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Is efests for sale


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1 hour ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

It's only because I have a sort of allegiance to the original wagon wheel - well, at least the wagon wheel as I first knew it. When I was in infants school, every blue moon a man with a brown small'ish Luton type van would drive up. When you got to a certain year one could be chosen to go and help the Tuc Shop Man / sweetie man, or whatever he was called. I waited and waited and waited, but was never called out to help for a very long time, but then it happened. Can't recall the teacher, but he called out my name, and said go and help the sweetie man. Anyway, I did, and I knew why. It was known within the school that you got 'free rocks' if you helped the sweetie man. I don't mean helping to relieve him (that was my Catholic clergy experience, at a later date), I mean hep him unload the boxes of sweets and biscuits, that he'd give you free sweets, or some such. When I finally got to help the bloke, it was an 'original' wagon wheel that he gave me. Oh, and herpes! That last bit. not true. 

my goodness, how i have missed the @Yoghurt on a Sticktale...  Well played sir!

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20 minutes ago, FatAmmy said:

Being weirded out by an internet stranger looking up and commenting on the marketing material of my broadband company means I don't have "serious intent"? Sincerely, what?

If your intent was serious you wouldn't suggest premium product was a product flaw. The flaw is in your assessment. 

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3 minutes ago, BlueDaze said:

my goodness, how i have missed the @Yoghurt on a Sticktale...  Well played sir!

It gets worse!


Right Neil  it's (quite possibly literally) shit or bust time. I'll give you 50K and either do to you, or allow you to do to me, the old fashioned Cleveland Steamer.

Have we got a deal, or what!? 

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2 minutes ago, Neil said:

If your intent was serious you wouldn't suggest premium product was a product flaw. The flaw is in your assessment. 

I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about except to be alarmed that you're apparently still on about my fucking broadband provider for some reason. I'm out, this is bizarre 

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2 minutes ago, Punksnotdead said:

I'm a bit (actually, make that extremely) pissed, but people suggesting Neil should sell for 'x' amount feels a bit outrageous to me! It's his business, I'm sure he's got a better idea of how much it's worth than anyone posting on here!




too bloody right ffs 

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1 minute ago, Punksnotdead said:

I'm a bit (actually, make that extremely) pissed, but people suggesting Neil should sell for 'x' amount feels a bit outrageous to me! It's his business, I'm sure he's got a better idea of how much it's worth than anyone posting on here!





Even if I own a business that's worth a tenner. If I value it at £50 then it's my right to sell it at that price.

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4 minutes ago, a6l6e6x said:

Very hard to value a website unless you are really under the covers of it. Lot of users spend a lot of time on here and there's a tonne that just browse without comment. I personally spend more time on this that I do twitter, insta, etc. 

the value is in within whatever a person does with it, which isn't necessarily what you're thinking.

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2 hours ago, FatAmmy said:

Buddy I don't know what you're doing looking up that shit (And frankly, it's very disconcerting) but I couldn't care less about the tastefulness of the marketing of the company that provides me with a reliable and fast internet connection

It's weird because it's none of his business. But then, I'm not sure why the sale of his website is any of yours?

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