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First Timer Mistakes 2014


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The one thing I have learnt from going to Glastonbury ever since 2004 is that you get older which means your stamina isn't like it was in your 20's! Last year was probably my worst experience, camped where we always camped in Oxylers but this was a mistake, the crowds were so big that tents got trashed way up into the field including mine! This year I am working for the first time so will be a different experience from the rest but I am sure probably just as good if not better :)

As a few others have eluded too:-

  • Don't hammer it on the Wednesday (afternoon) - remember you probably haven't slept much from the Tuesday to Wednesday from packing and preparing plus excitement, then you have a long wait getting into the site and then pitching up = shattered! But add a load of alcohol into the mix and then your planned night out ends up sleeping until evening!
  • I agree with the comment about wandering aimlessly looking for something which isn't there. Find somewhere, stick with it for a while and see if you enjoy then move on if not.
  • I have always done my own thing over the years but have met up with mates and random people at various times - just do what you want to do otherwise you can miss so much more.
  • I have found that I can handle my beer quite well. I usually take about 6 - 8 cans on a trip out for the day plus buy one or two whilst out during the day. I usually ease off in the evening and enjoy the bands and the night quite well. Generally meet the merry state but no further otherwise it spoils things a lot!
  • Just remember a lot of people are in the same boat or worse so when your feeling a little crabby or low just think you are at the best Festival in the World and 100's of thousands would cut there arm off to have your place :)
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Always get changed for "evening" to warmer clothes - I always forget how cold it gets once the sun goes down - especially if it's a clear night. I never take a coat though- just layers, hoody and a waterproof pac a mac. 2002 was so cold I had to wrap a woolly jumper I'd bought off a stall round my head in order to try and sleep.

Oh and if you want to sleep- remember the ear plugs!

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Always get changed for "evening" to warmer clothes - I always forget how cold it gets once the sun goes down - especially if it's a clear night. I never take a coat though- just layers, hoody and a waterproof pac a mac. 2002 was so cold I had to wrap a woolly jumper I'd bought off a stall round my head in order to try and sleep.

Oh and if you want to sleep- remember the ear plugs!

Maybe I'm hard, or just over indulge, but I never find the cold to be a problem in the evening. Sure, I put a coat on but that's it. No hoodie needed, unless I'm just sat about at the tent.

Lots of people do mention this though, so I'm not telling anyone to ignore the advice!

I love wearing my coat at night because of all the pockets that allow me to forgo a man bag.

Edited by stuartbert two hats
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To all the group haters - when your day group inevitably reforms for the headliner, and then heads off to SE Corner, you need to learn what we call a 'tactical wee'. when roaming from one place to another, the person who needs a wee shouts and everyone in the group goes! Everyone then moves on together. Get your bladders in sync guys!

Edited by Philomena Cunk
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Never think you can take it all in one from the car.... sure it's possible but why would you want to go thru that pain!

Do two trips or take less.

Always carry your toothbrush and toothpaste on you. Clean your teeth at any of the taps on your way into site. Saves queuing in the morning with the lemmings.

if you feel the cold go for layers... put some in the lock ups down on site... Saves you going all the way back to camp if you get a bit of a chill on

Always have your friends numbers on a bit of paper somewhere in your tent. You might need to call if you loose them, phone runs out of battery

Use the lock ups!

Never take cereal bars. just a waste of space!

Edited by Peroni
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Always carry your toothbrush and toothpaste on you. Clean your teeth at any of the taps on you way into site. Saves queuing in the morning with the lemmings.

if you feel the cold go for layers... put some on the lock ups down on site... Saves you going all the way back to camp if you get a bit of a chill on

Two great tips, there. Using the site strategically like that is a great idea.

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Why people insist on brushing their teeth at sinks next to a block of stinking long drops I'll never know.

Talking of sinks, get to know your layout. There may be a sink or standpipe a bit further along or just around a corner that has no/almost nobody using it while the one closet to you has a mile long queue.

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SERIOUSLY the standpipe taps are solely for collecting water in containers, the sinks are for washing hands and that's it.

Everything else take water away and do it back at your camp - otherwise long queues build up at these taps with people wasting big wodges of their day waiting for some lass to wash her hair and wallies. It's selfish and creates a ton of mud and mess around the standpipes, whereas the same water at a bunch of campsites makes no mud at all.

You can do a complete bodywash with a flannel and a bowl, and get very clean with 2 bowls. It seems to impress folk when I do this and wet shave etc but it really is a piece of cake and well nice with a kettle of hot water to keep things warm

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Make sure you're prepared for hot weather. Getting sun stroke on the Wednesday and having to go to bed early is no fun

Add to this if your ganging about in sandals / bare feet put sun cream on your feet walking in boots/wellies for 4 or 4 days with sunburnt feet is no fun (or so a friend told me, I'd not be that stupid (twice))

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I remember stating previously in this thread that Poundland do/did space blankets.........

well, they DID do them, but now don't. Sorry to whoever I told to go to them!

On a plus, Wilko sell them for 75p on the camping section. 2/3 would be plenty to insulate a tent.

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I remember stating previously in this thread that Poundland do/did space blankets.........

well, they DID do them, but now don't. Sorry to whoever I told to go to them!

On a plus, Wilko sell them for 75p on the camping section. 2/3 would be plenty to insulate a tent.

My poundland does sell them as I got some last week!

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Been going since 95... so many mistakes..

Things i've learned, i wish i knew...

Nail only 3-5 mustsee acts on your list.

If your watching something and your not enjoying it, move on.. if you are with mates, just meet them after the gig.

Get decent walking boots and at least 10 pairs of socks.

Sit down somewhere and just take it in, and breath.

Dont eat at food wagons with no queues.

Dont bother taking cans, they really are a bitch to keep cold.

Limit yourself to one car trip.

Binbags and gaffa tape can fix most issues.

Turn your phone off.

Ear plugs are essential

Use the lockups

If something catches your eye, do/ see it, you may not have time later.

Try and get a decent sleep at least once.

Take a poncho

White tarp from clas ohlson will keep your tent cool, and is stronger, quieter than space blankets.

Warm hat

Please use the lockups!!

Glasto is like a mirror, dont just expect to be entertained, participate ;)

Dont have too many mushrooms on the first night.


Watch your change at the bars, especially brothers :(

Edited by mrfunk
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