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Apologise Now Eavis

Guest The Man they Call the Boss

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Just to add my 2 pence worth re vpn, home connections, multiple tabs etc.

I got through and got 2 tickets at 9.01, confirmation by 9.05. Then tried again at about 10.30 to help out friends, got through by 11 and got 6 more tickets. I always got the in que screen, and only got timed out screen a handful of times, but was able to get straight back in to the que screen in seconds.

I use a standard internet connection over a bt phone line, but isp is pipex business... nothing flash.

I was using 2 computers,macs, both with firefox, but one was timing out, the other wasn't, so i just switched to using one, with one tab open. Both times after i'd switched to using only one insteaqd of 2, i got through within a few minutes???!!!...

I have no idea why, and its probably just total luck.

Am happy for all youz who ticketed, and my heart goes out to those who didn't... Good luck on re-sale

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because People who had already secured tickets, were getting back on to the site, and buying in bulk for others, I didnt have that opportunity. Thats a sham and is cheating. 4 tickets per person, it was in fact as many as you wanted if you had been able to access it. This should not have been allowed.

I am digusted and very very very angry, Eavis needs to respond to the fraud that has happened this morning.

Edited by J1mbo
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the only thing i am annoyed about is the fact that some people have managed to get 20 tickets and others none...surely this isn't just down to luck/being at the front of the queue? i don't understand how if i was in the queue at 9am and haven't managed to get 1 ticket and then someone else has got a ticket before and then rejoined the queue to get even more tickets after me makes sense. but hey, i'm kinda annoyed and sad about not getting a ticket atm so i apologise for the mini rant.

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Just to add to that, once the page came up and reg numbers were entered and payments made, many were pressing back buttons and re-entering reg numbers for friends etc, and repeating the whole process, I heard one guy claiming that he processed about 40 friends reg numbers whilst he was in the checkout pages simply going back and forth.

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Spent from 08:50 until sell out using 50MB connection and IE, Mozilla and Opera. Didn't get into the queue once. Call me a cynic but are we sure there wasn't some kind of connection preferencing in place by SeeTickets? Phone was constantly engaged as well.

Anyway not going to cry about it - looking forwards to the resale next year!

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Ticketing was obviously contracted to seetickets, and if you're having a go at anybody, it should be them, for not having the neccessary resources to fulfill what they where contracted to do, not M.E or any of the Eavis'.

Yet See have fulfilled what they're contracted to do - sell the tickets. They're sold.

Ticket agents aren't in the same position as other online sellers. If (say) argos has a sales boom, they can source as much extra stock as they need, make extra profits, and from those extra profits pay for greater infrastructure.

Ticket agents get the peaks, but they don't get extra sales from it - they can only sell the fixed number of tickets they have, and so their profit is fixed. So what they spend on infrastructure to sell those tickets is also fixed. They'll never has systems that'll sell all the tickets in the first minute.

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Just to add to that, once the page came up and reg numbers were entered and payments made, many were pressing back buttons and re-entering reg numbers for friends etc, and repeating the whole process, I heard one guy claiming that he processed about 40 friends reg numbers whilst he was in the checkout pages simply going back and forth.

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I think you need to calm down and think about it clearly

Plenty of us have missed out on more than 1 occasion in the past for the same reason but we didnt feel like we all have some kind of devine right to get through to the booking page, there's clearly far more people wanting tickets than there are available so do the maths.

Like efestivals pointed out, if a system did let everyone through somehow then the outcome would still be exactly the same

It's as fair as possibly can be, there is nothing wrong with it

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I'm not just unhappy because I missed out. I'm unhappy because the queuing system was obviously broken or something this year. :angry:

Everytime I made it to a queue page, whatever browser I was using, refresh or no refresh, I got kicked out.

I saw one, red, "Click Here For Tickets" link, clicked it, and got kicked out again.

This is not a queue. Once you are in a queue, surely you should eventually get to the front. To be told that you are in the queue about, I'd guess, 30 odd times, only to be ejected every time, is surely just not on.

Never experienced this problem in previous years, so why this year?

I feel I had about as much of a chance if I had got up midday and started trying rather than before nine. For those of us who obsess about Glasto on here week in week out and got up early, it's a real bummer. :angry: :angry: :angry:

but if you'd still lost out if there was that system, would you feel any happier about having lost out? I doubt it.

Sadly, some have to lose out. This year it might be your turn. (that sounds harsh, don't mean it to - it's just a fact).

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The "click back" function didn't allow me to get straight back to an order page, it put me back to a "busy" page and I just had to go back to refreshing to help out friends. I think it was just luck whether you hit another order page, a queueing page, or were back to square one on the back button. I was lucky enough to get an order page back up a little while later and managed to get tickets for some friends, but didn't get it back up again for other friends until the "Sold Out" page was just hitting out screens - they had also been trying from 9am and have missed out.

I see you are a new poster. I joined in 2004, just after missing out on tickets. I only really got pissed off with people who said I would have got a ticket if I'd really wanted one, because I had tried really hard. Thanks to this site I landed tickets only a couple of weeks later. In 2005 I missed out completely despite trying everything and it was horrible, but everyone here tried realy hard to help me. From 2007 onwards I have been lucky every year, although i think this year was the hardest work.

If you want tickets it's a good idea to make friends here - it can help. For me, frequenting sites like this is a sign of dedication, not a way of cheating. It's a way of maxing your chances. No-one here has ever hit the back button for me because I wouldn't trust a random off the internet with my bank details, but I have done it for people who have trusted me, because it's good to help out people who would help you if they could.

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Surely having to be registered negates the argument about people going back on to buy friends tickets? Surely that's just playing the odds? I got tickets for me and 2 mates, we go together and have for the last 2 years. We all tried and I got in first so got the three tickets. Nowt wrong with that.

Also, I have a mac so use Safari and had 4 windows on the go. They timed out a few times but just kept refreshing to get back in the queue. One eventually did and by the time I'd bought tickets, one of the others popped up. You know what, it was almost as if the 4 windows were in some sort of queue.

Shall we all stop giving this halfwit the validation he craves and leave it?

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because People who had already secured tickets, were getting back on to the site, and buying in bulk for others, I didnt have that opportunity. Thats a sham and is cheating. 4 tickets per person, it was in fact as many as you wanted if you had been able to access it. This should not have been allowed.

I am digusted and very very very angry, Eavis needs to respond to the fraud that has happened this morning.

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