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This Glastonbury, for the first time ever, I will......


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Too all those thinking of trying acid (haven't done it but this is kinda for all drugs except weed, even then though its nice to have good bud) dont buy on site, as it could be more expensive, could be not trustworthy, could be dodgy shit or could be nothing at all... Buy from a trusted source that you or a friend has had before.

Sorry if this is killing the excitement vibe, just don't want any of the efesters to have a shit weekend. Also sorry as I imagine most of you being older and maturer than me are properly quite well versed, but its mainly for any teens who are a bit more inexperienced (I'm a teen and had to sadly learn from my mistakes, took a shit pill at reading 2013 on the sunday evening, tripped out too much, monday was awful etc....)

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. Buy from a trusted source that you or a friend has had before.

No source is a trusted source when it comes to acid!

But seriously, acid is not for the faint hearted and do not take it unless you are with a group of friends you can totally trust and that you wont lose in a big crowd.... You dont want to end up alone tripping out your skull!

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But seriously, acid is not for the faint hearted and do not take it unless you are with a group of friends you can totally trust and that you wont lose in a big crowd.... You dont want to end up alone tripping out your skull!

This as well, I'd say make sure your with friends for any drug that your taking for the 1st time and definitely if your doing acid or shrooms (haven't done them, but this seems to be a general consensus).

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Complete a bar crawl on wed/thurs this year and not get stuck at the Avalon Inn, and eventually make it to rumshack for an evening. Less serious late night music(house and techno) more cheese, disco and back to Glasto Latino

Was a bit disappointed with the Rum shack as went there for a mojito (think thursday) and they had ran out of mint :( apparently they run out of rum before then end too..

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Seriously it's probably best to try acid for the first time when you're in a good place (mentally), when you're with people you trust with your life and in a safe, familiar environment where you can quiet things down if need be. When it's great its mind blowing, when it's not its not. Also it can wipe you out for a day (or two) and that's not ideal at glasto.

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All psychedelic drugs do different things to different people. I first did shrooms just me and my mate in my parents house when they were on holiday. After a while nowt happened, so I went to tesco.

I was stood laughing at a bottle of Pepsi for 10 minutes when security got me to leave.

One of the best trips to tesco ever!

Others need to be in a "happy place". Don't worry about it. As long as you feel good - you'll be fine.

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Pinot is the way forward. Keep away from the heavier varietals unless you've packed the Rennie.

You know me though, I like my wine like my music and my men, I'm all about the heavy.

Edited by Gnomicide
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so whats the fuss about the stone circle then? I have to say that was one of my `must dos` my first year at glasto in 2013 as Id read all about it and seen pics and it was painted as this spiruitual and peaceful place where people could just chillout and dance to the sunset............when I actually got to glasto all I ever saw when I went to the stone circle was a bunch of kids doing nos gas canisaters making a lot of noise and throwing them all around with total disrespect for those around them and the site, as a result i never even bothered to go up to see it at sunset/sunrise as I didnt want to be dissapointed.......does the stone circle ever have the vibe its spoken of.......or is that long in the past and just another thing thats been ruined by the idiot brigade?

I like the stone circle, but right at the top. Away from the crowd. Its quieter and you get a great view.

Omly went there on the sunday last year, and then only for an hour. Just to see "the view" for a final time.

Edited by FuzzyDunlop
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so whats the fuss about the stone circle then? I have to say that was one of my `must dos` my first year at glasto in 2013 as Id read all about it and seen pics and it was painted as this spiruitual and peaceful place where people could just chillout and dance to the sunset............when I actually got to glasto all I ever saw when I went to the stone circle was a bunch of kids doing nos gas canisaters making a lot of noise and throwing them all around with total disrespect for those around them and the site, as a result i never even bothered to go up to see it at sunset/sunrise as I didnt want to be dissapointed.......does the stone circle ever have the vibe its spoken of.......or is that long in the past and just another thing thats been ruined by the idiot brigade?

The Crows Nest and Flagtopia is the new Stone circle

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Pinot is the way forward. Keep away from the heavier varietals unless you've packed the Rennie.

What is this blasphemy? Apparently I can't ban people for statements like this! Pinot! Pinot? PINOT!???? over Shiraz, at Glastonbury! are you mad sir?

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What is this blasphemy? Apparently I can't ban people for statements like this! Pinot! Pinot? PINOT!???? over Shiraz, at Glastonbury! are you mad sir?

Shiraz it was for me last year, but I have been having Pinot most recently. Is it ok if I bung them together as Pinaz? Wateraid's bottle last year was a great receptacle, until the bottom edge cracked and my bag and me smelled like a wino.

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I find a more robust variety of wine lends itself to a finer festival sip. With all the sloshing about, heat, cold, exposure to sun etc a bit of sturdiness keeps the wine tasting fresh. But still tasting nice with very limited degradation in quality.

Grenache is the best grape I've experienced for this so a half decent Cotes du Rhone in a box works well. The "bladder" of the box protects the wine, keeps it at the right temperature and is easy to carry.

Stay clear of Cab Sav. Tannins are too strong and you'll end up with a red coloured cotton mouth. And you're asking for 5 hangovers in a row with a Shiraz.

Think I had this last year and I was drinking it up to Sunday without a Rennie in sight. A cheeky, intransigent yet almost whimsical little red.


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What is this blasphemy? Apparently I can't ban people for statements like this! Pinot! Pinot? PINOT!???? over Shiraz, at Glastonbury! are you mad sir?

And people say the festival has lost its edge...

Iol I took a selection last year; some easy drinking reds for the day and then some big reds for the night and relaxing up at Park. And litres of Gin!

Not really being a SE Corner fan, main aim this year is to find some areas to hang out post midnight that don't have dancing music doing my head in! Getting old methinks!

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Pinot is the way forward. Keep away from the heavier varietals unless you've packed the Rennie.

mate, if you're even thinking about attending a 5 day festival without at least a 24 pack of rennies you're off your head

as for taking Acid for the first time, the 1 and only time i've done it was Saturday night at Beatherder festival, i was with a load of mates who had taken it before, i'd had an amazing day, the weather was good, i'd just seen one of my favourite bands and i'd started chatting to a man who turns out had a load of Acid for sale, all my mates bought some and i though you know when i'll give it a go

i had an incredible night, never laughed so much in my life, but i think the most important part was that i felt very happy and very safe at the time

however i must note that when i came home on Monday morning i made myself a fried breakfast, took a slice of hash brown, went to put it in my mouth, it fell off the fork, i burst into tears

so yeah, it's pretty emotional and prepare yourself for a roller coaster of a time but most importantly only do it if you're feeling safe and happy

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however i must note that when i came home on Monday morning i made myself a fried breakfast, took a slice of hash brown, went to put it in my mouth, it fell off the fork, i burst into tears

I think that might be my favourite thing I've ever read on Efests!

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