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What got you to go to Glastonbury in the first place?

Guest gooner1990

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My 7th Glastonbury this year, and looking forward to it more than ever. :)

A chance encounter with an old college mate the other day got me thinking, he used to do the festivals when we were younger but he always went to Glastonbury and I always did Reading, it was such a long time since I'd seen him he didn't even realise I'd been (now done 6) - asked me what got me to go as he couldn't convince me to go when we were younger.

I'd seen the footage on TV of 1995, 97 and 98 and when we all hit the year we did A-levels loads of us were planning festivals to go to to celebrate, as I was more into rock music I chose Reading but my mate chose Glastonbury, of course being 17/18 I looked at hte line up saw no rock bands and dismissed it completely. It wasn't until 4 years later in early 2003 when I started going to football with some new lads and we got onto the converstation of music and festivals and one of them said I just had to go at least once. So finally at the ripe old age of 22 me and 5 other mates went to Glastonbury 2004 and I loved it from start to finish despite the bad weather!

The only thing I have now is I kick myself at the great times I could have had back in 1999 & 2000 (and then maybe 2002 and 2003) had I been a little more open to what was going on, although being quite into rock/metal music at the time played a big part (of which there is little at Glastonbury) and being only 17 paying for one major festival was hard enough let alone two.

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Don't worry about not going till you're 22! Theres loads of us left it a lot longer than that!

My first was when I was 22 (1986), but I went at the last minute with some friends of friends who had borrowed a campavan. I thought getting a tent was a very complicated thing for some reason, and even though I totally loved it, I didn't go again till I was 33!

In 95 I heard that my brother had just taken off and gone on his own, and I would have gone with him if I'd known. We said we would go together the next year but it turned out to be fallow, so I was back in 97. In the meantime, I had got a tent from a catalogue for £40 and it was rubbish. I took a holdall which was hell to carry with my tent in the mud, and I didn't realise that if you just sleep in a sleeping bag with nothing under you, then all the heat from your body just leaches out into the ground, but I was there, and the better tools for it have built up since, and it really wasn't as hard as I thought.

So I am not so much annoyed about not getting there till I was 22, as I am annoyed for thinking it was beyond me for all those years between 22-33.

I have been nearly every year since then though!...............and I am made to feel so much better by my husband who is wondering how he failed to get there till he was 44!

I think that once you get there, you just go for it, and maybe feel sorry for all the people who just decided they were too old for such frivolity at 25!

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I first went in '99 - can't remember who suggested it out of group.

Had the opportunity to go in '91 or '92 (I think) to do car park stewarding with a friend but never did. Wish I had!

One of our group went for the first time in 2009 when he was 49 and just got a ticket for this year on Sunday by the skin of his teeth (he was a bit forgetful back in October, bless him!).

Edited by Keef
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I went to my first festival when I left school in 1998, went to V festival for a day to see The Verves then last ever festival performance. It all seemed so small at Temple Newsom and a knew a friend of mine who was a few years older had been to Glasto for the first time that year so asked him if he was going in 99 and it turned out him and his band mates were going so I went with them. I was only 17 and it was the only time I went until 2009. Even though I had a great time watching the bands I was too young to appreciate the full place and the journey seemed like forever so thats why I think it took me so long to go back. I do regret it as if Id made it a yearly trip id have seen Bowie in 2000 and Macca in 2004. I ended up going back as I was planning my stag weekend and was originally going to go to IOW when my brother rang me and asked if I fancied Glastonbury, my dad had been for the first time in 2008 and had persuaded a bunch of the lads from my local to go so it seemed obvious looking back.

I totally fell in love with the place and due to circumstances ended up taking my wife their last year on our honeymoon and had an amazing time. We're taking the in-laws and little ones for the first time this year and I do believe going to Glastonbury will be something I'll hopefully be doing in old age as I believe there is def something for everyone to get out of the plac no matter what age.

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That's the other thing I notice about Glastonbury, is that with Reading and other festivals people go maybe once or twice then don't bother again or they go a lot and then get sick/bored of it.

From that original 6 of us that went in 2004 we are now up to 30 going this year, as we've convinved more people to go, they've always enjoyed it and returned the year after. Obviously some people have come and gone who maybe aren't that fussed about attending every year, but they always have positive views on it when they reminiss about it down the pub or wherever.

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First went in 2008 when I was 15. 2005 was the year I first heard about it. Didn't even know what a festival was. Live Eight was on the telly that year and I enjoyed watching that so my parents brought me down to watch Glastonbury and I loved the look of it. 2006 was obviously a fallow year but my mum registered for 2007 but never bothered to take it further. Watched it on the telly that year and kept on watching the performances they had online. Asked my dad if he would take me in 2008 and he said yes he would. Brough tickets on ticket day and went that year and it was really good but I spent the whole time rushing around seeing lots of bands which even though it's fun it can be quite stresfull. In 2009 I went again and that was the year that I really fell in love with the place. Spent the majority of the time wandering around the circus fields, Shangri La etc. and just soaking up the atmosphere. After that year I sort of agreed with myself that I would go to Glasto yearly no matter what.

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my step brother, 7 years my senior, attended in 1993. when he got back he showed me some photos and said i'd love it and should come with him the following year. so i did. i was 16.

i missed 1995 for reasons i cannot recall, and had a long gap after 2000 until i returned in 2008 (tickets were easy that year, though not as easy as the late 90s ;) ).

this year will be number 9, but i so wish i could remember more of my first!

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I first went in 1995, end of my 1st year at uni. One of my mates suggested it, I vaguely knew about it from the telly etc., and it was just a matter of wandering over to the Odeon box office in Birmingham and handing over £65.

I can't remember how we got there -- someone must have had a car because I don't remember getting a bus or a train.

It was a fantastic year -- scorching hot throughout, summery dub blasting out of all the Babylon soundsystems. SFA there with their tank with the bass bin built into the gun cylinder, booming techno. Crusty fence jumpers everywhere.

I don't know whether I'd have gone back if my first experience had been a muddy year. The next time I went was a mud-fest, but I learned to enjoy it, and I think I've only missed three since.

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I was a first year student and friends suggested going, so I went along - it was 1982, with just a small Pyramid, by comparison, and another stage. On the bill were Richie Havens, Judie Tzuke and Sad Cafe; not really Rock 'n Roll. It rained, then it was hot. I enjoyed it, but was not exactly blown away.

Ten years or so on and, again I tagged along with friends, some of which were performing. More to do, better drugs meant a great time had by all, so I returned the following year. But the 90s were a bit leary and the friends stopped going and so did I.

2003 and Glastonbury was my first trip away with the woman I would marry. We loved it, but M hated: toilets, camping, lack of showers. Swore we would go again, but traveling/moving counties/buying a house/more traveling all got in the way. 2010 we decided to go again, but fell foul of the fact that ticket sales had moved forward; doh.

So, this year - got the tickets, hired CV (no more tent), got the West field CV ticket, so no Hill o' Death, hoorah!

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2009 at 18 for me! We'd done a few small local ones near me the year before but last year of 6th form and most decided Zante was what they wanted to do so me an mate thought why not just go Glasto - best decision of my life, by the the time Damon yelled that 'Glastonbury' at the end of the universal I knew I would be back every June!

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I would have been 22 when my then girlfriend, who was music mad, convinced me to take her to '98. Despite it being shitty weather we had a cracking time.

Bought a ticket for the following year and was going to meet up with my girlfriend and her friends at the site as I had work commitments which meant I could not get there until the friday. On the thursday night some scummer went into my girlfriends tent during the night, attacked her with a maglite and stole all her money. As you can imagine this somewhat soured my view of Glastonbury...

.. then in 2008 my current girlfriend was working for Oxfam and convinced me to join her. I have been every year since as a paying customer, as has she, though we don't stay on the main site.

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My first year was 07 when I was 20, went with an old friend from school but we both ended up spending our weekend with other friends. Even though it was awful and muddy its still a close second as my favourite year (after 2010 of course!) When its all new and exciting, the weather doesn't even matter. I'd decided I wanted to go after listening to it on the radio in 2005 (Having just passed my driving test I was driving a lot!) I got completely obsessed with it and watched it all on the tv as well.

Luckily my boyfriend and his mates have been going every year since 99, so now I tag along with them. :P

Edited by caroldecker
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For me I remember I was never really interested in Glasto (or any other festival really) until I went to my first one, Download 2005. I remember being there and thinking to myself "damn I love festivals. I must go to Glasto one year and experience that". Then due to various reasons I never really got round to going until last year when I thought what the hell and took the plunge. Now I can't understand why it took me so long to actually go.

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This will be my 5th Glasto, first time was back in 2000 when I was like 18/19, but cant remember how or why I went, it was my first festival ever, which means every other festival since has never been as good, at the time I wasnt aware of how massive the festival was and how many areas it had, I honestly thought was just Pyramid Stage, Other stage and dance tent, nothing else.

Took me until the 3rd year to understand how special it really is, 2nd year I spent the whole time so wasted I wasnt aware of where I was most of the time, lol, 3rd year was funny as i went with 2 Glasto virgins and they seemed more aware of where things were than me, haha

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I had always wanted to go to a festival and I had watched it on the TV a few times. In 2008, my guitar teacher went and he came back full of these amazing stories about things that went on and I knew I had to go. I convinced my best friend that it was a good idea and we went in 2009 when we were both nearly 17. Last year wasn't the best year for a number of reasons (it's probably best not to stay in a 4 man tent with 2 other girls, arguements do happen) so my friend was a bit funny about going this year. However, when I saw her at Christmas (we are both in our first year at uni now) we decided that we needed to go and I managed to get tickets in the resale on Sunday. This year will be amazing as I won't loose my phone 5 minutes after getting in the gate like last year...

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First went with 3 mates in 81 (and have been to most since) don`t really know which of us was the driving force behind going, we had been to a few other fests my first being Reading in 76. never went back to reading after going to Glasto though.

still do 4/5 other fests a year but glasto is the one i realy would not want to miss.

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Being a very lucky old git, I first went in 1984 and have only missed 4 since. I worked for CND then and spent the first couple of festivals sitting in a portacabin counting money. People could pay on the gate then. Incredible to think we could do that! Worked ever since making sure the gates are running ok. As I said, I'm very lucky. I hope to keep doing it every year until I cant stand up anymore! One thing that always makes me smile is when people get so wound up about the main stage headliners. Have a look at the 80s line-ups and see how far things have moved!

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It was after seeing the Glastonbury site poster in the Q mag that we decided to give it a go.2004 was my first year after 19 hours on the phone for tickets and have been ever since.

Would spend a week on the phone for tickets if i had too.


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My parents brought me up with the festival scene from the age of 8 by going to the likes of Cambridge and Cropredy. Glastonbury was really the only festival that had bands that were played on Radio 1 and Top of the Pops when I was 14-15 so it seemed like the best place to go for my first one away from the folks and being that my Dad could give me a lift from my Devon home made it even more convenient. I've been to all the others with friends and can safely say Glasto's the only one I'd consider going to without them.

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I saw some TV coverage as a teen and thought "I want some of that" fast forward to 18 and on a Friday morning in 2000 I took a call "let's hop the fence to glasto if we can't get in we will go to the travellers field outside the fence." At the time I had been to a few squat raves and had been told that Glasto was the hedonists heaven.

So we hopped down there on a near enough whim and experienced something we were not ready for no tent boots or booze. Just a sack of clothes and goodies for the weekend.

It was so different and I have missed three since so far with every miss meaning I appreciate what Glasto is. The reason I go now is that 175000+ people of the alternative nation showing the world what humanity(get along and have fun) can do makes me go again.

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My first fest was TITP in 98 when I was 16 but my first Glastonbury wasn't till last year when I was 28! It just didn't apppeal to me personally (though looking back i don't know why). I met my girlfriend at Rockness in 07 and she'd always wanted to go to Glasto and after coming on here and reading all the positive threads about Glasto I decided it was time for me to go.

One year on and I'm itching to get back and I really can't imagine a time when I won't want to go!:D

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