label scousers as robbers still. 


Unfortunately it's the daily mail...but interesting crime stats. Weirdly i can't see Liverpool listed. 



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I saw the of the (ex?) Holyoaks girls, tho I don't think she's a scouser. :P


Sad to see this thread go that way yet again.

But also pleased to see less of it to years gone past, and a firm and decent response from people here. :)

Overall, I think i'd prefer to let this one run (at least for the moment) rather than delete it or shut it down, because if people don't get to see that those attitudes are wrong they're less likely to wise up.

Let's not get too over-sanitized, eh? Differences and debate are what makes life interesting, and nodding dogs are soon a bore.

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Noticed a lot, didn't have a problem with any. Saw a small group berating staff at gate A for not allowing them to jump from the coach queue to the regular, and conveniently faster-moving, queue. Not particularly pleasant to see, but then being pricks to members of staff is hardly something limited to people from Liverpool (although it is an uncommon sight at Glastonbury I think).

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2013 seemed like there were scousers everywhere, massively more so than normal. We were surrounded by them in the queue, at the tent, and at loads of bands. Didn't really notice any in particular this year though.

I've never really come across any bad ones at glastonbury though, apart from a group last year who moved our tents around (and did a shit job of it) to get their's in the space we already had.

I'm definitely not keen on the fans of liverpool football team, but the glastonbury goers seem alright to me (tho I've read bad stories about them from the years before I started going)

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are you guys using the word 'sound' because this is the scouse thread or do they say that elsewhere? if it's the latter then my mind is blown - i always thought it was a strictly scouse thing

Deffo regularly used in the Black Country and other Midland parts :) I use it too much!

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If you have say 1000 people from one area law of averages means there will always be a handful of bad apples. I think because of our distinct accent and as has previouly been mentioned dress code it is much easier to pin point a scouser especially if they are acting like clowns.

The stereotype thing doesn't bother me, It reflects worse on the narrow minded fools who have passed judgement on me before even bothering to have a conversation.

'Scousers are like water they get everywhere' especially when it comes to Glastonbury / tickets.

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If you have say 1000 people from one area law of averages means there will always be a handful of bad apples.


That's absolutely right. The thing is though it wouldn't matter if 100% of all tent thieving bastards were from Liverpool. They are, in this instance, thieving bastards before they are Liverpudlians. Thieving bastards are everywhere - not least in parliament.

Edited by Yoghurt on a Stick
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If you have say 1000 people from one area law of averages means there will always be a handful of bad apples. I think because of our distinct accent and as has previouly been mentioned dress code it is much easier to pin point a scouser especially if they are acting like clowns.


its a combination of what is in academic circles referred to as "unconscious bias" and "confirmation bias". Unconscious bias is the concept that by constantly being associated with negative stereotypes in the media and society in general we almost subconsciously associate that group with those negative stereotypes despite what our lived experience or any other evidence tells us and this is undoubtedly the case with scoucers.

The confirmation bias comes when we meet people that conform to that stereotype and apply more significance to those we meet who don't, because this reaffirms our existing prejudices.

Both seem to be going on in this thread.

From my own perspective I'm from Yorkshire live in London but drive into and camp on the west of the site these days so always think parking and camping west you tend to get much higher concentration of Northerners around you than you would if you ended up in the East.

Also as said the scouse accent is berry distinctive, I doubt many southerner could tell the difference between a Geordie or a Mackam or a Manc an people from some parts of Sheffield they're generally just lumped together as Northerners but everyone recognises the scouse accent (even though the will probably lump the Wools in with them)

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"I say, Victor, old boy! William, Hugo and I have just had the most splendid narcotics in the South East corner. We were right in there with the oiks, reminded me of my gap yah, you know"

The accent that's unnervingly more present each year, if scoucers are taking tickets from them, I commend them for their valuable public service.

(When I say "taking tickets" I mean getting tickets in the sale that otherwise would have gone to Eaton and Harrow types, not nicking tickets that they already had... obviously).

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That's absolutely right. The thing is though it wouldn't matter if 100% of all tent thieving bastards were from Liverpool. They are, in this instance, thieving bastards before they are Liverpudlians. Thieving bastards are everywhere - not least in parliament.


Spot on in my opinion.

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its a combination of what is in academic circles referred to as "unconscious bias" and "confirmation bias". Unconscious bias is the concept that by constantly being associated with negative stereotypes in the media and society in general we almost subconsciously associate that group with those negative stereotypes despite what our lived experience or any other evidence tells us and this is undoubtedly the case with scoucers.

The confirmation bias comes when we meet people that conform to that stereotype and apply more significance to those we meet who don't, because this reaffirms our existing prejudices.

Both seem to be going on in this thread.

From my own perspective I'm from Yorkshire live in London but drive into and camp on the west of the site these days so always think parking and camping west you tend to get much higher concentration of Northerners around you than you would if you ended up in the East.

Also as said the scouse accent is berry distinctive, I doubt many southerner could tell the difference between a Geordie or a Mackam or a Manc an people from some parts of Sheffield they're generally just lumped together as Northerners but everyone recognises the scouse accent (even though the will probably lump the Wools in with them)

Fucking wools, they'll be the death of Liverpool they will

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"I say, Victor, old boy! William, Hugo and I have just had the most splendid narcotics in the South East corner. We were right in there with the oiks, reminded me of my gap yah, you know"

The accent that's unnervingly more present each year, if scoucers are taking tickets from them, I commend them for their valuable public service.

(When I say "taking tickets" I mean getting tickets in the sale that otherwise would have gone to Eaton and Harrow types, not nicking tickets that they already had... obviously).


How is this any different to someone bashing  a Mickey Mouser (not offensive) ? I am A born and bread working class Cockney grew up in South London and do all the stereotypical things like eat Pie and Mash and go and watch Millwall of a Saturday, but as far as I'm concerned what you have posted is just inverted Snobbery. If posh kids want to talk about their gap years in Peru then whats the big deal? does it affect your enjoyment of the festival? I don't understand  why it's acceptable to berate someone for their fortunate upbringing and immediately get on their high horse when  someone speaks Ill of Scouser from Liverpool. Everyone has a fair crack at the tickets which is why i was surprised that what i perceived to be a hell of a lot of people from merseyside in my observation seemed to take up a disproportionate (compaed to other northern regions) mass of tickets, It's just what I felt at the time!

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