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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2024 in all areas

  1. Is "alter ego" maybe pointing toward the band Kaleo? They're performing at Granatos festival at Lithuania a couple of days before Sziget👀 K
    2 points
  2. You don’t half talk some tosh mate. Boris and Rishi might have an effect on sales next year. And there is not general uproar when black artists are booked. Such a d*ck thing to say.
    2 points
  3. You don't get to choose where you can park so you could have quite a long walk on narrow country lanes. Depending where you are walking will depend on any road closures and stewards manning these points turning you away. If you do succeed remember it won't necessarily get you any closer to the entrance than arriving on Wednesday. 🙂
    1 point
  4. Dual Lipa on Graham Norton on Friday, do we think line up could already be out so she can be questioned about it?
    1 point
  5. As scummy as Ticketmaster are artists DO have a choice to use different platforms or disable dynamic pricing if they stick with TM. Most of them seem perfectly happy to fall into line. God bless Robert Smith's efforts last year; The Cure effectively proved that much of this is in artists hands, but it seems you can't stop greed by some artists. I've drawn my line at £100 - I don't care who the act is or how special the show is. It's not worth it when I could see two medium size bands or grab a day ticket at a festival for less and have an equally good experience.
    1 point
  6. @Avalon_Fields if youd not seen this
    1 point
  7. Saw them at a festival in 2017 and they were exceptional. Would be very pleased to see them again. Potential sub?
    1 point
  8. theres a few more to go on from last couple of days
    1 point
  9. Not my info but as far as I can tell it seems pretty solid aye.
    1 point
  10. What qualifies a booking as a "soft headliner gamble". I'd posit the essential criteria are: 1. Haven't headlined before 2. Not global mega star status On that basis Dua Lipa in my mind was that booking. Young, relatively new act with only two albums behind her (and one to come). If you're going more of a gamble than that you're just into "not headliner material" territory.
    1 point
  11. I hoped they’d put Chemical Brothers back on the Pyramid again in light of their big anniversary. Plus their new stuff is on a par with their old stuff and their set looks better than anyone else on TV with the visuals. They aren’t even in the rumours for Other Stage. Seen them so many times at Glasto & elsewhere but was hoping they’d be back this year. Oh and please don’t let Justice clash with Stevie W.
    1 point
  12. Actually, the "Reg As Genius" thesis is bolstered immeasurably by his film and stage work. 19th person ever to win the EGOT.
    1 point
  13. they will most likely have more to sell at a later date, I missed out on one last year but emailed IOW directly and spoke to a lady, later on she emailed me back saying they had some spare tickets for sale, sent me a link to it and hey ho I was in
    1 point
  14. The whole ‘put a smaller act to headline the Pyramid’ argument is one of the most moronic ones going. as many have said. Why would they do that when they can get same up and coming act to headline Woodies (where they are much more suited) and also put a massive stadium act on the pyramid (and in the case of Coldplay/ Radiohead usually play for free). “sorry Coldplay/ U2/ Madonna/ Elton John… we’re going to turn you down because we want park headliners Wolf Alice and Wet Leg to give it a shot instead. We’re also putting a local band from Glasto town to headline the park instead cos you know it’s like cool man..”
    1 point
  15. What are they destroying if its sold out without an single act announced? They sell 135,000 tickets in an hour and could put Boris and Rishi on the Pyramid having a laugh if they want. They essentially do the opposite of what they could do with such a blessing. They play it very very safe cause they think they have to appease the lawn chair audience and theyre the only ones who buy tickets or something. They could challenge the audience but its once in a blue moon when it even happens. I mean its pretty much when any black artist is headlining that theres any uproar with the general public abut the festival losing its touch or something. I mean we have seen what happens when Emily goes after the tough gets and sometimes it burns you. Theyre lucky they even get Coldplay to perform for next to nothing or else they would have some other issues this year. like ive said in the past we will see what happens when all 3 headliners are under the age of 30 or even all female. everyones mum will say its trash and they want to return their ticket. Fine, let em. Or do the boldest thing and dont put one ticket on sale until after you announce the lineup and see what happens with sales and reaction. If they want to see how the audience is currently then thats what you do. Its still gonna take another generation for the core attendees to be ok with certain bookings.
    1 point
  16. I did the same. With the already announced names, I am more than happy.
    1 point
  17. In recent days we've had Fontaines DC, the Mary Wallopers, Jungle, Moonchild Sanelly, Janelle Monae, SG Lewis and a few others all more or less confirmed.
    1 point
  18. I'm no enthusiast or expect, but yes, I like a 'good' show. One that's story driven, set to music with precision timing, and encompasses other elements, like lasers, fire, drones etc. That was my point all along, that I never bother with smaller displays like Glastonbury's, they always seem a bit naf after experiencing so many really good full scale productions. Sorry for the confusion. Edited to add: If we're going to enjoy fireworks for years to come with minimal impact on the environment, I also believe that big productions are the way to go, and hopefully less people using them at home... 30k people in a field watching one display has to be better than each of those families having their own small display in the garden... Right?
    1 point
  19. The Smile have a date in Valencia on 28th too.
    1 point
  20. Back on the road from Sunday after far too long in a flat
    1 point
  21. Personally think this is great
    1 point
  22. So you're suggesting that they were so young then, so young, so young then?
    1 point
  23. One of my favourite things ever is being in a massive crowd at the Pyramid watching a huge act put on a headlining show that people are going to be talking about for years. Another of my favourite things ever is being at a headliner on a smaller stage with a bunch of people who've chosen to be there over the massive act on the Pyramid because they love the act, the act know and appreciate this and put on an amazing performance. One of my least favourite things is seeing an act I love on a stage that's too big for them playing to a noticeably small and largely indifferent crowd.
    1 point
  24. Fender has already subbed to a massive and rapturous crowd and has since headlined Reading and played his own stadium dates. He’s already at headliner level and seems a lock for next year if you ask me. The Young Fathers thing just shows that a band can be fantastic, put on a great show and still not be the right fit to headline Glastonbury. Being good is only half the equation, you need to big enough to top the biggest stage on the planet. You need to either be a star or about to become one. And that’s fine, not every act has to be a future headliner. It’s perfectly acceptable to love and enjoy an act and to also know that they’re not going to headline Glastonbury.
    1 point
  25. Excuse me for my pessimism btw. It’s just pretty sad to experience such an amazing festival getting f’d up by some new organisers.
    1 point
  26. No idea what JK is like live mind 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just think the music cries out a great night of dancing! 😊
    1 point
  27. I would. Personally love fireworks
    1 point
  28. apart from the commercial success and popularity.
    1 point
  29. Young Fathers who have 4 albums and none of which have got in the top 5? More chance of me headlining. They would make Foals headlining look like the Rolling Stones.
    1 point
  30. It sounds a lot like their third album Modern Vampires of the City. It has more darker tone compared to Father of the Bride which was released in 2019. They are the biggest reason I want to buy tickets to Primavera for but I am just waiting in case they announce a UK tour for the summer. The exclusivity is only for EU and not UK.
    1 point
  31. I loathe Fairytale of New York with a passion usually reserved for war criminals.
    1 point
  32. I agree, gigs have always been something that's a mixed bag for me - sometimes they are incredible mind-blowing events, other times the band has an off-day, or you end up stood next to some dickheads in the crowd, or behind a 6 foot tall person. And that was always fine, because it was £20, maybe £30 for a big act. At £200 that's just too much to risk. And it forces the whole production to shift to a much more consistent, reproduceable show. Because you can't afford to have a bad night. But that also means you no longer get the magical nights where the act drops in a random song because it feels right or things just go in a weird and wonderful direction. Instead, you have to deliver the same show the people who were there last night saw. We also now go pretty much only seated as well, partly as we're getting older, but also partly as it takes some of the randomness out of it.
    1 point
  33. Some of these exclusives are hilarious. Her ONLY gig in Bedford in LATE JUNE in the EVENING
    1 point
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