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Corona Virus - Should we be worried?


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1 hour ago, Chicken Bob said:

I made a risqué joke, that was well thought,  clever,  and funny. But as usual, snowflakes out there got offended I got condemned, and my joke got removed. Here’s to freedom of speech 👍🏻

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean efestivals has to give you a platform for your homophobic hate speech.

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2 hours ago, TorontoScot said:

While I agree that it's a concern regarding the festival being cancelled, I feel the hysteria of the media is not proportionate to the facts of the outbreak.

The UK has had 19 cases, of which 8 have recovered.  So current active cases are 11.  However the media is constantly pushing the total cases, not only in the UK, but worldwide.  Not the currently active cases (new cases - recovered cases).

It will probably spread to every country, however most new country cases are linked to travel in one of the outbreak hot-spots.

I live in Toronto and although case are low, we had the outbreak of SARS in 2002/2003, during which the measures taken were drastic to try and contain it. I believe that it is containable at the moment and is not at pandemic status

If, and it's a big if there is an uncontrollable outbreak in late May/beginning June, in southern England, then there is a very real chance the festival will be cancelled.  However as other posters have cited when swine flu was moved to pandemic status in April 2009, the festival still went ahead.

Ultimately  if GFS are asked for any comments on the possibility of cancellation, I'm sure the response will be business as usual in preparing for the festival, unless we are told otherwise. (as they did in May 2009)  

I feel that advice should apply to people who are concerned on this thread too.



I agree with your sentiment but care should be taken when comparing virus's and their associated risk. Each is unique.

Latest publicly announced research suggests the infection rate of corona is similar to swine flu but with a 100x greater mortality rate. By contrast Sars had a low infection rate but was 500x more deadly than swine flu. It is the uniqueness of corona to be both infectious and fatal that is driving governmental response in the UK and elsewhere. If the pathology of  corona  was like swine flu then I'm sure we wouldn't be seeing this global reaction.

Here in the UK all events will continue as scheduled until they are ordered to change/stop by government. There is no justification for them to do that because the outbreak in the UK is extremely low and contained. This situation could change and the government could step in but I'm not going to worry my ass off about it.

Edited by Lycra
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8 minutes ago, Andy0808 v5 said:

It’s not all bad.

I’d like to think there’s a thread in a Liverpool FC forum with the same hysteria as here.


There’s similar stories on Leeds forums. Apparently the EFL have conjured up corona in order to stop Leeds getting promoted. 

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I had no idea that the 1918 flu pandemic killed more people than the combined military deaths in WWI and WWII. There are no specific figures for the number of deaths, but it's placed between 50 million and 100 million. 

If you are interested, then read the article on the link below. Please note that it is a long read;



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27 minutes ago, Freddyflintstonree said:

Yeah people really fail to understand exactly what freedom of speech entails. 

Or just have a different definition of it. Personally I think you are entitled to say absolutely anything you want no matter how abhorrent it may be. What you don’t have is the freedom to expect people not to react to what you have said, you have to expect and accept the consequences. Whether that is getting punched in the face, prosecuted, or being told what a twat you are on a forum.

im not entirely ok with the offending joke being removed from the thread, if it was that offensive then let everyone have their say, that said it’s not my forum so he who owns the forum makes the rules.

Edited by Smeble
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5 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

I had no idea that the 1918 flu pandemic killed more people than the combined military deaths in WWI and WWII. There are no specific figures for the number of deaths, but it's placed between 50 million and 100 million. 

If you are interested, then read the article on the link below. Please note that it is a long read;



That strain of flu hit at the worst time. Most of the world was already past breaking point and the disease spread like wild fire. 

You have to wonder how over populated the world would be now if not for both World Wars, The Spanish Flu and various internal massacres by Stalin, Mao and Polpot etc. 

Is the planet trying to restore balance? 

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1 minute ago, Chicken Bob said:

homophobic: having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people

It was not homophobic either. 

out of interest how many people have told you it was funny ?  as far as I can see it its just you laughing at what you have called a joke ? 

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2 minutes ago, Smeble said:

Or just have a different definition of it. Personally I think you are entitled to say absolutely anything you want no matter how abhorrent it may be. What you don’t have is the freedom to expect people not to react to what you have said, you have to expect and accept the consequences. Whether that is getting punched in the face, prosecuted, or being told what a twat you are on a forum.

Tell me I’m a twat all you want. I couldn’t care less. But what I don’t like is my JOKE being removed and myself being silenced because some people are “offended” by it. It was risqué, and bad taste. But it was not hateful. 

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2 minutes ago, Chicken Bob said:

Tell me I’m a twat all you want. I couldn’t care less. But what I don’t like is my JOKE being removed and myself being silenced because some people are “offended” by it. It was risqué, and bad taste. But it was not hateful. 

As a man of the LGBT+ community, DM me the joke and I'll let you know if I personally find it offensiveness or funny. 

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27 minutes ago, Lycra said:

I agree with your sentiment but care should be taken when comparing virus's and their associated risk. Each is unique.

Latest publicly announced research suggests the infection rate of corona is similar to swine flu but with a 100x greater mortality rate. By contrast Sars had a low infection rate but was 500x more deadly than swine flu. It is the uniqueness of corona to be both infectious and fatal that is driving governmental response in the UK and elsewhere. If the pathology of  corona  was like swine flu then I'm sure we wouldn't be seeing this global reaction.

Here in the UK all events will continue as scheduled until they are ordered to change/stop by government. There is no justification for them to do that because the outbreak in the UK is extremely low and contained. This situation could change and the government could step in but I'm not going to worry my ass off about it.

100% agree! With the other virus's we now have all the facts and numbers to calculate mortality rate/etc as the outbreak has passed.  With Corona there are so many variables right now that numbers are changing on a daily basis.  At the time of swine flu, there were also a lot of variables and uncertainty. Now we know it had an extremely high infection rate (1 in 5) from 2009/2010, but mortality rate was low at 0.02%, and children were hit harder than the current corona virus.  Just got to wait and see.  But as of now Glastonbury is on 🍻

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3 minutes ago, chazwwe said:

As a man of the LGBT+ community, DM me the joke and I'll let you know if I personally find it offensiveness or funny. 

Ok. But if you don’t find it funny you don’t then necessarily have to be Automatically offended. It’s not one of the other. It can be neither. 

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4 minutes ago, H.M.V said:

Plenty of places on the internet you will get laughs from your 'joke'. This is not it and Neil is not obliged to keep it on his platform. Don't like it then you're free to leave. Freedom for ya. 

You don’t even know what I said 🙄. You’re just chiming in. 

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3 minutes ago, Chicken Bob said:

You don’t even know what I said 🙄. You’re just chiming in. 

I think you need to have a check back to see who was posting around that time ..... and whilst doing it check to see if anyone found it funny 

Edited by crazyfool1
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10 minutes ago, Chicken Bob said:

Ok. But if you don’t find it funny you don’t then necessarily have to be Automatically offended. It’s not one of the other. It can be neither. 

This doesn't actually make any sense. 

I'm allowed to be offended its a human emotion. 

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