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  2. 🤣 ffs, that’s rude - Vitamin T is only ever scraping being described as decent when it’s freezing cold
  3. Yep Leftfield have totally nailed it this year haven’t they!!
  4. The K’s, English Teacher, Sprints, Soccer Mommy, Lottery Winners, The Scratch, Mary in the Junkyard. All with some annoying clashes but hoping to catch most of them (and NewDad which is already on your list)
  5. Dua and Jessie are both going to be top tier party moments, no doubt about it. But against the odds, I’m going to go with: London Grammar - Sunday, The Park. Last time I saw the ‘Gram they played a venue in Melbourne worthy of their size as a band, but disconnected from any sense of occasion or intimacy. It didn’t work. For them to close Glastonbury on The Park stage has the potential to be a beautifully special moment.
  6. hey everyone, i messaged their Instagram about the full line up and they replied so that's for your concern. my problem is that im trying to book flights and i just want to be on the 30th for jungle and the smile and one more day just visiting Lisbon, but i fear they'll announce someone that I'd like to see in a different day. if they're going to add someone big do you believe it will be on the 29th or 31? also, how's the festival in general? getting from there to the center, parties after main concert, beer prices etc...
  7. Mark H

    Taylor swift

    Looks like London tickets are on sale now. I’m not an invited fan though so I can’t get them! But hopefully this helps someone!
  8. Would need an inferno to dry that up
  9. 6.50 hopefully. last night at the Foos it was seven quid for a can of warm Tennants lager poured into a paper cup.
  10. Dark Star


    I saw one night of that run... it proved how important it really is to get to the show on time. He opened with Purple Rain, the two seats to our left were empty for the first half hour of the show. Eventually, the two people who'd bought them arrived, apparently they'd had an extra drink in the restaurant, but on hearing they'd were 30 minutes late they said at least we won't have missed Purple Rain. At the end, they expressed shock at it not being played... we didn't have the heart to tell them what that drink cost!
  11. Thank you! I got the impression that that's not official, but just somebody's guess?
  12. https://clashfinder.com/s/latitudefestival2024/
  13. The National for me too. To close Glastonbury for me is like a dream come true.
  14. Tbf the spider didn’t look that impressive 8 days before the site opened on any year that I’ve seen it.
  15. Pinhead


    Is it possible it's the same place I'm talking about maybe.
  16. doesn’t look as impressive as the spider, let’s hope when it’s finished it will do!
  17. Dua Lipa 85 (-10) The National 130 Justice 230 Fontaines D.C 221
  18. westholtschic


    Don’t know sorry, only know about it from these guys who I’m going to see.
  19. I don't think you have any other option than to pay the £160 or be turned away. It's very clear on the website.
  20. First close up of the Dragonfly I've seen..
  21. I used to know "Fuzz" Townshend from that band. He was (and probably still is) the very personification of 'nice;'.
  22. The weather in Belgium is horrible since a few days. Today Graspop announced most of the parkings won't open tomorrow. Camping seems a disaster. I was normally going to the festival on Saturday but haven't bought a ticket on TicketSwap yet... until today, there were a few tickets but not that much: it has changed a lot since this morning! So many tickets for Saturday - but also other - are put on sale. Really curious on how it will end... honestly, I'll wait until Friday to see if I take a ticket or not. Good luck for the people there for the 4-5 days with camping...
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