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Best Conversations Of Glastonbury 2011

Guest Oddone

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Walking behidn 2 teenage girls going from the Pyramid up Big Ground

Girl 1: Hows the Drink kicking in?

Girl 2: Fantastic! I feel amazing!

Girl 1: Hows the food going down?

Girl 2: Fantastic! I feel amazing!

Girl 1: And the drugs?

Girl 2: Fantastic! I feel amazing! Actually its prob just the drugs.

A couple standing at the other stage during the day on Thursday when it was muddy but not too bad.

Girl "I heard that by Sunday night the water in the mud at the front is 99% piss"

Guy "I heard if you drink it you get the power of a Donkey but die of AIds a day later."

GIrl "Totally not worth it"

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This involes me n isnt relaly a convo but its good.

Coldplay finish 'The Scientist'. My male friend (surrounded by couples) goes "Never felt so alone in my life". SO I grab him by the cheeks and plant a massive one on him for about 3 seconds. He was speechless for the next 2 songs.

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Girl A: (Quite clearly a little merry) We should go back to the happy Krishnas

Girl B: Do you mean the Hare Krishnas?

Girl A: Nooo, they're the Happy Krishnas, that's what they are called, the Happy Krishnas.

At this point she started nodding vigorously as her friend did a literal facepalm. For some reason it really amused me.

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Girl A: (Quite clearly a little merry) We should go back to the happy Krishnas

Girl B: Do you mean the Hare Krishnas?

Girl A: Nooo, they're the Happy Krishnas, that's what they are called, the Happy Krishnas.

At this point she started nodding vigorously as her friend did a literal facepalm. For some reason it really amused me.

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I heard loads of funny stuff, but why oh why can I never remember the best ones afterwards?!

I certainly recall overhearing lots of mobile conversations where people are trying to explain to friends where they are in the most useless way possible. One of my favourites being a chap at Arcadia covered in fairy lights saying 'we're right down at the front, we're all lit up like christmas trees, you can't miss us'. Which would be fine, except the arcadia stage had three 'fronts' and the friend he was talking to was clearly not at the same one!

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Again, not quite a conversation, but had great comedy timing. Was watching the trapeze act at 1am (amazing BTW,and only saw it as i couldn't be arsed queueing Shrangri La etc).

One guy was doing some tight rope walking backwards, and when he turned round a guy shouts out It's only f*cking gary Barlow!. You probably had to be there though. (And no, it wasn't BTW)

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I certainly recall overhearing lots of mobile conversations where people are trying to explain to friends where they are in the most useless way possible. One of my favourites being a chap at Arcadia covered in fairy lights saying 'we're right down at the front, we're all lit up like christmas trees, you can't miss us'. Which would be fine, except the arcadia stage had three 'fronts' and the friend he was talking to was clearly not at the same one!

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I overheard a conversation between 2 stewards on walkie talkies - luckily Steward 1 repeated everything said by Steward 2...

Steward 1 - so where are you?

Steward 2 - in a field

Steward 1 - in a field?

Steward 2 - yeah, by a tree

Steward 1, looking around... - by a tree? Which side of the site are you?

Steward 2 - i've no idea!

I had to laugh....

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I overheard a medical guy say into his walkie talkie 'Just to confirm, the gentleman in question has got his penis stuck in the wheel of his electric vehicle.'

20 people sat on the benches in the Circus area did a double take and started laughing!

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Had to laugh at this just because of how immaculately "done-up" they were (and therefore I assume the friend in question)

Girl 1: OMG did you hear about Tasha?!?

Girl 2: OMG No! what happened?

Girl 1: OMG She dropped her iPhone in one of the toilets last night!

Girl 2: OMG OMG, How we gonna find her later!

Girl 1: OMG it was OK though, it was one of them plastic portabogs so it wasn't too deep for her to reach in and get it back

Girl 2: OMG That was WELL lucky!


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Two lads having a piss in the urinals on Friday. On a stag do, judging from their t-shirts and relentlessly upbeat demeanour

'Mate, mate, I've just pissed into an empty can of strongbow that was in the trough, filled it up'

'Ah man, top times, mate, top times'

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