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Selling Nitrous oxide for recreational use could now carry jail sentence


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How will they know if you're selling it for recreational use or not? Isn't that down to the buyer? It's like telling B&Q that they can't sell power drills for murderin' purposes.

Power drill to the left temple > NO2

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That isn't the whole scope of the bill - blanket ban on lots of previously legal highs. It's short sighted, regressive and will probably make things worse by making it harder for genuine researchers to test the use of compounds for medical purposes. It's the Torys wishing to further demonise young people and substance takers and is a horrible step in the war on drugs. Also, just because the method of taking nos is a noisy one doesn't mean it's an inherently bad thing. I don't condone use at the Stone Circle or where it's going to be a bother for people but this is certainly not news to be praised.

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You'd get a better high from holding your breath for 10 seconds and spinning around a stick

Not true whatsoever. Taking Shrooms followed by Nos is supposed to be the closest thing to DMT without taking DMT. And even when stoned is a pretty powerful short term psychedelic. Not meaning to come across as a nos ambassador but the lack of knowledge and pure dismissal of it on here is shocking.

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I haven't got an issue with NOS, I actually quite like it, not enough to go looking for someone selling it but if I'm offered i'll have a go

Seems a lot of people on here have a bee in their bonnet about it.

Is it literally just the pssssss noise that bother people?

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It's the cows choking on balloons after the festival has finished that bothers people.

and the 2 tonnes of empty canisters that all had to be picked up by hand and disposed off

Because this is the only crap that is left behind ?

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No, it won't make a difference this year, although I found 2014 better than 2013 for it, so maybe it is dying off. Maybe I'm being foolishly optimistic.

I actually thought it peaked a few years ago and has been dropping off for a while.

I was annoyed to see the BBC describe it as being known as "hippy crack", the only place I've ever heard of that term being used is in tabloid papers. I've never met a hippy who enjoys nos and as a non-addictive substance with no similarity in effect to rocks it is just absolute bollocks.

My major complaint is that the cannisters are a health hazard, I slipped on some and landed badly at Reading a few years back. You could make the same complaints about beer cans.

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Not true whatsoever. Taking Shrooms followed by Nos is supposed to be the closest thing to DMT without taking DMT. And even when stoned is a pretty powerful short term psychedelic. Not meaning to come across as a nos ambassador but the lack of knowledge and pure dismissal of it on here is shocking.

I haven't heard that! I wouldn't see NOS as a psychedelic enhancer, not midly psychedelic at all. I've tried it and had a headache for a few seconds and that was it. No euphoria, altered vision, nothing!

Too much effort / paraphernalia for such a small hit. I'd just try to get some DMT if I wanted an experience of that level, hell, you can even produce it yourself if people are that desperate. I'm sure Salvia is probably similar in high enough doses too but, I haven't tried it

I just think it's a waste of time, I was a bit snotty in previous posts but I just don't like it. The whooshing, balloons and canisters are all annoying. But whatever tickles your pickle!

Edited by pentura
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Are you defending it? Interesting.

I'm neither for or against it, wouldn't make a difference to me if people did it or not.

I personally wouldn't miss it

It's the people that make the mess and they'll find something new to sprawl all over the festival grass

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