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Guest rossm18

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As user of this forum quite regularly and an avid festival goer I have always fancied going to Glastonbury and tried for tickets this year. Like many others on here I had no luck in getting tickets and had my grumpy morning about it but eventually got over it. I lost interest in the Glastonbury forum due to not getting tickets but have started coming back on to have a browse at the forums again as the festival gets closer and I've got to say, although the people on here represent a small proportion if the good folk who go to the farm each year the pettiness and the way a lot of posters look down on each other could really put people off which has done to me a little. I know I will probably get slated for this since I've never been but I think this really goes against all that Glastonbury is meant to be about? I know the internet is a place for people to give opinions and I'm all for that I just feel there's some very condescending posters on here.

Peace out \/

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I think a lot of people here are very passionate about music, and the festival itself, and strong beliefs and opinions often result in what you sometimes see on these forums.

Also, and this is probably more pertinent, this isn't real life. Away from these screens, true communication and emotion happens. I don't believe the way we represent ourselves online can ever be a true version of us.

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That's right. Everything in the forum has been taken out of context. The Metallica Mosh thread is a good example... The Pro Moshers are actually the chair sitters and the Non Moshing crowd are actually moshers. Same with the peeing in the tent feed... None of those guys have tents and there are no bands before 12 on Friday... Don't even get me started on what Jools holland is playing tonight - everyone knows that show ended years ago and they are all talking about The Old Grey Whistle Test... by the way if you are watching even less coverage on the bbc I'm sure they'll air Angle Haze's afternoon set in full without sensorship and Dolly Parton will be pixelated. Hope you make it next year bud ;)

Edited by jpeee
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The is a psychological reason why this happens. The is no tone of voice to a forum post and this makes what would seem like an innocent remark in person seem a lot more volatile and aggressive/condescending on the forums.

Edited by Yesiamaduck
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I think that while there is obviously a lot lost in translation online, exacerbating the situation, you have to accept that the people who go on a forum a lot for a festival are very fanatical about it. This is not meant in a condescending way, as I don't think anyone here (including myself) could deny it, but it first struck me a few years ago at my first Reading. I noticed that the forums were full of people furious that it was no longer 'their' festival or a 'metal' festival anymore, and they were by far the dominant voice on a forum. I think the passion of a minority of people for the tradition and a certain disregard for youthful trends and shifting popular culture is an integral part of a festival as long as you can appreciate both sides/extremes (ie the flag hating 'won't watch any headliners anyway' efestivallers and hardcores of twenty years, to the must-tweet-must-selfie face painting and skrillex crowd). Hope this doesn't offend too many people/literally everyone.

Don't be put off, however - Glastonbury is, quite simply, for everyone.

Edited by austinhoops
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As user of this forum quite regularly and an avid festival goer I have always fancied going to Glastonbury and tried for tickets this year. Like many others on here I had no luck in getting tickets and had my grumpy morning about it but eventually got over it. I lost interest in the Glastonbury forum due to not getting tickets but have started coming back on to have a browse at the forums again as the festival gets closer and I've got to say, although the people on here represent a small proportion if the good folk who go to the farm each year the pettiness and the way a lot of posters look down on each other could really put people off which has done to me a little. I know I will probably get slated for this since I've never been but I think this really goes against all that Glastonbury is meant to be about? I know the internet is a place for people to give opinions and I'm all for that I just feel there's some very condescending posters on here.

Peace out \/

Edited by Yoghurt on a Stick
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This forum is a misrepresentation of the norm at glastonbury, I mean most people on here state the pyramid is one of their least favourite stages yet at the festival it's the most popular. However there is balance if you read enough and I wouldn't change it as I think it's a very fair representation of both experienced Glasto goers and tech savvy music appreciators.

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there's been other Glastonbury forums in the past, where everyone pretended to like everyone else. They were busier than this forum, but now they're deader than a dodo. There's a reason why.

Like it or not, there's an honesty on these forums which keeps them vibrant and interesting. There's not a lot that's interesting in hearing lots of people all agreeing with each other.

Perhaps what we have here is the antithesis of what research about most social media has found - that people tend to be cowed by the presence of others and become more conservative and less controversial as a result.

Edited by eFestivals
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While it's true that some threads might seem a little too 'honest' and it seems that everyone bitches and gripes about each other, when it's ticket day and resale day, these forums are amazing in helping each other out and it seems to me that everyone wants everyone to get to Glasto and will go above and beyond to help.

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I'd rather people were just real, on these boards and at glastonbury- and that means sometimes people are grumpy, angry, etc etc. I'd hate it if people were just fake polite about everything all the time- I don't know where this myth started where people think you're meant to act like you've just joined a brainwashed cult while at glastonbury!

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I like people's honesty etc. I tend to avoid threads about bands I don't like just purely because I believe in promoting what I am passionate about rather than complaining about the ones that don't do it for me. I figure there is more than enough artists in the world that are good that I don't need to waste my time on the ones I don't like.

I've found lots of helpful tips on here and I do believe people here are genuinely very helpful and caring. They are just also very passionate. I sometimes think some people think it is all more personal than it really is. I think this quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall sums up a lot of the banter on this forum.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

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As user of this forum quite regularly and an avid festival goer I have always fancied going to Glastonbury and tried for tickets this year. Like many others on here I had no luck in getting tickets and had my grumpy morning about it but eventually got over it. I lost interest in the Glastonbury forum due to not getting tickets but have started coming back on to have a browse at the forums again as the festival gets closer and I've got to say, although the people on here represent a small proportion if the good folk who go to the farm each year the pettiness and the way a lot of posters look down on each other could really put people off which has done to me a little. I know I will probably get slated for this since I've never been but I think this really goes against all that Glastonbury is meant to be about? I know the internet is a place for people to give opinions and I'm all for that I just feel there's some very condescending posters on here.

Peace out \/

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Can't deny I'm a bit jealous of everyone going. Who wouldn't be? Just saying I think there's having a difference of opinion and then really putting someone down because there opinion is different than yours. I have seen it really bad in the kasabian topic ( I'm a kasabian fan) I see people just devices I'm a piss throwing lager lout who beats woman when I resent both those things. I don't think it gets anymore insulting than that.

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You looking for trouble?? Round here, you may as well have said that Radiohead are the most overrated band to come out of the 90s. (They are).

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