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Most heartwarming Glastonbury moment?


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I've handed plenty of 'found' items into lost property, just because it will hopefully reunite the item with their owner.

I've also reunited a few phones with people, one which sticks in my mind was from the year with the floods, but this happened on the thursday when it was a lovelly sunny day - me and a few friends were sat by that playstation kareoke bar thing by the other stage and I noticed that a group that had just left had forgotten a phone, it was unlocked so I called the last number that had rung in and I spoke to the most obnoxious guy who was all 'how did you get this phone!?! who are you!?! i'll call the police !?!' and generally talking over me as I tried to explain that I had found it and wanted to give it back, so I hung up. Called the next number and spoke to some guy who was over the moon that I had the phone, I explained where I was,  he was part of the group, so popped back, thanked me profusely and then went on their way, presumably happier than the first person I called.

my top tip for phones - if you phone has any sort of removable cover, write your email address on the inside in case you lose it.

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At Glastonbury in 2015, waiting for Suede (headlining the John Peel stage) we got a good spot at the barrier but had to endure La Roux's set to do so. Standing behind me for the whole show was a clearly very emotional lady holding a homemade banner. She asked if I would drape it over the barrier during La Roux as it had messages to the band and her children (the family's favourite band apparently) who unfortunately were unable to attend. She was very grateful and I got chatting to her about her family and she mentioned that La Roux's music got her and her kids through a very difficult relationship lasting a number of years where she and the kids suffered terrible domestic abuse. After the show had finished, one of the security guards approached me and asked who the banner belonged to. After explaining whose it was and the background behind it, he took it backstage, by request of Elly, where she and the rest of the band signed it and put some lovely messages on it for her to take back to her children. The look on the lady's face when it came back is one of my favourite recent Glastonbury memories. 

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23 minutes ago, SPTFRE said:

At Glastonbury in 2015, waiting for Suede (headlining the John Peel stage) we got a good spot at the barrier but had to endure La Roux's set to do so. Standing behind me for the whole show was a clearly very emotional lady holding a homemade banner. She asked if I would drape it over the barrier during La Roux as it had messages to the band and her children (the family's favourite band apparently) who unfortunately were unable to attend. She was very grateful and I got chatting to her about her family and she mentioned that La Roux's music got her and her kids through a very difficult relationship lasting a number of years where she and the kids suffered terrible domestic abuse. After the show had finished, one of the security guards approached me and asked who the banner belonged to. After explaining whose it was and the background behind it, he took it backstage, by request of Elly, where she and the rest of the band signed it and put some lovely messages on it for her to take back to her children. The look on the lady's face when it came back is one of my favourite recent Glastonbury memories. 

I'm welling up , i would have have been a complete mess if i witnessed that

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At the festival it would have to be Friday 2015 at the Park for King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.  Fella in front of us with a mighty fine tash iirc, didn't have any sun cream as him missus had only bought coconut flavour which he wasn't happy with.  We lent him some of ours, had a good chat, turns out he was in a band with the rest of his group.  He shared his brandy and we all had a good old loon around to the amazing King Gizzard (good to see they're playing this year).  A real "share the Glastonbury vibe with complete strangers" moment, set me up very nicely for the rest of weekend.

Not at the festival it would have to be the Wednesday 2015. I was sat at home getting ready for the festival and I read on here that @kalifire had helped a fella who'd come on his own.  He'd mistakenly pitched his tent in oxlers and the shennanigans around him we're giving him the fear big time.  He was posting to these forums and was on the brink of going home.  @kalifire went and found him and took him to a field that was a bit more chilled out.  That summed up in a nutshell why I love the place, had me in tears, top work there fella.

Edited by SteveTLizard
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Last year I had quite an afternoon on the Sunday and on the way to coldplay got proper pissed off at my friends for a number of reasons (1. We were going to coldplay 2. I had massive blisters that were making walking in the mud v. Difficult 3. I polished off quite a bit of alcohol) so I'm angry at them and I purposely lose them in the crowd going into coldplay (lcd fomo is unbearable still) and I get quite up close to the stage and decide that's a good spot. Well I meet this tiny little lady from Wales with a couple of blokes and she was a pretty diehard coldplay fan which gave me a bit of a laugh and really got my spirits up. She put some gems on my face and gave me 2 of the coldplay bracelets (as I had none-was not planning to go). Really enjoyed her taking me in as if we were old friends. I headed off to the edges to try to catch my friends as I had sobered up a bit and felt foolish for my behavior. 

Well they had already gone in to Shangri la and as I head over, the signs all say "the way is shut-find somewhere else to party." Fucking balls. So I head over to Arcadia and it's a really strange crowd and the music is a bit off for me. Head up to the park and not really meeting  anyone....my mind is going between giving up and going to my tent vs. How i will be gutted if this is the end of my glstonbury. I end up stumbling upon a queue for the rabbit hole. Success. Met a couple of young girls in line who were quite fun and overall it was probably my best night. The rabbit hole was absolutely surreal for me (luckily when I split from my friends I was carrying most of our stash) and can't wait to drag my friends this year as I'm pretty sure they think I've made it up :rofl:

Anyways. It was just brilliant being taken in 2 different times in the same day. I'm not sure than would be possible at other fests I've been too. I just can't wait to do it again this year! 

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7 minutes ago, MetaKate said:

Anyways. It was just brilliant being taken in 2 different times in the same day. I'm not sure than would be possible at other fests I've been too. I just can't wait to do it again this year! 

Lovely story and all, but seriously what am I meant to do with a sentence like that?!?! :lol:

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Strangely, the most heartwarming thing for me last year was the number of people helping complete strangers through the mud.  So may people catching each other just before they faceplanted or went over backwards, quite often nearly losing their own balance as a result. Just helping one another out :) 

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1 hour ago, SPTFRE said:

At Glastonbury in 2015, waiting for Suede (headlining the John Peel stage) we got a good spot at the barrier but had to endure La Roux's set to do so. Standing behind me for the whole show was a clearly very emotional lady holding a homemade banner. She asked if I would drape it over the barrier during La Roux as it had messages to the band and her children (the family's favourite band apparently) who unfortunately were unable to attend. She was very grateful and I got chatting to her about her family and she mentioned that La Roux's music got her and her kids through a very difficult relationship lasting a number of years where she and the kids suffered terrible domestic abuse. After the show had finished, one of the security guards approached me and asked who the banner belonged to. After explaining whose it was and the background behind it, he took it backstage, by request of Elly, where she and the rest of the band signed it and put some lovely messages on it for her to take back to her children. The look on the lady's face when it came back is one of my favourite recent Glastonbury memories. 

that's awesome

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9 minutes ago, Quark said:

Strangely, the most heartwarming thing for me last year was the number of people helping complete strangers through the mud.  So may people catching each other just before they faceplanted or went over backwards, quite often nearly losing their own balance as a result. Just helping one another out :) 

have to agree with this, as I was falling over all over the place especially around Arcadia and every time total stranger helped me up, bless :) 

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2015 it was raining pretty hard Friday and a youngish looking girl had dropped her phone near the Glade toilets. Her first time at the festival, arrived on her own and only friends were those shed met around her camp.

She asked a few people to borrow their phones to put her SIM card in to try and contact her neighbours. I lent her mine but the reply didn't come, so we invited her to knock around with us. I remembered I had a spare phone in the East caravan park and said she could have it, left her with my wife and friends.

I was slightly 'happy' at the time but id hope someone would do similar to me.

Kick myself next day when I saw the throw away £10 festival phones in one of the stalls...would have bought her one of them instead of the 45 mins walk each way to the car!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

1990 Glastonbury, solo, Sunday night £5 left (one fuck of a weekend) no drink no dope, what to do? See a black guy selling hash, "you couldn't do me a fivers worth" I asked, expecting to be told to fuck off. He looks at me, brings out a HUGE lump of black hash, says "there you go man" pockets my fiver and disappears. I still remember that moment and it always makes me smile, and every year I make sure that somebody gets a nice surprise. Pay it forward, you know it makes sense.:D

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Last year was chatting to some lads , whilst playing out some tunes out of the mini rig thing at Arcadia, one very heavy morning. They left before us, noticed one had dropped a wallet as we left. Spoke to Arcadia crew, and I  left a note on the seat, telling them if they had lost their wallet to contact the girl worked my at the food stall at Arcadia.  An hour later my phone rings, and I hook up and hand over the wallet, still full of a cash and powders. Amazing smile and hug from the lad✌️


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My first year Glastonbury '14 me and a friend went down with no ticket and only hope of getting inside. After 9 long hours outside trying to find a way in we paid a man to get us through the gates. On the Thursday night my mate went back to the tent but as it was my first time in Glastonbury - I wasn't sleeping until the sun came up. I stayed up by myself and met some great people. When I returned to the tent at about 7.30 AM my mate was gone. I just presumed he'd gone for breakfast, only 15 minutes later a few girls who were camping by us came over to tell me that my mate and another lad had been kicked off site for having no wristband and my phone had broke on the Wednesday so I had no way of getting in touch with him. I had another 3 days in Glastonbury on my own. Lucky enough the girls who told me what had happened to my mate introduced me to all their group and took me under their wing for the last 3 days as well as giving me a lift home. I've stayed in touch with them and going traveling round south east Asia with one of the girls In September! Not to mention going back to Glastonbury this year with them. 

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