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Pacing yourself


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6 minutes ago, Trout Mask Replica said:

I'm also a big believer in Dioralyte. I even keep it at home all year round not just Glastonbury. 

One sachet in a small bottle of water before bed and the same upon waking gives me a better start and keeps away the dehydration headaches. Maybe a paracetamol after taking on breakfast.

I took electrolyte replacement drinks last year, similar to dioralyte, seemed to help me too. 
Charm x

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Slow and steady tortoise wins the race.  Dioralyte and berocca to kick the day off then either a smoothie with added vodka or a Bloody Mary.  I try to keep my alcohol levels within the tipsy range at all times.  I can't be arsed with myself when I get drunk-drunk and sober brings hangovers.  Pimms might be a bit picnic blanket but it's good for keeping you on a level (and it's delish with ginger beer).

Slightly related: At home, I'm fairly well slavering after 3 ciders.  The amount of booze I can put away at the festival without ending up ill is quite staggering.

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In past years, my pattern has been heavy drinking/naughtiness weds, quieter thurs, big fri/sat, late sleep in sunday, often followed by a nap on the hill over the pyramid mid afternoon. And then two days wrecked at home.

This year I am trying to be more sensible - no spirits before dark, Thurs/Sat as naughtiness nights, make sure to eat at least twice a day, and attempt to have them as relatively healthy meals.

To be honest, I kinda suspect I will hold more or less true to form...

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I am definitely going to try hard to stay on just the booze and enjoy some good Glasto grub on the first two nights.  I have almost ruined my festival before (or seriously degraded it) on a number of occasions by being an absolute tool on Wed and Thur and never really getting my mojo back.  And really, what is the point of blowing your load on Wed/Thur before it has really gone off. It is far more enjoyable to have a few nice drinks and a couple of spliffs and just soak up the magic butterflies.

This is especially true if it is going to be a scorcher, cos there aint gonna be no lovely hungover lay-ins.

Now i just need to execute the plan.  Easier said than done.

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I'd say I can handle my ale more now in my 30s, probably coz I switched from drinking vodka to Disaranno. Hangovers generally got worse from age 25 but haven't gone considerably bad over the last few years, I'm 34 now. My plan is to drink from Thursday morning to Monday morning, MDMA on Fri&Sun, other naughties on Thurs&Sat, and a spliff or two over the few days. Oh and I've got a valium ready for the coach home :D:D:D

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28 minutes ago, Charm said:

I took electrolyte replacement drinks last year, similar to dioralyte, seemed to help me too. 
Charm x

I know plenty are available, any recommendations?

I'm not sure whether when scaryclaireyfairy referred to slavering that was good or bad, but if it's bad I've certainly done it before.

I've tried berocca and nox vom before and was never totally convinced they did much tbh, so I think hydration and salts is probably better.

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Just got back from Nos Primavera Sound - I'd forgotten how exhausting festivals can be! Managed to fall asleep watching Beach House at about 2am on Friday and had to call it a night. Saturday was sponsored by espressos and pro plus so that I could last until the end. It was only 3 days - Glastonbury is going to kill me off!

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Water is king. Keep drinking through the day, and a big old drink before falling asleep. Plus if you make the trip to the taps before bed you'll miss the massive queues in the morning. I also tend to drink very strongly mixed spirits, which means less trips to the urinals, and also less of those nasty mixers. Beer is a no-go after the sun goes down.

Also the 'two big meals before getting Gillespied' rule is also a good one. Always make sure that your day/evening meal is a proper one, and properly fills you up. There is literally nothing worse than throwing up with an empty stomach the following morning.

Tend to not hit the naughties too early, maybe starting around 7/8 (after delicious food). Food sobers me up a bit as well, which is no bad thing when you've still got 10 hours of fun to go.

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28 minutes ago, clarkete said:

I know plenty are available, any recommendations?

I'm not sure whether when scaryclaireyfairy referred to slavering that was good or bad, but if it's bad I've certainly done it before.

I've tried berocca and nox vom before and was never totally convinced they did much tbh, so I think hydration and salts is probably better.

I'm taking these. 
Charm x


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I generally go with how I feel day to day but it is mainly all day drinking for each day of the festival (I'm 32 now) with cranking it up into the late/early hours.

The longer I wait before I drink the next day, the harder it is to get back into it. 

Always keep plenty of water, milk and fizzy drinks handy though and I take vitamins along for the ride. 

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In 2014 I completely failed at pacing myself, drank all of our vodka on the Thursday night, spent all of Friday vomiting and felt too dehydrated and tired to do anything until Sunday evening. It was a hard lesson to learn. Now I'll get tipsy, but not too smashed in the daytime and try to alternate between water and alcohol. In the evening I tend to go for it 100% though. I'll eat something carb heavy to line my stomach so I'm not sick and in the morning I'll have a dioralyte, 2 paracetamols and a milk thistle tablet. I always have one day off from drinking and try and cram as much fruit and veg into my diet as I possibly can. 

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Every year I have the intention of not drinking before 2pm but it never seems to happen, this year I'm being realistic and saying I'll have a nice breakfast and loads of water but after that I'll drink if I want to. I'll normally leave any narcotics until about 4/5, this year in going with two of t best mates though and we tend to bring the worst out of each other.

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On 12 June 2016 at 11:41 PM, bennyboi said:

I'll let you know next year when I hit it but I hit a steep decline from 23 onwards. 

I'm 26 and while I can drink as much as I did when I was 18 and feel fine the next day, I do now struggle massively with back pain given that I'm 6,4 and unfit af.

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6 hours ago, alframsey said:

I'm 26 and while I can drink as much as I did when I was 18 and feel fine the next day, I do now struggle massively with back pain given that I'm 6,4 and unfit af.

I've always suffered with hang overs, regardless of age. With the exception of at Glasto, I use to and to an extent still am. However, after 2-3 constant drinking I crash massively, not even hungover really just absolutely exhausted and this has lead to Sunday being spent in the tent.

thats your issue mate, free your back up with exercise, might not even be too late this year. Go for a few runs or gym before next week. Also, I find air beds are bad for my back. I prefer foam roll Matts  

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20 hours ago, Trout Mask Replica said:

I'm also a big believer in Dioralyte. I even keep it at home all year round not just Glastonbury. 

One sachet in a small bottle of water before bed and the same upon waking gives me a better start and keeps away the dehydration headaches. Maybe a paracetamol after taking on breakfast.

I've never had this stuff but hear it does work wonders! Question though...if you drink some before you go to bed, do you end up getting up all through the night going to the loo?

Had a pretty awful experience one year in which I drank FAR too much water one night and up returning to the tent to go to bed, I was literally up every half hour springing down to the toilets, one time I needed to go so much I don't think I even put trousers on

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On 6/13/2016 at 11:24 AM, FloorFiller said:

Dioralyte is an absolute godsend I think - the odd morning after the night before when I've forgotten to drink some before going to sleep (mixed with alca-seltzer usually) I definitely notice the difference and feel like utter shite. Wake up, have another and some berocca and I'm well on my way to feeling human again

This is going on the last minute shopping list now, seen so many people refer to it, and anything that helps me feel human again after a heavy night has got to be worth a go. 

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3 hours ago, pentura said:

I've never had this stuff but hear it does work wonders! Question though...if you drink some before you go to bed, do you end up getting up all through the night going to the loo?

Had a pretty awful experience one year in which I drank FAR too much water one night and up returning to the tent to go to bed, I was literally up every half hour springing down to the toilets, one time I needed to go so much I don't think I even put trousers on

Get yourself some travel johns :) I don't think I could do a festival without them with my weak bladder. I literally have the bladder of a 90 year old woman (I'm 32). It's a running joke with my friends how often I have to pee.

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6 minutes ago, Skoo said:

Get yourself some travel johns :) I don't think I could do a festival without them with my weak bladder. I literally have the bladder of a 90 year old woman (I'm 32). It's a running joke with my friends how often I have to pee.

It'll be too late at this point I imagine! I'm ok during the daytime but when pissed I tend to forget how much I've drank and therefore usually wake up in the middle of the night to go...it's fine when your toilet is 10 feet away but not down the end of the field and trying to get past the maze of guide ropes while still have cut and asleep!

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Just now, pentura said:

It'll be too late at this point I imagine! I'm ok during the daytime but when pissed I tend to forget how much I've drank and therefore usually wake up in the middle of the night to go...it's fine when your toilet is 10 feet away but not down the end of the field and trying to get past the maze of guide ropes while still have cut and asleep!

Maybe go for the empty Lenor bottle or whatever it is that people are using. Just have to slyly take it to the long drops in the morning to empty it, the free canvas bag would do a good job of concealing!

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9 hours ago, pentura said:

I've never had this stuff but hear it does work wonders! Question though...if you drink some before you go to bed, do you end up getting up all through the night going to the loo?

Had a pretty awful experience one year in which I drank FAR too much water one night and up returning to the tent to go to bed, I was literally up every half hour springing down to the toilets, one time I needed to go so much I don't think I even put trousers on

I find I'm always waking up for a slash if I got to bed on a skinfull.

Don't overdo it. Keep to a sachet in a normal glass of water (small bottle).

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