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TITP forum?

Guest alwaysh0pingxo

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I'm not getting involved in this debate but statistics came out today saying there were 30 arrests, 271 'police incidents' 208 of which being drug misuse, 33 people taken to hospital, 803 people used the onsite hospital and 2000 used first aid throughout the weekend for various injuries

Now I know that doesn't cover a lot of other incidents which were not reported or proven but out of 85,000 people those are great statistics that the majority of festivals would be very happy with

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For it to be an issue it must be a relatively high number surely?

nope, it just needs to be enough for there to be a reasonably high chance of it happening.

I probably interacted with 100 or so people each time I went to T, and I always met a violent anti-English idiot. ;)

We're talking in a TitP context here aren't we?! I'd hate to think you were judging Scotland as a nation off the back of the roasters that go to T! ;)

yep, I am talking specifically T. I went to Connect and had a lovely time with lots of friendly Scots. :)

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Reading through this thread and seeing how it degenarated into a complete farce, I can see why the T forums gone.

The crowd that T pulls is let down by a large minority of thugs, neds, etc. Being Scottish and proud it saddens me to see idiots giving us a bad name. I personally have many English friends, we have friendly English/Scottish banter but certainly wouldn't hit someone or verbally abuse someone for being English.

I was punched by a ned of his head on pills, never met him before in my life but I know he's a fellow Scot and found out he lives a mere 2 miles from me. This guy punched serveral people according to my mates. He was standing in a queue for a burger van punching passers-by including women. I didn't see that happen myself though. These messageboards and the Festival itself would be far better off without these mindless idiots.

Edited by djg1984
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In 8 years I've never seen a fight, much less had one. Some people seem to attract trouble and if you mix people with different values and add drink then there will be a high risk of it. Some people just can't walk away. I do think there are more neds about now but then again I'm just getting older.

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I'm not getting involved in this debate but statistics came out today saying there were 30 arrests, 271 'police incidents' 208 of which being drug misuse, 33 people taken to hospital, 803 people used the onsite hospital and 2000 used first aid throughout the weekend for various injuries

Now I know that doesn't cover a lot of other incidents which were not reported or proven but out of 85,000 people those are great statistics that the majority of festivals would be very happy with

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In 8 years I've never seen a fight, much less had one. Some people seem to attract trouble and if you mix people with different values and add drink then there will be a high risk of it. Some people just can't walk away. I do think there are more neds about now but then again I'm just getting older.

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Though I've been lucky enough to avoid trouble at T and in all truth barely seen any in the years I've been (alot at that) theres no doubt it happens, theres always going to be idiots going to the festival, that are going to make it a bad time for someone, and I imagine its like that at alot of festivals. It will always be the case as well that the odd bad press/news is always going to louder than positive news, for which T will have as well.

With regards to a previous post, you shouldnt have to fight back to someone as it shouldnt happen in the first place, to do that you are only lowering yourself to their level.

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Problem with Scotland in my opinion is what the latest fashion of cheap high is .......... On my day it was buckfast and duck eggs (tamazapam) shit combo always leads to trouble . What's the latest mix ?

I never walk away I just ignore it for as long as possible, then boom !

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Problem with Scotland in my opinion is what the latest fashion of cheap high is .......... On my day it was buckfast and duck eggs (tamazapam) shit combo always leads to trouble . What's the latest mix ?

I never walk away I just ignore it for as long as possible, then boom !

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It seems to me there's too many bed wetters and wimps on here, maybe most of them would be better just staying indoors incase the big bad festival goer comes looking for them Hahaha

And to people saying they were punched or whatever did you fight back or just stood and took it then go and moan about it on a message board?

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Very few people punch for absolutely no reason. If you can recognise the symptoms and just not give them the time of day, eye contact or conversation it will piss on their parade. Easy for me to say I know as compared to most I'm huge but just ignoring them will deter 99.99% of attention seeking trouble makers.

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Now I'm four or five years out of that scene, but what in the hell kind of pills are people taking that they want to hit passing strangers?

How strange.

As for the forum going, personally, I will miss it, likely come on less. However, I suppose I remember at least one member saying that Neil would do this.

I do think the modding responsibility is a good idea, if it works on football forums, it can work here. The only reservation I would think Neil would have over this would be income stream and maintaining a certain 'editorial' which he may not want to share with mods for whatever reason.

That's not a criticism by the way, I dont know what the guy does for a living (it may even be this solely) hence a need to protect his board and, by extension, his livelihood.

I registered to post here, just to say I'll miss the T forum as I was a longtime lurker, and if Neil did ever want to open it again, he only need ask any of the guys that frequent footy forums how they work as they are much more ripe for aggro.

I'll be going to T next year, despite a couple of fights I seen this year (None of which involved me or any friends I was with), some car thefts, some car robberies, terrible weather, twats that think because they are dirty everyone else needs to be, a lass splashing a girl in a wheelchairwho clearly had ceribral palse (sp?) with mud (fortunately a renegade guy seen this and rolled the lass in the mud), constant pints of mud and piss being thrown and girls squatting to take a dump (between the main stage and the bar - in daylight).

Now I'm not painting a pretty picture there, however the music was great - much better than I expected when looking at the line up, despite one or two horrible clashes as I have quite a diverse musical taste, Fun - We are young, fantastic moment, meeting some brilliant people over the weekend, copious amounts of junk food, some healthy food, good banter on the main, SUNBURN Friday, beers for breakfast and that something else that just can't be explained.

Peace Out

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I remember at least one member saying that Neil would do this.

anyone making that prediction would be right eventually. Even the Glasto forums here will go one day. :lol:

As for anything else about that, it's idiotic. I want nothing more than forums here to run smoothly and so be able to continue, as that's the most advantageous situation for me. The *only* reason behind my decision is that it's been continually proven over 13 years that the T forums here are not able to run smoothly.

I'm not the only person who has found forums for T in the Park to be unmanageable - T in the Park themselves did.

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