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Mushroom Capsules


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Someone gave me a large dose of ketamine about 15 mins before Arcade Fire played Wake Up. My gf had to drag me out of the crowd from nearly the front & sit me down for 20 mins. Back on it once the lights had been turned off.


I was like a rabid dog.

Edited by Couchy
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I did some mushrooms this year for the first time in about 12 years on the Saturday night shortly before mothership. It was bloody fantastic :D

They were purchased from a random who stopped by camp Saturday afternoon. Tasted as bad as I remember, & was a little messy for 20 mins at the start but then all night in the happiest giggliest state I've been in for years. & decent kip when the sun came up, no comedown, Definitely my highlight this year

Graze through them slowly to start with

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I've always been apprehensive about taking shrooms or acid, as, even though I'm generally an optimistic, confident and happy person, there are always little doubts, insecurities, and demons that gnaw quietly away deep in my subconscious. I'd think that going on a trip would just open the gates of Hades and I'd be in all sorts of bother.


However, I am fascinated by the universe, spirituality, and how everything is connected, and I'm a huge fan of Joe Rogan, Bill Hicks etc. and they have said that psychedelics are the ultimate way to find your true self, your place in the cosmos and to lift the veil of lies that covers our existence.



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I've always been apprehensive about taking shrooms or acid, as, even though I'm generally an optimistic, confident and happy person, there are always little doubts, insecurities, and demons that gnaw quietly away deep in my subconscious. I'd think that going on a trip would just open the gates of Hades and I'd be in all sorts of bother.

However, I am fascinated by the universe, spirituality, and how everything is connected, and I'm a huge fan of Joe Rogan, Bill Hicks etc. and they have said that psychedelics are the ultimate way to find your true self, your place in the cosmos and to lift the veil of lies that covers our existence.


judging by your second paragraph you must do it.

I was sat outside Williams green Thursday night staring up at the clouds in the sky and they were swirling around like at the beginning of flash Gordon. Shape shifting, swirling, weaving, swooping. Then all of a sudden everything stopped, the clouds parted and the whole sky lit up in brilliant white and a big light beam shone down to earth onto the festival. It was like staring at the creator of the universe or something, it was magnificent, one of the most exhilarating, enlightening moments of my life. For that one moment I felt connected to the entire cosmos.

Then later on I was convinced everyone had turned into troll kings, which wasn't so good.

Edited by russycarps
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Done shrooms once, in Thailand, had them on a pizza - was amazing. Never at a fest though, always find them hard to get. Tried doing my own, failed. miserably. Acid I have done at Glasto, suppose got lucky, coz it was bloody marvellous.

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judging by your second paragraph you must do it.

I was sat outside Williams green Thursday night staring up at the clouds in the sky and they were swirling around like at the beginning of flash Gordon. Shape shifting, swirling, weaving, swooping. Then all of a sudden everything stopped, the clouds parted and the whole sky lit up in brilliant white and a big light beam shone down to earth onto the festival. It was like staring at the creator of the universe or something, it was magnificent, one of the most exhilarating, enlightening moments of my life. For that one moment I felt connected to the entire cosmos.

Then later on I was convinced everyone had turned into troll kings, which wasn't so good.

Fucking hippy ;)

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Did you mix with anything? Had 2CB recently?

I'd had a small amount of 2CB two nights before that. I should look into drug interactions more.

I'm not at all blaming the drug, I knew I shouldn't have taken it as I had hangover related anxiety earlier in the day but became cocky after having a few drinks. Very bad idea.

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I disagree with mushrooms at a festival, just need to find somewhere nice and stay away from the crowds. I had some sunday morning and sat in john peel watching mini mansions, saint raymond and prides. Didnt move for hours, it was fantastic. 

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Does kinda beg the question, why you were eating (chicken) on hallucinogens


Eating on acid is amazing. Its one of the reasons I prefer doing it at glastonbury to stuff like MDMA, it doesn't mess with your stomach so you can still eat loads. I reckon its one of the reasons I always feel better after glasto, cos I can always manage to eat loads over the 5 days. 

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That turned you off hallucinogens?

It was the 'blue waffle' kind of vagina, definetly the last thing you wanna see while tripping.


And I usually love to eat while tripping, helps settle my stomach a bit. But i can't deal with 7+ hour trips anymore, mushrooms are far more fun than acid in my opinion.

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Then later on I was convinced everyone had turned into troll kings, which wasn't so good.


You weren't the guy who passed out at about 7pm in the busy crowd but by 11pm when it was empty ended up in the same place but very isolated, and not moving. Looked dead. And then someone chucked a space blanket over you and called the medical crew?


Thats a wake up call. Passed out peacefully in the sun and woke up in the cold and dark under a space blanket with 5 people standing over you.


He hadn't a fucking clue where he was or what was going on.

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Watching the clouds Dance to the Rhythms that Todd Teerji and the Olsons were making was fantastic.

Not sure the person  next to me understood as I said out loud, amazing, looking away from the stage. I noticed he looked then back at me.

Dya remember all of the women dancing onstage for the last song Inspector Norse?  I was totally loving it.


I got home and watched it again on iPlayer...turns out all the women were transvestites (some with beards) and I was too messed up to realise, instead enjoying the eye candy.

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You weren't the guy who passed out at about 7pm in the busy crowd but by 11pm when it was empty ended up in the same place but very isolated, and not moving. Looked dead. And then someone chucked a space blanket over you and called the medical crew?


Thats a wake up call. Passed out peacefully in the sun and woke up in the cold and dark under a space blanket with 5 people standing over you.


He hadn't a fucking clue where he was or what was going on.



ha nope not me. Fully conscious and aware throughout!

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Agree with the candy flippers out there. Always the best way to go. Never had a bad time at Glastonbury or anywhere else for that matter. Best one was coming up to some heavy dub outside the Guardian Lounge a few years back, seagulls flying in formation, clouds turning from animals to elders to pure fractal beauty. Lasted all the way through to the larks at dawn whos calls split the sky in a kaleidoscopic play. Soon as I came up next day it started again. Clouds were pulling faces and winking at me for the rest of the week.

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I actually think Glasto is a great place to be tripping but can definitely see why people would say it's the wrong place to start doing it.

That many people can be far too intimidating if you're too far gone.

But if you find the right place and just let your mind go, it's one of the finest places I've ever been to just drift off.

I recall finding a large ceramic shell in a sandpit somewhere near the Greenpeace Field (I think) one year, and it had wave noises coming out of a speaker inside it. It was about 4am and 3 of us lay there til about 7am having one of the best trips of my life. We all seemed to snap out of it at around the same time and doddled back to the tent loving life.

There are plenty of similar stories of brilliant randomness.


Having said all this, I've never had shroom powder in a capsule and after my experience with legal highs I'd be very wary. 

As others have said, different shrooms can produce very different results.

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I actually think Glasto is a great place to be tripping but can definitely see why people would say it's the wrong place to start doing it.

That many people can be far too intimidating if you're too far gone.

But if you find the right place and just let your mind go, it's one of the finest places I've ever been to just drift off.

I recall finding a large ceramic shell in a sandpit somewhere near the Greenpeace Field (I think) one year, and it had wave noises coming out of a speaker inside it. It was about 4am and 3 of us lay there til about 7am having one of the best trips of my life. We all seemed to snap out of it at around the same time and doddled back to the tent loving life.

There are plenty of similar stories of brilliant randomness.


Having said all this, I've never had shroom powder in a capsule and after my experience with legal highs I'd be very wary. 

As others have said, different shrooms can produce very different results.



Damn I'd have loved to have found that shell this year.


It makes me sad to read about people having bad experiences at glastonbury. It only happens because they have anxiety about what they are about to do, rather than feeling excitement for the journey they are about to embark upon. Understandable I suppose, especially if you havent done it before as there are a lot of scare stories around. But I would urge anyone to give it a try if they are a generally relaxed and happy person. 


And the best bit is you feel as fresh as a daisy in the morning, apart from aching cheeks from where you have laughed harder than you ever have before...

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