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neil999 last won the day on March 5 2015

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  1. Almost had a heart attack when I saw this...apparently due to touring conflict which hopefully means uk shows being rescheduled and tomorrow goes ahead
  2. Hopefully stevie will be OK, cancelled a couple of gigs cos a leg op...anyone know what drinks/food prices and choices? Nothing online
  3. From above I really like Anna calvi, not familiar with the other 2...
  4. I am aware of that, there's just no obvious benefit...I guess i should have got tickets earlier...
  5. Got nicks tickets had to get early access as gen admission all gone, which basically means pay more to get in earlier so that we then spend more money in the venue..Great hahaaha
  6. Any clues who the stevie nicks supports will be? Bit worried they will let it sell out then announce some right rubbish..
  7. Had a great time with the family again, definitely more commercial now.. But didn't stop us enjoying it One thing tho, the lack of security was unbelievable... Didn't have wrist band checked once the entire festival! never known anything like it... Surely thats gonna cause them licensing problems?
  8. App no out but with no new Info on it😔
  9. neil999

    Other Festivals

    Standon calling has been good for us if you have kids, has a nice vibe and some quirky bits... A very poppy line up but does have a few gems here and there
  10. Still no full stage splits grrrr dunno why they have announced the main stage and not the others, unless they are still adding bands...
  11. neil999

    Guns n Roses

    Flawed,but think they are nailing it...listen to the crowd singing back...
  12. They just released the talks on the lawn stage on their Instagram page,bot very exciting but stuff still happening,thr lack of adage splits is v annoying,I suspect their will be some comms this weekend as they will want to cash in people glastonbury excitement...
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