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1 minute ago, sophlamb said:

I'm starting teacher training in September too, going to have to find some new festivals in the school holidays for the future!

I absolutely loved 2013 too, had a great weekend - and we got a decent amount of sun!


I'm looking forward to it, to be honest, always shied away from other festivals these past few years because I always had Glastonbury in my back pocket. What subject/year group are you doing? 

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6 minutes ago, Wooderson said:

I'm actually quite envious of anyone who's first festival would be Glastonbury.

Glastonbury was my first back in 92

any others after we're compared to it and as much as I've had a great time at other festivals nothing comes close. This year is only my 4th Glastonbury but it feels like I've been involved in more with the build up on here the live coverage on the Beeb and the post Morton that lasts for weeks on here.

This forum is such a big part of my day to day!

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14 hours ago, wonderwoman76 said:

Hi, I'm Vicky, from Yorkshire. This is my 6th Glastonbury, but my first in 11 years (I said 10 in my post yesterday. My mistake!) 

i got tickets in the general sales. I'm going to Glastonbury with a few friends, none of whom have been before. Can't wait for them to realise just what all the excitement is about!

welcome and I love Wonderwoman:D

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Hi all, I'm Tom from South Wales, first time Glasto goer, first time I've tried for tickets and was successful! Usually all of my mates are too un-organised to be up at 9am on a Sunday, but I'm lucky enough to work with a lot of people who are going this year! :)

Reading: 2010/11/12/13/14/15
San Francisco Outside Lands: 2013
Bilbao BBK: 2014
Benicassim: 2014/15
Pukkelpop: 2015

If someone could let me know how to change my avatar/signature, that would be great :D 

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8 minutes ago, 505 said:

Hi all, I'm Tom from South Wales, first time Glasto goer, first time I've tried for tickets and was successful! Usually all of my mates are too un-organised to be up at 9am on a Sunday, but I'm lucky enough to work with a lot of people who are going this year! :)

Reading: 2010/11/12/13/14/15
San Francisco Outside Lands: 2013
Bilbao BBK: 2014
Benicassim: 2014/15
Pukkelpop: 2015

If someone could let me know how to change my avatar/signature, that would be great :D 

welcome Tom click the drop down box top left, click profile. then top left you will see your picture has a little logo next to it.#


click that and uplaod

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21 minutes ago, 505 said:

Hi all, I'm Tom from South Wales, first time Glasto goer, first time I've tried for tickets and was successful! Usually all of my mates are too un-organised to be up at 9am on a Sunday, but I'm lucky enough to work with a lot of people who are going this year! :)

Reading: 2010/11/12/13/14/15
San Francisco Outside Lands: 2013
Bilbao BBK: 2014
Benicassim: 2014/15
Pukkelpop: 2015

If someone could let me know how to change my avatar/signature, that would be great :D 

Well, the signature is most easily changed on a PC/MAC by clicking on your profile on the top right hand side and selecting Settings / Signature, but since the site was upgraded, I now don't know where the photo is changed or uploaded.

Edit. Cheers shuttlep, never saw that bit.

Edited by carlosj
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4 hours ago, Spindles said:

To all those who will be enjoying their first Glastonbury, enjoy you lucky, lucky people.  Welcome all, hope you find the place as welcome on your arrival as I did on mine.  I came for the info, stayed for the community.

Exactly this! Very well put. 

Welcome everyone! There is no cure once you're in! 

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5 hours ago, Spindles said:

To all those who will be enjoying their first Glastonbury, enjoy you lucky, lucky people.  Welcome all, hope you find the place as welcome on your arrival as I did on mine.  I came for the info, stayed for the community.

Spindles has hit the nail on the head here, I did exactly the same - when I got tickets for the first time last year, I was pointed in the direction of this site by a colleague. Prior to my first festival, I was never off here for information; it was priceless. I continued to view regularly for months, however it was long after I got home, when I was really missing Glastonbury, and couldn't wait to get back, that I started posting. I now look upon this site as a kind of pseudo-Glastonbury, until such times as I can return.

So to all of you newcomers, I would like to add my own welcome to the many already on here. However, I would also like to appeal to anyone still swithering over whether to remain an anonymous viewer or start posting... come on, dive in. You know you want to.

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2 hours ago, Wooderson said:

I'm actually quite envious of anyone who's first festival would be Glastonbury.

My first festival was Rockness in 2009. I think Glastonbury would have overwhelmed me back then. Had to build myself up to it! 

I imagine it would be amazing though to go to Glastonbury with no previous festival experience or expectations 


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Well I had planned on welcoming each individual poster but grossly underestimated the sheer number of newcomers/lurkers on these forums so I would just like to say welcome to all who have introduced themselves and especially to those for whom Glastonbury 2016 is a first visit to the the farm. It really is everything people say it is and the chances are, most if not all of you will be counting down the days until October once the festival is over. In fact since I've missed the last 2 years and this will be my first one alone I'm pretending that it's my first time too!:)

Anyone else trying to muster then courage to start posting? Here is as good a place as any!


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Hi I'm John! Started lurking on these forums last year for T in the Park but decided to join up for shameless reasons, ie resale discussions but you all seem so lovely I've decided to stick around :lol:

I've only been to one festival (see above) which, while I enjoyed it, very nearly put me off festivals in general. Got convinced to go to Sziget this year but that fell through and being faced with no summer plans I panicked and went in vain for resale tickets and now here I am, with a Thursday coach ticket! Im extremely excited for the festival, even if buying the ticket means I'm living off beans on toast for the next three weeks :P

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Hi All! I'm Laura and I signed up this week.  

I've done 5 Glastonburys, and a few others festivals but Glasto is the ultimate and the one i return to like a pilgrimage.  I've got all my hopes pinned on the hush hush resale as we weren't successful in October or on Sunday, so i joined up to read and reply to all the fab hints and tips about tracking the page.  

I was even more gutted to miss out on normal sale tickets this year because i'm up the duff and wanted to experience one more Glasto without kids, albeit a slightly different one as i'll be sober!

So all hopes pinned on the secret resale.

Laura xx

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Hi guys,

I'm Ash, from Bolton. I've been using the forum to get line-up information if I am being brutally honest. However other recent weeks it's been great hearing from Glasto veterans and how to get the best out of the Glastonbury experience. 

I've been to many festivals in the past, but nothing to the scale of Glastonbury. Even though I am 25 year old balding northerner, I've been like a small child with regards to excitement! I've never been as excited about an event like I have this before! Even tops the excitement I have for my upcoming wedding (which I have openly admitted to my wife to be). 

I've been getting involved in a few discussions over recent weeks, which I expect to increase over coming weeks as the festival gets closer and I attempt to pull little secrets out of you guys. 

Cheers guys.

P.S I have the most random interest in music. I can get in to any time of music, whether that be Rock, Soul, Brum n Bass, Jungle or some classic British Pop. And that is why Glastonbury is perfect festival for me (I hope) 

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Hi all,

Another long time lurker/very occasional poster here! Thought it was about time I said hello and posted a bit more, seeing as I'm on here multiple times a day.

First Glasto was in 2007 and even through that hellish experience I knew I'd be back. Visits in 08, 09 and 11 were followed by a brief hiatus, before returning again last year, which was my favourite to date. 

Not going this year as the wife is heavily pregnant (baby due in 3 weeks) so this year we'll be watching on the TV and forcing the kid to listen to some decent music! 

Granny will be babysitting next year though if we can get some tickets!

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1 hour ago, ashtaylor1 said:

Hi guys,

I'm Ash, from Bolton. I've been using the forum to get line-up information if I am being brutally honest. However other recent weeks it's been great hearing from Glasto veterans and how to get the best out of the Glastonbury experience. 

I've been to many festivals in the past, but nothing to the scale of Glastonbury. Even though I am 25 year old balding northerner, I've been like a small child with regards to excitement! I've never been as excited about an event like I have this before! Even tops the excitement I have for my upcoming wedding (which I have openly admitted to my wife to be). 

I've been getting involved in a few discussions over recent weeks, which I expect to increase over coming weeks as the festival gets closer and I attempt to pull little secrets out of you guys. 

Cheers guys.

P.S I have the most random interest in music. I can get in to any time of music, whether that be Rock, Soul, Brum n Bass, Jungle or some classic British Pop. And that is why Glastonbury is perfect festival for me (I hope) 

It's my first glasto and I'm from Bolton too. Come to think of it I'm starting to go thin on top aswell l!! Must be in the bolton water! 

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Hi everyone,  I usually post in the International festivals forum but this forum here is a totally different story.. I always thought I wont try a festival in the UK (because of the rain and the mud,  we're not used to it here) but people in the International forum got my attention and curiosity about Glastonbury so I decided to try it. I was very lucky to get tickets in my first try and ever since,  this place became a home for me.  You guys here make me feel really excited about going to the festival! 

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