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Metallica and the lack of metal

Guest Englishdragon

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Dunno whether Metallica need a bunch more metal acts on the bill to provide a context for their performance (should they play)…saw them at Outside Lands in SF a few years ago (non-metal, mainstream festival…albeit a hometown gig for Metallica)…hadn't seen them since the '80s. Think Tame Impala were probably the 'heaviest' other act on the day they played, in fact I think Sigur Ros were on before them and Norah Jones was certainly on the same stage at some point (as it happens, Jack White also played that weekend!). Didn't really know what to expect from them, stopped listening to them when I was about 16!…But, they were bloody marvellous. Played of load of things I would recognise (set was heavily filled with material from Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets & …and Justice for all (so most of what I would have listened to as a kid). Played all 4 "ballads" (which seems to be par for the course when they play a non-metal festival), not that it mattered to me much…Orion, Battery and Seek & Destroy pretty much made my night!. It's a measure of how glastonbury obsessed I become when I'm at other gigs, but I did comment at the time that if they ever headlined the pyramid, they'd play a blinder…hopefully this year we'll find out (real metal fans may have completely outgrown Metallica, I don't know anybody who is familiar with the current metal scene, so I don't know what kind of esteem they are held in, but for an old bloke like me, it was a blast form the past and a reminder of how brilliant they were)...

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My take on crowd situations and long lasting metal bands is that they're less likely than they used to be. I was a teenage metaller, and some of the mosh pits and crushes used to be really savage. I go and see the same bands these days, and it's still the same people going to see them, only we're all now fat and in our 30's. I went to see Therapy? the other night, and whilst a few people down the front were giving it a good go, most of us just stood there and sang along. Even those down the front couldn't keep the moshing up for more than two songs in a row.

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This isnt a rant at the lineup in anyway (I personally love most of todays announcement) but if Neil is right and Metallica are headlining the Saturday it does seem strange that there is absolutely zero similar acts in the line up.

Metallica has always supported British metal and rock and I would have thought we might of seen some kind of heavier act on the Pyramid or a few acts on the lower stages to get people interested in Metal/Rock during the day. Just seems odd to have such a non-normal (in terms of Glastonburys history) headliner and have nothing similar around, almost makes it seem like a token act

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What would be the point in putting heavier acts in to compliment Metallica anyway? They're not calling out for metal fans, it probably won't even be announced until after the resale anyway. Plus, there's a festival that they'd like to sell out soon-ish with Mastodon and Alice in Chains below them, what's the point in stealing more off their plate if they want it to sell out so they can announce?

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Sonisphere is the week after Glastonbury. There'll be tons of bands who could (in theory) pop over a little earlier and play, but only the lighter stuff like Band of Skulls and Dropkick Murphys I reckon - we'll see in early May.

For what it's worth I think Metallica are n

ailed on, but I ain't watching em - I'm not a fan. I've seen them live and it's a spectacle, I'm just not too keen. I'd much prefer a nice bit of Slayer, but that will never ever ever happen!

Edited by balti-pie
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I think the `rosklide` paranoia is a load of bs from people who dont really want to see a heavy band at glasto as an excuse for why they feel that way.

Heres why:

1.it was a long time ago, crowd and event security has improved one hell of a lot.


2.Rosklide was badly managed period, there is no excuse for glastonbury a festival used to hosting large crowds to be the same.

3.Literally thousands of other rock/metal gigs and festivals have happened since then without incident.

4.Lots of incidents have happened when hosting other genres of music such as the berlin love parade tragedy yet you dont see metal fans bringing that up as an excuse for trying to block dance music from appearing at glastonbury.

5.Pearl jam incident wasnt about the music being played but the crush of the crowd which was caused by people slipping on wet ground more then anything and then people behind them not bothering to pick them up....this could have happened with any genre of music with a large and livly crowd....not only that but whoever said pearljam were a metal band anyway? thats what I dont get about those who bring up this incident with regards to why metal shouldnt be at glasto....I wouldnt even consider pearl jam that heavy, they are a rock band yes no heavier then other rock bands who have played at glasto so wheres the argument and whats it got to do with metal?

6 A lot of the `scare` is based on stereotyping yes metal fans like a good mosh pit or 2, yes the crowd will be livly but it wont be dangerous. As a longterm metal fan and gig goer I find fans of the genre actully look out for each other more so then anywhere else, I have never been to a gig where people dont get picked up if they have fallen, people delibratly start crushes etc, in fact the few times ive been to gigs where ive felt unsafe havnt been anything to do with rock and metal! I was pushed against and crushed more so during dizzee rascals set last year at glasto then I ever had been at any metal gig!....Mainly because at a metal gig theres no chavs 4 rows back who think its funny to push everyone around them forward constantly willingly or not(as was the case for me and mates during dizzee)

As for metallica, hell of a live band, hell of a back catalog, ignore the stereotypes it is not just a load of noise in fact metal musicions are some of the most talented out there, id like to see half these indie bands play at the pace and intensity bands like metallica display and still attain note for note perfection.

I know they arent confirmed yet but if they are as many have suggested it would be a set to remember in the history of the festival.....and if you miss out on it because your to `snobby` to watch a metal band and you belive the stereotypes about metal rather then checking it out for yourself then quite frankly its your loss...enjoy watching the same shit youve been watching all weekend rather then actully opening your mind to genre of music that might challenge your perceptions.

Ill be down the front with the rest of the diehard tallica fans going nuts!

see you in the pit :)

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I think the `rosklide` paranoia is a load of bs from people who dont really want to see a heavy band at glasto as an excuse for why they feel that way.

Heres why:

1.it was a long time ago, crowd and event security has improved one hell of a lot.


2.Rosklide was badly managed period, there is no excuse for glastonbury a festival used to hosting large crowds to be the same.

3.Literally thousands of other rock/metal gigs and festivals have happened since then without incident.

4.Lots of incidents have happened when hosting other genres of music such as the berlin love parade tragedy yet you dont see metal fans bringing that up as an excuse for trying to block dance music from appearing at glastonbury.

5.Pearl jam incident wasnt about the music being played but the crush of the crowd which was caused by people slipping on wet ground more then anything and then people behind them not bothering to pick them up....this could have happened with any genre of music with a large and livly crowd....not only that but whoever said pearljam were a metal band anyway? thats what I dont get about those who bring up this incident with regards to why metal shouldnt be at glasto....I wouldnt even consider pearl jam that heavy, they are a rock band yes no heavier then other rock bands who have played at glasto so wheres the argument and whats it got to do with metal?

6 A lot of the `scare` is based on stereotyping yes metal fans like a good mosh pit or 2, yes the crowd will be livly but it wont be dangerous. As a longterm metal fan and gig goer I find fans of the genre actully look out for each other more so then anywhere else, I have never been to a gig where people dont get picked up if they have fallen, people delibratly start crushes etc, in fact the few times ive been to gigs where ive felt unsafe havnt been anything to do with rock and metal! I was pushed against and crushed more so during dizzee rascals set last year at glasto then I ever had been at any metal gig!....Mainly because at a metal gig theres no chavs 4 rows back who think its funny to push everyone around them forward constantly willingly or not(as was the case for me and mates during dizzee)

As for metallica, hell of a live band, hell of a back catalog, ignore the stereotypes it is not just a load of noise in fact metal musicions are some of the most talented out there, id like to see half these indie bands play at the pace and intensity bands like metallica display and still attain note for note perfection.

I know they arent confirmed yet but if they are as many have suggested it would be a set to remember in the history of the festival.....and if you miss out on it because your to `snobby` to watch a metal band and you belive the stereotypes about metal rather then checking it out for yourself then quite frankly its your loss...enjoy watching the same shit youve been watching all weekend rather then actully opening your mind to genre of music that might challenge your perceptions.

Ill be down the front with the rest of the diehard tallica fans going nuts!

see you in the pit :)

Edited by russycarps
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Haven't read through the whole thread because I am both drunk and lazy, but I would argue that as Glastonbury is festival of contemporary arts there hasn't been a need for metal in recent years. I am a big fan of the genre but it is in no way in vogue and a lot of the more recent big metal acts have been type cast into the 'emo' or 'scene' genres. At the same time Stevie and the Rolling Stones aren't contemporary at all, and so like them perhaps tallica are the exception given they are the defining band of the scene which is why they've been booked.

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I don't think anyone's worrying about crowd trouble. For a start your diehard Metallica fan is likely to be in his forties now. And anyway there won't be anywhere near the size of audience that there was for The Stones last year. Also, from the couple of videos I've seen of recent Metallica festival performances, it all looks pretty tame - Heritage Metal. Nothing wrong with that but hardly likely to cause a riot. Personally I think the Other Stage would have made for a better experience for people who really like this kind of music - I think a lot of people who typically hang around the Pyramid are going to be a bit bored after half an hour of Metallica.

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because there is no risk! or no risk that is inherint with metal fans.....if there is a risk theres a risk with any large crowd! fuck me russ you think metal fans are the only ones who get excited and go nuts to music?

and why should I go soni and download? because I want to go glasto mate thats why, glasto is meant to be a festival where all genres come together and you get a little bit of all which is the attraction im simply saying that `all` should not exclude rock and metal for no reason other then paranoia(because that's all it is......if it wasn't then every rock and metal fest over the last 20 years would have had tragedys when thats obviously not the case!)

Silly logic anyway I mean by that logic I could say why dont the dance fans go creamfields? why dont the indie fans go reading and leeds? why dont the pop fans go v fest....etc etc so it doesnt really work does it? We all come to glasto because we`re open minded music fans who like a bit of everything. It just pisses me off that mine and a lot of other peoples favourite genre of music gets low representation because of stupid paranoia over 1 incident at 1 festival that bares no relation anyway to that genre of music(again when were pearl jam a metal band?) its just crap reasoning like I said its happened with other events centred around other genres and they are still represented at the festival so why does metal get the raw deal?

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I really don't think Metallica as being a heavy band, sure they are classed under metal but they are on the lighter side of it (not that it's a bad thing IMO).

Here is my little Metallica story. A friend at work had a spare ticket to see them at Wembley (07???) and knowing I liked live music asked if I wanted to go. At that time I had heard their hits but not a lot of their back catalogue and didnt own any albums. I said sure why not could be interesting and I fucking loved it. They do put on a hell of a show and since then I have got a couple of their older albums.

Now I know not everybody is going to like them but I'm sure that the people that do give them a chance will enjoy it.

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I think the `rosklide` paranoia is a load of bs from people who dont really want to see a heavy band at glasto as an excuse for why they feel that way.

I think your comment is ignorant bullshit about a man who is allowed to have no wish for people to die for a bit of fun in his back garden.

If you think it's so important that someone takes on risks they don't have to, no one is stopping you from doing what you insist others should do for you. :)

Edited by eFestivals
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3.Literally thousands of other rock/metal gigs and festivals have happened since then without incident.

and some others have happened with deaths.

4.Lots of incidents have happened when hosting other genres of music such as the berlin love parade tragedy yet you dont see metal fans bringing that up as an excuse for trying to block dance music from appearing at glastonbury.

but you do see metal fans bring up the total irrelevance of a crush on at an entrance tunnel as somehow applicable to a discussion about the risks around the audiences for heavier bands.

6 A lot of the `scare` is based on stereotyping yes metal fans like a good mosh pit or 2, yes the crowd will be livly but it wont be dangerous.the facts prove otherwise.

It's not always[ dangerous, but that's a different thing to what you said. You only find out it's dangerous when the danger is present.

Mainly because at a metal gig theres no chavs

I dunno whether to :lol: or :rolleyes:

rather then actully opening your mind to genre of music that might challenge your perceptions.

what about those of us who were open to it for years, but then found we'd been challenging our own perceptions in convincing ourselves it wasn't shit? :P Edited by eFestivals
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