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The 2014 Glasto Get Fit Thread


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I got to where I wanted to be and I am currently on the second of my 'off' weeks. Start back again next Monday for a slow 12 week cut which should take me right up until the festival starts. Will be looking at losing less than 1lb a week so mainly concentrating on my fitness starting with a switch from rolly's to vaping.

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As of last Wednesday, I had lost 1 stone 11lb. It was my birthday on Friday though, so I've been on a week long junk food bender. Not going to weigh tomorrow but I'll back on the fitness drive. Home straight to Glastonbury now. One more stone in the next 8 weeks will do me fine!

Hope everyone's doing well!

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Was thinking about this thread earlier today. Finished insanity on sunday. Wow. Highly recommended to anybody, visual results are impressive. Could just about squeeze the program in before glasto if you started today.

Now it's on to training for the ride 100 in august.

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Was thinking about this thread earlier today. Finished insanity on sunday. Wow. Highly recommended to anybody, visual results are impressive. Could just about squeeze the program in before glasto if you started today.

Just done the marathon and am considering taking up insanity from next week until Glastonbury. Have heard some horror stories however of people struggling with the day one fitness test....

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Some great results from people, well done.

I'm still in the gym. The good news is that all 3 of my sons are now also attending the gym on a regular basis with their mates, they have all cut down on the amount of processed foods they used to eat and as my wife has always enjoyed eating healthily the shopping has become much easier as we are all eating the same type of things.

Still not got round to the vaping yet though ..

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Just done the marathon and am considering taking up insanity from next week until Glastonbury. Have heard some horror stories however of people struggling with the day one fitness test....

It's tough, for sure. The hardest is the first week of both months, once you're through that the improvement is massive.

I've got it on a google drive, happy to share it with you if you like. Send me a pm with an email address and i'll share it.

EDIT: if anybody else wants the inanity workout for free, ping me a pm. I'll share it with you on google drive. Cannot recommend it more for weight loss/ shaping your body. It is done by a business called team beachbody afterall.

Edited by MrPink
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I lost nearly 3 stone for Glastonbury 2014, I've now put back on a stone of it - most of it since Feb...
Decided today that I want to lose stone before gates open in 2015, 2lb's per week, tough (for me) but achievable I hope if I really go for it.
My next Cornish Pasty will be when I'm stood at Glastonbury!
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  • 2 weeks later...

At the age of 24 .. I'm putting off a hip operation until after the festival.

Slightly concerned how it's going to go as the pain has taken a turn for the worse recently, but hopefully it won't cause me too much pain!

Oh dear that sounds nasty!

Hope it doesn't cause you too much grief.

Painkillers and alcohol I guess?

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Glasto this year will be my first festival since Bestival in 2013, since then I have been suffering from quite bad back and neck pain - I am still in the process of getting scans on it to see why it is such a bother (at 23 and a relatively fit guy its pretty worrying) - and I am pretty anxious about how Glastonbury could literally destroy me (I struggle standing up for longer than 3 hours - so have no idea how I am going to cope)

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Glasto this year will be my first festival since Bestival in 2013, since then I have been suffering from quite bad back and neck pain - I am still in the process of getting scans on it to see why it is such a bother (at 23 and a relatively fit guy its pretty worrying) - and I am pretty anxious about how Glastonbury could literally destroy me (I struggle standing up for longer than 3 hours - so have no idea how I am going to cope)

Make sure you take a small portable chair / stool with you

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I will be in the middle of the Global Corporate Challenge when I'm at Glastonbury where you look to hit 10,000 steps a day, not going to be a problem at the festival, just need to remember to keep the pedometer on me.

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Make sure you take a small portable chair / stool with you

Yeah, I try most times but I just end up losing it

I will be in the middle of the Global Corporate Challenge when I'm at Glastonbury where you look to hit 10,000 steps a day, not going to be a problem at the festival, just need to remember to keep the pedometer on me.

I am supposedly doing this as well (have been signed up at work - purely to get the free pedometers that are pretty good actually)

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  • 4 weeks later...

How is everyone's progress?

I've upped my fitness a lot recently so hopefully won't ache so much at Glasto.

I'm within 5lb's of my Glastonbury target, hoping to lose them in the next 20 days...

I've started swimming 5 days per week for 40 mins but it doesn't seem lose a great deal of extra weight but I do feel a hell of a lot better after I've been.

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I'm within 5lb's of my Glastonbury target, hoping to lose them in the next 20 days...

I've started swimming 5 days per week for 40 mins but it doesn't seem lose a great deal of extra weight but I do feel a hell of a lot better after I've been.

Remember though that muscle weighs more than fat. Toning up with swimming will naturally build more muscle than running, so don't be too disheartened by the scales

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I went to see Jungle on Wednesday night, had about 5 pints , had to get up at 5.15am to go to work, it took me half the day to get myself right and then my eyes started to brake out , this happens when I get a head cold when my body gets run down...................... not a good sign!!! :(

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