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Right....that's me done. What will be will be....and whatever it is we will have fun, we will meet great people and we will see great things....and whatever the weather we will still come home next week and say, yeah I got wet and yeah the mud hacked me off, but even with all that it is still the greatest festival in the world and long may it continue to be so.

Have an absolutely fabulous festival everyone. Good night.

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Meteo group forecast looking fine, tiny bit of rain, sunshine and showers right through there will still be grass to sit on come Sunday I promise ;-)


Supposably the most reliable of all forecasters according to the guardian. So er... STICK!

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The Glastonbury Festival is upon us once again and many festival-goers are pondering over what to throw in to their rucksacks before dashing off to Somerset over the next day or two. Obviously, with such a large open-air event, the weather will play its part, with many hoping that there will be no repeat performance of the heavy downpours and mud baths that occurred during the 2005, 2007 and 2011 festivals, to name but a few.

So what attire would best suit the occasional this year? Current forecast models are a little unclear detail-wise at this stage but unfortunately, the weather does appear to be taking a turn for the worse towards the end of this week and in to the weekend.

Heres MeteoGroups latest thoughts on what is likely for Glastonbury for the following few days (read on, if you dare)

Wednesday: With many people hoping for some dry and settled weather to pitch their tents tomorrow, things are looking promising. An added benefit will be the dry ground underfoot, thanks to little if any rainfall recorded over the last couple of weeks or so. To start with, there will be variable cloud accompanied with some sunny intervals. Through the afternoon, it should stay dry with a better chance of some sunshine. Temperatures will peak at around 19-20C (66-68F).

Thursday: Following a dry night, Thursday will dawn fine with spells of sunshine and just a little cloud. Through much of the day in fact, the weather is set fair with more sunshine to come although cloud will tend to gradually increase as the afternoon and more especially the evening, progresses. This cloud will herald some showery rain spreading in from the south-west overnight. Thursdays highest temperatures will peak at around 19-20C (66-68F).

Friday: Low pressure will begin to dominate the weather from Friday with a greater chance of unsettled conditions in and around Glastonbury. Although difficult to pin down the exact detail at present, the day looks rather showery. There are indications that some rather heavy showers even thunderstorms could affect the region at times but in between these, there will also be sunny periods. The chance of showers should slowly recede through the evening and night. Maximum temperatures for Friday: 18-19C (64-66F) but dropping by several degrees in any heavy downpours.

Saturday: A few showers are likely to develop during Saturday morning whilst in the afternoon and evening, that risk looks set to increase with a greater chance of some hefty showers breaking out. Equally though, between any showers, there will be some drier, brighter conditions. Overnight, the threat of showers will remain. Maximum temperatures 18-19C (64-66F).

Sunday: Being far-ahead, in terms of weather-forecasting, precise detail is uncertain but forecast models continue to show a fairly showery pattern. There will again be the potential for some heavy downpours across south-western Britain, including Glastonbury, with these possibly slow-moving (thanks to light winds) and thundery. However, in between the showers, the sun should make an appearance. Top temperatures will reach 17-18C (63-64F).

Monday: For those revellers who have made it through to Monday and are planning their departure/escape, showers are again likely but with suggestions that these will be fewer and further between compared to the weekend. Maximum temperatures 18-19C (64-66F).

In summary, after what looks like a promising start, there will be a threat of showers through Friday and the weekend, which have the potential to make things a little soggy underfoot (and maybe worse this is Glastonbury, after all). But it might not all be doom and gloom. Showers rather than persistent rain are more likely and if luck is on the revellers, organisers and participants side, most of the showers may just brush past the event itself. Our advise: have those wellies and kagools to hand, just in case, and for a heads up on any approaching showers, try our WeatherPro app (available on android and iOS), which amongst other things, provides rainfall radar imagery and a detailed weather forecast.By: Gareth Harvey WeatherPro App

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The Glastonbury Festival is upon us once again and many festival-goers are pondering over what to throw in to their rucksacks before dashing off to Somerset over the next day or two. Obviously, with such a large open-air event, the weather will play its part, with many hoping that there will be no repeat performance of the heavy downpours and mud baths that occurred during the 2005, 2007 and 2011 festivals, to name but a few.

That sounds bad but they're only forecasting 7.5mm of rain for the entire festival...

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Feeling more hopeful about the weather now. Got my wet weathers and wellies and prepared for any rain but encouraged by that report saying some of the showers may pass by the festival. Anyways, can't wait to see Yoko!

Edited by sime
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weather looks increasingly dodgy. if it goes from bad to worse just savour the fact that it's one of a long-ish line of glasto mudfests.

In some forecasts it does, in others it doesn't we'll need to wait. Showers can miss and be misforecasted easily and the majority of the rain forecasted is showers.

Happy 200 pages

Edited by Yesiamaduck
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