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Geoengineering over Somerset and Glastonbury


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Can anyone confirm what the spraying is like around the Glastonbury somerset area? I'm personally in Leeds and the last few days have been terrible for spraying. 


Just wondering if we can hope for some natural weather next weekend, without the disgusting chemicals. I'd settle for natural pissy rain and mud rather than the engineered stuff. 

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Can anyone confirm what the spraying is like around the Glastonbury somerset area? I'm personally in Leeds and the last few days have been terrible for spraying.

Just wondering if we can hope for some natural weather next weekend, without the disgusting chemicals. I'd settle for natural pissy rain and mud rather than the engineered stuff.

There spraying the fields with neat cider as we speak .

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Yup, it's a pseudosciencey term they like the sound of so there's less worrying words like chemtrails around.

It's hilarious really when you look into the logistics of what they're suggesting at all. But some folk think a guy rose from the dead and walked on water so who are we to get too judgey.

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It's hilarious really when you look into the logistics of what they're suggesting at all.


I had an ... erm ... over-dedicated chemtrails fanatic phone me up a year or two back. I was apparently named and shamed on facebook as a result of that call. :P


But anyway ... apparently, every airline pilot is in on the plot, as well as every aircraft engineer at airlines, and not forgetting everyone at the airline manufacturers ... but not one of those hundreds of thousands of people around the world has ever decided to go public about it. How odd.


But it does reveal that 9/11 was definitely a conspiracy because that would have only taken a few hundred people to keep quiet, and if the chemtrails guys can keep hundreds of thousands quiet it's a breeze to silence that few hundred who are happy to commit genocide of their countrymen. :P

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There was an international change in airline fuel around ten years ago when the phenomonia started. So the pilots would not need to be 'in on it' as you say. The metals could be in the fuel. Spend some time looking into it perhaps. 


The MOD in the UK came forward a few years ago and actually admitted a massive spraying campaign of biological weapons in the 60s and 70s. 




There are different kinds of spraying going on, some from none commercial planes... That much is obvious when you live in certain parts of the country you can see it with your own eyes. This is NOT a normal contrail phenomena. 


As for 9/11. This is a completely off topic subject and has nothing to do with chemtrails. However, I genuine feel sorry for anybody who can't see that the official account to the story is a pack of lies. I also feel sorry for people who dissapear down the rabbit hole trying to find the 'truth'. 

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There was an international change in airline fuel around ten years ago when the phenomonia started. So the pilots would not need to be 'in on it' as you say. The metals could be in the fuel. Spend some time looking into it perhaps.

you're going off message. :P

According to the 'expert' who phoned me up and who claimed to be the UK's leading expert*, he said the planes had special tanks for the chemicals, and that it was something completely unrelated to fuel.

(he even dropped in a University name ... tho when challenged it turned out he was the university bog cleaner oir something, and not an academic at all :lol:)

Perhaps there's two different 'Geoengineering' conspiracies that are almost identical, but where neither is revealing the existence of the other to the other side? :P


The MOD in the UK came forward a few years ago and actually admitted a massive spraying campaign of biological weapons in the 60s and 70s. 



but you chemtrails peeps claim it's being done by most commercial airlines.

You just can't find *ANYONE* who works for those airlines who'll confirm it. I guess that's because those airlines are brilliant at recruiting super-special people who never blab. :P


There are different kinds of spraying going on, some from none commercial planes... That much is obvious when you live in certain parts of the country you can see it with your own eyes. This is NOT a normal contrail phenomena.

and yet the only evidence you have is you looking up at the sky and deciding that what you see is chemtrails.


As for 9/11. This is a completely off topic subject and has nothing to do with chemtrails. However, I genuine feel sorry for anybody who can't see that the official account to the story is a pack of lies. I also feel sorry for people who dissapear down the rabbit hole trying to find the 'truth'.

sorry, my bad. I hadn't realised that you're so in with the conspiracies that you know what is and what isn't a conspiracy, despite the absence of any evidence.


Back to chemtrails,  care to show me some of that truth? You know, with real evidence and things?


I'm quite happy to follow you down the rabbit hole in search of your truth, but you have to be willing to hear me laugh. A lot. :)

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Chemtrails! *opens bag of popcorn*

I like this argument, it's paranoid schizophrenia in it's purest form


I used to know a guy who swore blind that his breathing was a lot worse on the days he "knew that "they" had been been spraying". 


On pressing him it turned out he'd suffered with asthma all his life. 

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Safe to say he's already done that old chap!!


I've made up my mind on the evidence I'm aware of. I'm quite happy to have further 'evidence' of chemtrails shown to me for me to evaluate - I'm open to persuasion. :)


The problem is (from what I'm personally aware of, anyway) is that there simply isn't any evidence at all, beyond some people looking at the sky and placing a concept onto a specific thing they've observed.


And from what I'm aware of, if there was a chemtrails conspiracy the numbers knowingly involved in it would be so very huge that I cannot believe it could be kept quiet.


I'm willing to be convinced otherwise tho, I'm open to any evidence anyone would like to present me with.

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Had to chime in... simply... chemtrails, absolute bullshit I'm afraid.  I work in the aerospace industry, across both civil and military sectors, loads of different customers and airlines, my particular area of work involves the areas of aircraft where these chemtrail devices are supposedly located.   I can categorically say there is nothing even remotely sinister at all (probably wasting my breath as usually the conspiracy theorists don't want to hear anything outside their own agenda), but think about it, millions across the globe involved in aerospace, but I've yet to see someone 'whistle blow' about chemtrails, moreover the airlines basically want cheap as poss, light as poss aircraft, they've absolutely no interest in carrying any extra devices that aren't needed to keep their passengers in the skies.  Further more I've seen many design specs from around the world, not one has any 'mysterious' requirement/device.

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I've made up my mind on the evidence I'm aware of. I'm quite happy to have further 'evidence' of chemtrails shown to me for me to evaluate - I'm open to persuasion. :)


The problem is (from what I'm personally aware of, anyway) is that there simply isn't any evidence at all, beyond some people looking at the sky and placing a concept onto a specific thing they've observed.


And from what I'm aware of, if there was a chemtrails conspiracy the numbers knowingly involved in it would be so very huge that I cannot believe it could be kept quiet.


I'm willing to be convinced otherwise tho, I'm open to any evidence anyone would like to present me with.


You want evidence?  Look at them.  Just at look at them!  You can SEE them spraying!!!  Arrrrgghhh!



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In reply to the original post, I can confirm that GeoEngineering will be going on in the skies above Somerset, as has been done every year from '99 onwards.  After the mudfests of 97 and 98, Michael Eavis was concerned the bad weather would affect ticket sales so now pays a GeoEngineering collective to ensure finer weather.  A dispute over fees meant they took the year off in '05 with obvious results. I have personally inspected the planes being used and have observed the special engineering to hide chemical tanks in the wings alongside fuel tanks and have observed Kemble airbase taking delivery of Sodium Hydroxyl-6 which is the second most popular 'precipitation dispersal agent'. This will inevitably end up in the water supply where it can combine with fluorine to cause infertility. If you think this is bullshit, ask yourself this, have you ever seen the red arrows do a display in low-lying cloud conditions?

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