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What do you regret about Glastonbury 2014?

Guest Funkyfairy!

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Having a loose gusset/holes in pockets and losing lots of things on the way in on Tuesday night. PROPER gutted for a long time about that.

Always feeling that I'd headed back to camp at least an hour too early.

Having my camera knocked from my hand during Metallica's encore.

My inflatable mattress was useless. Slept on the floor for six nights.

Losing my temper on the first night with some nos users camped next to me at about three in the morning. You were right. I could have asked nicely.

Having crocked my back a couple of weeks earlier and then leaving my walking stick in a portaloo on Friday night (I think). I really could have done with that on the Saturday. I was slow anyway and that made things slower.

The rain on the Saturday put me in a proper dark place. I'd only managed to wangle the day off at about 4.30pm the day before and was really looking forward to it. The only day I really had any interest in and my only day off. I thought it was going to last all day. Plus see the above paragraph.

Working during Dolly.

Wasting half an hour on the way home being sent in the wrong direction.

On average a bit of a 'mare all told. It's funny really. I'm usually super efficient at "doing" Glastonbury.

I still wouldn't be anywhere else in the world that weekend mind.

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Biggest regret? Not even getting there due to bad arm break. With hindsight I possibly could have managed a muted version of Glasto but I followed Dr advice and felt bad that the Mr who have had to do everything for me.

Couldn't bring myself to watch it on TV until after it had all finished.

.......next year if we are lucky.

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I felt the same when William had his bag snatched at womad while we were all sitting there - shouldn't have happened. But that's how bag-snatchers work isn't it - they watch and wait for that moment when backs are turned and then strike - gone in a second. I just wish I'd caught the bastard! The main loss was precious glastonbury time and that perennial feeling of not having seen enough made larger than usual - although that wasn't entirley down to to the bag theft - lots of things didn't pan out how I planned this year and resulted in wasted time and energy. One of those years...

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My 1st time..... Amazining....

took it stready all the way til Sunday Night where I stupidly drank a bottle of vodka or more during half the Black Keys excellent set.. woke up next morning having missed Kasabian and Sunday night and having made my 26 year old son also miss Kasabian to get me back to my tent and watch over me... SO next time steady all the way through.

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A simple schoolboy error....... Not taking the mudguards off my bike.

Spent about an hour or so on Saturday afternoon battling from North of the Pyramid to the Park with clogged up wheels that completely jammed up every 10 yards.

I blame the straw on the floor around Silver Hayes somewhere.

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I really don't think I did as much this year than in other years. Maybe due to it being cold at night.

I also brought a broken camera by accident.

I'd love to go back a couple of weeks to rectify this.

Edited by Couchy
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My 1st time..... Amazining....

took it stready all the way til Sunday Night where I stupidly drank a bottle of vodka or more during half the Black Keys excellent set.. woke up next morning having missed Kasabian and Sunday night and having made my 26 year old son also miss Kasabian to get me back to my tent and watch over me... SO next time steady all the way through.

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