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Beat Hotel. Had a few 'lumberjack' brekkies there in the past few years...american pancakes, old spot bacon, maple syrup. Decent coffee. Sets you up very nicely for the day. Can't remember the price £6ish?

sounds good! was camped right near this last year so i'm gutted i didn't know about this. fingers crossed i can check it out this year

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sounds good! was camped right near this last year so i'm gutted i didn't know about this. fingers crossed i can check it out this year

and the other thing I forgot to mention is that service is pretty efficient. They have this bloke who come down the queue taking orders...so when you reach the front of the queue it's ready more-or-less . Plus they have a DJ spinning really good chill-out music.

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I have many a fond memory of sitting in various cafes in the Green fields with a proper mug, sometimes a proper plate and cutlery, eating so slowly that I'm never sure when I'm finished. There's often crew around so you can try to listen in on some goss while glaring at all the well dressed young women who are disgusted because they can't find a rasher of bacon in the nearby vicinity.

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Beat Hotel. Had a few 'lumberjack' brekkies there in the past few years...american pancakes, old spot bacon, maple syrup. Decent coffee. Sets you up very nicely for the day. Can't remember the price £6ish?

Sorry, can't ignore this, pancakes and syrup are pudding and shouldn't be within at least ten fucking hours of bacon. FFS.

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over the years the WBC has tried a shed load of caterers and when they found one that was willing to do what they promised { they all will supply sample menus but what they produce is never as good as the sample menu } they ended up buying the Company a few years ago so they have complete control and its worked out really well.
If there is nothing on the main meal of the day I fancy I will have two plates of below - I win a fair number of bets from people who don't know me as I have a slim build - people will spot me and more times than not they will say ' you will never eat all that lot ' - so I pull out a £10 note with the challenge ' would you like to bet ? ' and no I don't keep it - all bets I win go to charity { this years its St Benedict's Hospice, Sunderland - one of my Team is raising funds for them so all tips and bets will go to them }
The catering company also has a stack of toasters and we get fresh bread delivered each day { we are not daft }
each year its dead easy to spot the new volunteers as they always show up after 9.30am when they don't have a hope in hells chance of a good breakfast as the catering tent is packed out - all they have to do is show up early but very few do.
one year for the main meal it was a Rack of lamb - someone somewhere had not priced it correctly and I knew the portions would be cut down so I got in very quick and I ended up with my plate overflowing.
Overall the crew catering { the wbc crew at least } is very good and without it many of the background guys { that you never see } would just fail to keep on going.


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Yeah, the catering in the Oxfam camp was top notch too. Always plenty of choice if you weren't keen on the specials.

Do you have access to Goose Hall or is it a separate unit ?
I don't eat foreign food so the main meals can be tricky so I make up sandwiches and bring packs of chicken pieces { which I store in our fridge } - better to be prepared and far cheaper than anything I can buy there.
the catering unit uses our crew bar mess tent so I know the catering manager well so will get advance notice as to what is planned.
each year they have a large BBQ on the Sunday so we end up with trays of roast chicken { they are able to roast whole chicken - they have a large Rotisserie unit } - best meal of the week.
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A few years back one of the most popular breakfast spots for my group was the "Tea and Toast" place up in the park. Memory is hazy, but i'm sure it was something like £1.50 for two slices of toast (brown or white) and with either peanut butter or marmite and a mug of builders tea or coffee. If you're after something simple or the budget is getting strained towards the end of the weekend, its a great little spot just to take the edge off that void in your belly (that is if its still around).

Otherwise my tip for shopping for food at glastonbury is avoid the places with no queues, there is a reason nobody is willing to line up for that offering.

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Do you have access to Goose Hall or is it a separate unit ?
I don't eat foreign food so the main meals can be tricky so I make up sandwiches and bring packs of chicken pieces { which I store in our fridge } - better to be prepared and far cheaper than anything I can buy there.
the catering unit uses our crew bar mess tent so I know the catering manager well so will get advance notice as to what is planned.
each year they have a large BBQ on the Sunday so we end up with trays of roast chicken { they are able to roast whole chicken - they have a large Rotisserie unit } - best meal of the week.

We had our own food stalls up in our camp. Any veggies out there would love it as it had as many vegetarian options as non vegetarian options. They served a full breakfast every morning too, though I usually went for a breakfast roll.

They served chips, burgers and stuff as well as the healthy options every day too.

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I went for the Super Muesli opposite the Greenpeace field. You get a big bowl of fresh tropical fruit, oats, nuts and seeds, topped with various dried superfoods, yoghurt and milk.

Yes to this, they were a saviour last year (also one of the few breakfast places open really early(before 8))

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We had our own food stalls up in our camp. Any veggies out there would love it as it had as many vegetarian options as non vegetarian options. They served a full breakfast every morning too, though I usually went for a breakfast roll.

They served chips, burgers and stuff as well as the healthy options every day too.

well that sounds fine - for one year they went 100% vegetarian - complete nuts and this started up a few crews started up their own kitchen and it was a complete waste of money as lots of food ended up being dumped from the catering unit.
It was some office summer temp who took a survey and it was claimed the staff was 97% vegetarian which is complete rubbish but it was not spotted at the time - there was near riots in the catering tent.
I had to post guards on my fridge unit as some people knew I had some chicken in them.
it was not the catering units fault - they had just been past the wrong information.
these days they have a vegetarian alternative and perhaps two main meal choices.
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well that sounds fine - for one year they went 100% vegetarian - complete nuts and this started up a few crews started up their own kitchen and it was a complete waste of money as lots of food ended up being dumped from the catering unit.
It was some office summer temp who took a survey and it was claimed the staff was 97% vegetarian which is complete rubbish but it was not spotted at the time - there was near riots in the catering tent.
I had to post guards on my fridge unit as some people knew I had some chicken in them.
it was not the catering units fault - they had just been past the wrong information.
these days they have a vegetarian alternative and perhaps two main meal choices.

Yeah, that's really silly. I bet a lot of people didn't return the next year!

People who try to force vegetarianism on others are very annoying.

I bet they had a field day with the chips mind.

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The Breakfast Club (as in the one from London) had a stall near Gate A last year. It was a pleasant surprise as they've got a great reputation and I camp near there often.

Had it couple of time - Really really great food. Yummy wraps and full english breakfast in a box, but obviously paying £7-£9 a go, not the cheapest way to start each day.

This was my haunt last year as we were camped right by it. One of the few advantages to being in Darble! It is expensive but the avocado, squash and goats cheese brioche bun with coleslaw on the side was dreamy.

Before that I've always been an advocate of Toast and Tea in the Park. Peanut butter on toast for a couple of quid.

No idea where we'll be this time but looking forward to finding a new favourite. I'm usually up first so go and grab an early morning coffee and bring it back for a peaceful few minutes before the chaos starts.

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Yeah, that's really silly. I bet a lot of people didn't return the next year!

People who try to force vegetarianism on others are very annoying.

I bet they had a field day with the chips mind.

I cant say but its more the set up crew and stock crew { who work each year } who were well pissed off and most of them are not vegetarian and they were all set to string up the catering Manager when it all came out - that survey had been made a few years before and it looks as if they had been sifted though so anyone who did not tick the vegetarian box ' that form was dumped '
it was a complete fix and when we found out that holiday temp was a vegetarian it all clicked into place - she was the next to be strung up. { her contract was not renewed - I wanted to put her in the stocks but that was rejected }
its the nearest to a all out strike the wbc has seen.
at least now with their own catering Company these problems should not arise again - the catering Manager is well clued up.
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I have many a fond memory of sitting in various cafes in the Green fields with a proper mug, sometimes a proper plate and cutlery, eating so slowly that I'm never sure when I'm finished. There's often crew around so you can try to listen in on some goss while glaring at all the well dressed young women who are disgusted because they can't find a rasher of bacon in the nearby vicinity.

Had a vegan breakfast in the Greenfields that made me weep with joy one year.

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Breakfast is the one meal we've always cooked at our base camp as we need it before we are capable of moving out to face the world.

Whether in tent or caravan we've always done a good fry up.

The secret ingredient is TOAST. Achievable with a one burner stove with one of these. A Gelert pop up toaster.


Cheap, hardly any weight and folds flat to the size of a dinner plate. You can do five slices at once - four round the sides and one on the top.

Pile on the beans, scrambled egg or whatever. Wash down with good strong coffee and finish with some toast and marmalade - so much nicer than bread and marmalade.

Edited by grumpyhack
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Can anyone recommend anywhere near Other, or within reasonable walking distance of Oxylers, for good traditional breakfast food i.e bacon/eggs?

I rarely venture beyond the first couple I find near the bottom of Oxylers near the dance village but I fancy broadening my horizons this year seen as it's thing only thing I eat each day

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