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What is the One Thing that you love the most about Glastonbury


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I love the depth of the line up. I always discover a couple of new bands I like when the line up is announced and I always end up seeing bands from a lot of different genres.

It also feels like Glastonbury is some kind of wonderous place, with each area having it's own sites. Where as other festivals it just feels like you could be in a field anywhere.

Also comparing Glastonbury to other festivals I like the fact you can bring your own drink in (which I think completely changes the vibe) and that there is a lot to do at night after the bands finish.

I've seen people on here complaining about people urinating in places other than the toilets, but compared to T in the Park, my local festival it's a rare sight. Honestly T in the Park, you can't go a minute without seeing someone pissing in public (including girls), I've only seen a very occasional bloke having a random pee at Glasto. Also at Glastonbury nobody pisses in a cup then throws it, at T in the Park I feel like I've been lucky if I don't get covered in someone else's piss at some point.

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A few things for me:

The complete feeling of "uncontactability", i.e. being completely removed from the real world.

Diversity. I never really listen to reggae, dub, "harder" rock etc on my ipod but love being immersed in the crowd for that music and finding the new experiences with that music/setting.

It being perfectly acceptable to be roaring drunk at 10am and people willing to help you survive such episodes. If you go to other places where it is acceptable to be like that it is usually with the caveat of being a hell hole (read: Magaluf or similar) but not so with good old beautiful Glastonbury.

I have completely missed the "One thing" aspect of this thread and cheated by putting 3. If pushed I would pick the diversity I think.

Edited by Tommy__
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I sort of love all the clashes, in a sadistic kind of way. Even though it means I miss a lot of great stuff, it makes me happy that hundreds of other life-changing experiences are available at any one point in just a couple of square miles.

In a sadistic way I kind of like being woken up by the sun on the tent at the crack of dawn, as it makes me feel more in touch with nature. Even though I could always do with more sleep.

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First pint of hot n spicy when it's dusk and the lights along the walkway's are switched on.

It's a little bit cold but a sip of the amber nectar warms you straight up.

this is one of the things i'm most looking forward to, is it just one specific place that sells it or can it be procured from a few places? also does it come in pints?

to quote Benny, "it's my first time "

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For me, it's the little touches. Things like the painted bins, for example. Obviously a lot of work goes into painting them, which doesn't add anything to their function as bins, but just adds a little something to the look and atmosphere of the site. This, and hundreds of other small details, add up to something really special.

Yes, loads of hand painted signs and banners and tiny stages that have been cobbled together. It's a world away from the mass-printed, mass-produced mess of other big festivals.

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this is one of the things i'm most looking forward to, is it just one specific place that sells it or can it be procured from a few places? also does it come in pints?

to quote Benny, "it's my first time "

it's always at the cider bus, and you cannot miss the cider bus.

whether it can be found elsewhere, anything's possible i suppose!

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it's always at the cider bus, and you cannot miss the cider bus.

whether it can be found elsewhere, anything's possible i suppose!

You can buy the spices to make your own at home on their website: http://www.ciderbrandy.co.uk/shop.html

We did this on boxing day a few years ago and it's nice although the best part of having a hot n spicy is where you're having it & the atmosphere your in so nothing substitutes the real thing at the festival!

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it's always at the cider bus, and you cannot miss the cider bus.

whether it can be found elsewhere, anything's possible i suppose!

Noticed yesterday that the Cider Bus is on the BBC Webcam as a notable point.

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...I go for the 'Gladiator' style where I pick up a handful of dirt, rub it and then sniff it much to the amusement of those others I'm now holding up just inside the Ped gate.....

I like this. I think I'll start doing it too. Elysium Fields.

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Sitting down on the grass on West Holts on the Wednesday, sun beaming down, the gentle whipping noise of the flags blowing in the breeze, cider in one hand, smoke in the other, the bubbling atmosphere of happiness from the people in attendance and looking at my dad and mates thinking..."we're home again".

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Sorry, I'm on a roll here. I've already posted several things that make Glastonbury special for me but a couple more....

The first is the excitement as you approach the site. "First one to spot the Tor" is so reminiscent of holidays as a kid when it was "First one to spot the sea."

Next comes the tingle of seeing the first sign in that distinctive festival font (does anyone know the name of the typeface by the way?)

Third is the smell of wood smoke from the camp fires in the evening - sadly something I don't get any more since moving on to a caravan in CV East.

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I would go for the talking to strangers as well - and then bumping into them later at stages and having that good chat again.

1st year we had this as spoke to a group in the queue and then bumped into them again the day later so spent the evening with them, it was such a good laugh :)

So I'm going with talking to randoms who actually talk back as best thing about Glastonbury (although that 1st beer once tent is up is close satisfying 2nd!!)

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Oh this thread has made me tear up - darn fluff getting in my eyes !

I love how most of these 'best things' are about people and feelings !

I just love that feeling of anticipation each and every moment that you're not sure whats going to happen next, what you are going to stumble across - the best moment is never what you expect it to be and most likely will never be replicated

If only the real world were like Glastonbury it would be an awesome world to live in. Everyone would smile, be nice to each other and commuicate, How is it that as soon as the same people are back outside the gate they turn back again,,, yet we are all waiting for the next magical year

Keeping that spirit alive is tough - but its top up time the week after next :-)

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I'm slightly depressed, I wont be putting my own tent up at glasto as I am giving it to a mate who is getting there earlier.

I might take it down and put it back up again in the exact same spot when I get there just for that first beer feeling.

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