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Bestival 2012 Headliners

Guest Paul ™

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So Sunday night headliner to be announced in a few weeks with the Friday night headliner being announced in May

with def no chems, depeche mode, radiohead, daft punk, dolly, kate bush, thin lizzy, kylie or Beethoven (although i still remain hopeful on the last one)

florence and jack white?

florence and ???????????

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I'll hopefully be attending Bestival for the first time this year. From what I read it seems like the sort of festival where someone like Paul Simon would go down a treat?

That aside people are predicting Florence and the possibility of jack white, but for the sunday night surely it's more likely to be someone in a similar genre to Sigur Ros?

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I've been trying to work out the demographic for Florence + The Machine fans since about May 2010 and I've come to the conclusion that nobody actually likes her, more they like the fact her music is on ITV or is dramatic for advertising a preview of everything that is to come on the BBC schedule. So, in essence, when people go to her shows, they don't give a shit about what her music sounds like or what she's actually saying/shouting; they're just thinking about when the new series of Doctor Who starts. Then, when those 30 seconds of familiar music are over, several thousand people suddenly find themselves waking up confused from their trancelike state saying, "shit... I have no idea where I am! Where's that shouting coming from? Why am I in an arena? Why is £40 missing from my pocket? Who am I?"

Then it suddenly dawns on them that they're in the middle of a Florence + The Machine concert. "Shit, I'm at a Florence + The Machine concert". Several worrying minutes later, they hear some more familar music and go back into a trance. Overwhelmed with anxiety, they realise they forgot to set the Sky+ box to record that new, edgy Caroline Quentin drama on ITV; that is after all why they are all there. Then the music stops and again, they are utterly lost, facing the reality that they'll hear some music that wasn't on an advert. "Shit, I'm at a Florence + The Machine concert."

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