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General Election 2015


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slimeball act...? me..?


Neil suffers from e-tourettes syndrome. This is typified by a period of rational sensible on-line debate followed for no apparent reason by personal insults.

There is no known cure.

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Neil suffers from e-tourettes syndrome. This is typified by a period of rational sensible on-line debate followed for no apparent reason by personal insults.

There is no known cure.

There is a known cure, but you and tony prefer squirrels to actually engaging. ;)

You know, like where I pointed out how 'mind changing' doesn't happen within elections, tony claimed it did and that his mind had been changed, then as-good-as-admitted he was talking bollocks, but did so with snide.

If someone wants to play the arse, I'm always here to point out they're being an arse. :)

Have you found that £7.6Bn from down the back of the sofa yet? :P

Edited by eFestivals
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There is a known cure, but you and tony prefer squirrels to actually engaging. ;)

You know, like where I pointed out how 'mind changing' doesn't happen within elections, tony claimed it did and that his mind had been changed, then as-good-as-admitted he was talking bollocks, but did so with snide.

If someone wants to play the arse, I'm always here to point out they're being an arse. :)

Have you found that £7.6Bn from down the back of the sofa yet? :P

No, too busy punching myself in the face & fucking up my children's future.

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There is a known cure, but you and tony prefer squirrels to actually engaging. ;)

You know, like where I pointed out how 'mind changing' doesn't happen within elections, tony claimed it did and that his mind had been changed, then as-good-as-admitted he was talking bollocks, but did so with snide.

If someone wants to play the arse, I'm always here to point out they're being an arse. :)

Have you found that £7.6Bn from down the back of the sofa yet? :P

i'm sure there are people that do change their minds, I know someone who did last election.

I guess you could say that the seeds were planted before, but then when does the election really start (certainly not the given date)

Not many I admit, but yes people do change their minds

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I see 60% in Scotland say Sturgeon won ... but let's face it, she could have walked on stage, taken a dump on the podium, pointed at the turd and said "that's my contribution tonight" and she'd have still got 60%. :P

Only 60%? I'd say at least 80% maybe even as high as 110%.

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We've discussed principles a bit on here over the past few days.

For anyone who watched tonight, who showed most principle?

Ed. He stuck to his position, and didn't promise what he knows he can't deliver.

All of the women promised the earth, world peace and momma's apple pie, but without any plan to make any of it possible.

It certainly wasn't Sturgeon who showed principle. She was stood there demanding an end to austerity but conceded she wants to impose worse-than-tory austerity onto Scotland via FFA, and when someone tried to pin her down to specifics about something (I forget what now) she squirmed and squirmed and squirmed but would commit to nothing - because with commitment comes responsibility, and it's much easier to ask for the earth knowing it can't be delivered and then point at others for having failed to deliver over the guff she's talked.

Last night there were four un-seriousness politicians making noises that sounded lovely to those who share those aspirations, but we all know they were talking worthless guff ... unless you're going to show me the magic money tree?

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The deeply Tory morning London papers who despise ed had him as the clear winner. They say his highlight being when he had sturgeon on toast by bringing up 1979 and the snp's support for thatcher. It meant she couldnt position the snp as the anti-tory party.

They also had harsh words for farage.

Personally, I wasn't impressed with any of them and don't think Cameron's absence will be damaging.

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I totally get Neil's point about the ladies' policies not adding up and I would not trust them with the country. BUT, these debate are for the most part a beauty pageant - it's less about what you say than how you say it. Anyone who cares about policy, like the groups on here, know the policies in advance of the debate, there's going to be no surprises, we already have made up our minds (maybe not Tony :) ) For the person with a casual interest in the election, they go on how the group performed - and Sturgeon did well. And although Ed didn't make any mistakes, I don't think he did enough to sway Scottish votes from the SNP and will probably have lost some to PC/Greens (I agree with Nic), as they were better than last time.

Farage was just weird - thought he started ok, then started picking a fight with the audience, madness.

I know it's the Torygraph, but they summed it up well on a Facebook post - the winner last night was sat back watching the debate in Downing St. As Russy said, his absence didn't make much difference, despite a few mentions. Ed was too busy defending attacks on the left and right to really pull away. And Farage's outburst might have hit UKIP support.

I think the big loser was old Cleggy - hardly a mention of him or the Lib Dems. I know he's got a spot on the QT programme, but he must be kicking himself.

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Anyone who cares about policy, like the groups on here, know the policies in advance of the debate, there's going to be no surprises, we already have made up our minds

I haven't. I'm deciding between the local MP candidate I like more for the Greens, or Labour who I think have the more balanced overall policies.

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But you're savvy enough to know what each is offering. I'd be pretty sure that there were no policy surprises for you last night.

None at all. Ed's been mildly impressing me more in the past couple of months (although I was never as down as him as many, I voted for him as Labour leader 5 years ago). Don't think he was as good last night as he has been otherwise lately though.

Edited by kaosmark2
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Tomorrow The Sun will reveal more, with a headline saying “Miliband has FIVE teaspoons. He may claim to be on the side of the poor but he has a different teaspoon for EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK if you don’t count weekends.”

Day after day we’re confronted with headlines such as “Tories pledge to allow pensioners to print own money”. And “‘Miliband’s knob is a peculiar shape’, says a doctor”.

Then the BBC takes this stuff up, so the evening news starts: “Labour on the defensive over shape of Miliband’s knob.”


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Tomorrow The Sun will reveal more, with a headline saying “Miliband has FIVE teaspoons. He may claim to be on the side of the poor but he has a different teaspoon for EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK if you don’t count weekends.”

Day after day we’re confronted with headlines such as “Tories pledge to allow pensioners to print own money”. And “‘Miliband’s knob is a peculiar shape’, says a doctor”.

Then the BBC takes this stuff up, so the evening news starts: “Labour on the defensive over shape of Miliband’s knob.”


Although the article is a joke, I did find this comment interesting

So if anyone is tempted to think the election doesn’t matter, they should consider how much it matters to the most powerful, as they seem to be working tirelessly to get the end result that they want.

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Although the article is a joke, I did find this comment interesting

Yes, if the Tories somehow win. The pig in the bacon sandwich will not have died in vain...he will have helped his fellow pigs keep their snouts in the trough.

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Farage was just weird - thought he started ok, then started picking a fight with the audience, madness.

Nah that sort of thing surely appeals to his audience? He knew full well what he was doing with that one, won't him new fans but I'd imagine UKIP supporters were in complete agrement with him (going by the comments on the facebook democracy page anyway) and it got him mentioned in the headlines of the debate.

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