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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Went for a Job Interview today and broke down due to nerves. Didn't have a clue what to say due to say even though I had prepared answers for the questions and was so embarrased when I had to fill out this quiz thing because my handwriting was terrible because I was shaking so bad.

And people being dicks in my band. We had this gig lined up and basically the frontman stormed off because someone played a wrong note and made all this drama up about not being ready. I don't want to play in a band that has these shitty little scraps over people's ego's, I want to be in a band because I get enjoyment and fun out of playing music and arguing over something petty like that isn't fun or enjoyable it's just rubbish, to be honest it would be much more fun doing solo stuff and playing open mic nights because then at least I wouldn't have to put up with pointless arguing.

Edited by BlackHole2006
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Went for a Job Interview today and broke down due to nerves. Didn't have a clue what to say due to say even though I had prepared answers for the questions and was so embarrased when I had to fill out this quiz thing because my handwriting was terrible because I was shaking so bad.

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There's something I am not sure I understand. You are confident enough to get up on stage and do an open-mic night on your own, but you get nervous in a job interview? Maybe if you see the interview as a performence you might get through it next time. :huh:

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My manager asking me questions that are not relevant to my job or department, and when he told him he really needed to speak to the factory floor manager, he asked me the same question again....TWICE. Same answer each time dickhead !! SPEAK TO THE FACTORY FLOOR MANAGER. !!

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I did, turned it all the way off!

It's not that I am being contrary, it just genuinely annoys me now. Nobody puts anything meaningful or interesting up on there, and you get the feeling it's frowned upon to post more than a couple of sentences. Don't go putting any intelligence in with the brain farts just er...leave them like a retarded baby chewed on a keyboard, that'll do.

Nobody posts about their actual life, it's all heavily edited, life through a lens made of bullshit. Someone will post a picture if a curry they're having (usually with something massively annoying like 'Nom nom nom' or 'Curry lol') but they flat out refuse to post the pictures of the painful shit they had the following day. It's all a load of ruddy flim flam. And the baby pictures, the endless stream of other people's ugly babies in my news feed was getting horrific. Babies are the reason why this planet is f**ked. F*ck babies.

Maybe I just hate everything and everybody. Yeah, that's it.

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The fact the company i work for closed the shop i worked in for nine years because they don't know how to run a business, they've f**ked me about with my wages and now they've moved me to another shop, have me doing a harder job with shitter hours and less pay. f**kers.:angry:

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