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Worst set you've ever seen at Glasto......

Guest swede

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The Dandy Warhol's in 2002 take some beating. They were awful. I was really looking forward to the Fleet Foxes in 2008 i think it was and I was totally under whelmed by them. Their first album was great but they were really dull live.

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Your right Jeffie. Diversity is good which is why the Glastonbury festival is amazing.

Arcade Fireman how can you say It's Kevin Parker and his backing band. No it's Kevin Parker and the mighty Pond as his backing band. Some backing band they are to. If you like Tame impala then you need to check these guys out!! ;-)

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Got to be Radiohead in 2011. I believe that as a spectacle it could have been an amazing event but the lads got it totally wrong. It deserved a hit filled setlist to lift many many soggy downbeat souls. Instead we got a vanity project i.e. pretty much all of the new album. It was a sorry state of affairs seeing the vast crowd gradually disperse and self entertain via mud sliding rather than celebrate to some classic anthems. The anti-climax made for my worst Glastonbury set.

Thank god for Jarvis Cocker. He knew exactly how to do things right. Even made the oscar winning 'We are ONE' speech. Gerrin' there lad!

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Got to be Radiohead in 2011. I believe that as a spectacle it could have been an amazing event but the lads got it totally wrong. It deserved a hit filled setlist to lift many many soggy downbeat souls. Instead we got a vanity project i.e. pretty much all of the new album. It was a sorry state of affairs seeing the vast crowd gradually disperse and self entertain via mud sliding rather than celebrate to some classic anthems. The anti-climax made for my worst Glastonbury set.

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They wouldn't have turned up on the Park Stage in the middle of the day to play a hits set though. The whole point was to road test King of Limbs stuff, not to have a big sing along. Fair enough people who werent as big fans or people who were stood way back in the rain didn't enjoy it, but they knew exactly what they were doing. They did play five songs from In Rainbows though which was probably their most well received album since OK Computer.

Pulp were magnificent though.

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The year The View opened the Pyramid. They were pretty awful and were playing to a large crowd. Kings of Leon played a set just before Oasis one year that was full of nerves and never really took off at all, I remember watching James Brown and wondering if he was actually going to do anything other than introduce his band and stare at the attractive young female singer he had with him.

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ha ha wow imagine living a life where you think paul mccartney on the pyramid is crap. What a tragic existence.

The worst set I've seen a snippet of is definitely that stinking ginger dreadlocked turd who did the cover of Teardrop

The worst entire set I've watched is Plan B on the pyramid stage the other year. Horrific, horrendous scenes.

Jay Z runs it close, but the ace entrance saves him.

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Think we've all seen a fair few awful shows at Glasters. Have to laugh at the souless cretins that suggest Macca was the "worst".

Oasis 2004. Horrendous.

Curveball a lot of the "faces" on here won't like to hear.

Nicky Cave in 2009. LIke listening to a fucking headache.

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Got to be Radiohead in 2011. I believe that as a spectacle it could have been an amazing event but the lads got it totally wrong. It deserved a hit filled setlist to lift many many soggy downbeat souls. Instead we got a vanity project i.e. pretty much all of the new album. It was a sorry state of affairs seeing the vast crowd gradually disperse and self entertain via mud sliding rather than celebrate to some classic anthems. The anti-climax made for my worst Glastonbury set.

Thank god for Jarvis Cocker. He knew exactly how to do things right. Even made the oscar winning 'We are ONE' speech. Gerrin' there lad!

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