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Are you fit and ready for whats to come ?


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Not fit at all. - Lost a bit of weight and did some exercise earlier in the year for a holiday in Nepal which got cancelled for obvious reasons. (got as far as the departure lounge at Delhi airport!)


Have since put all weight back on and have hardly ventured to the gym.


Anyway - 55 years old, two to three stone overweight and in a sedentary job. What can go wrong

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I'm feeling good, in pretty decent nick at the moment. Got married last month so got into shape for that and have been keeping it up since. Really gotten into running over the last few months which has been great bothfrom a weight loss perspective but should also make the walk of death and trudging around the site a little easier.

Edited by Hugh Jass
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Out of curiosity, are people wanting to get in shape specifically for Glasto? If so, is this a vanity thing or is it to be physically ready for the rigors of the fest?


Glastonbury is actually a real test physically, especially if the weather's bad and you have boots/wellies adding extra weight for you to drag around. Despite all the drinking, smoking and eating bad things I usually come back a couple of pounds lighter.

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Out of curiosity, are people wanting to get in shape specifically for Glasto? If so, is this a vanity thing or is it to be physically ready for the rigors of the fest?

Probably vanity, to be honest it's up to you how demanding you make it, if you go running around everywhere obviously it's gonna take it out of you more than if you just go with the flow and wonder about, I'm probably your Mr average could do with losing a few but nothing excessive and I personally have no problems

Oh yeah as hugh says the ground can make heck of a difference actually

Edited by greenArmy12
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Glastonbury is actually a real test physically, especially if the weather's bad and you have boots/wellies adding extra weight for you to drag around. Despite all the drinking, smoking and eating bad things I usually come back a couple of pounds lighter.


I always come back lighter. I find I actually eat less too, due to there being so much to do. It's very physical as well.

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My girlfriend got me a fitbit earlier this year (basically a pedometer that you wear on your wrist and monitor using your phone) it's pretty accurate and gives you a clear picture of exactly what distance you're covering each day.


The aim is to cover 10,000 steps a day and it definitely encourages you to clock them up.


I wore it on a holiday to Florida and was pretty staggered to find I'd covered 110 miles in a fortnight - certainly made me feel better about some of the mountains of food I'd consumed.


I'm really interested to see what I rack up over 5 days on Worthy Farm; I suspect it'll be a fair distance.

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I always come back lighter. I find I actually eat less too, due to there being so much to do. It's very physical as well.


You've got the initial walk of death (and return trip to the car/coach) then five days on your feet walking/standing/dancing. Obviously if the ground's dry you can sit down and take the weight off for a while, if it's not then it becomes a slog. There's also the fact that you're sleeping in a tent and not sleeping as much as you normally would so your body isn't recovering, then every morning you get up and get on it again.


I'm knackered for days after I get back and I'm only 33!

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2 stone lighter since Xmas, half a stone lighter since last glasto, been cycling to work,gym and walks round Bolton Abbey, but got some sort of nerve pain,running from my lower back, sideways to my hip, a bit down my outer thigh then across into my groin,can't seem to shake it's,think it's inflammation on one of my main nerves

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Sorry to hear that swede - glad to hear you're fighting fit now though!


In relation to my own health, I've never had a fitness problem and can more than handle the festival in terms of walking around. No food or other allergies and can function on less than normal sleep.


In relation to delicacies of the inebriating sort, my early 20's Irish liver can more than pull it's weight. Mind you, I would not like to see what it currently looks like but it's done me proud to date. Get moderate hangovers but I just shut up and get on with it


I think I'm ready!  :)

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I blow up like a balloon when I'm there and then spend the Tuesday afterwards pissing it all out. 

Despite this happening most years, I still freak out on the Thursday/Friday when I wake up and I'm almost a dress size bigger.


I eat, drink and laze around too much to lose any actual weight.

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Out of curiosity, are people wanting to get in shape specifically for Glasto? If so, is this a vanity thing or is it to be physically ready for the rigors of the fest?

It's def wanting to be physically ready for the challenge, weather depending glasto can be a real test physically and mentally.

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I had cellulitis during all of May in my knee & pretty much spent all month in bed, chugging pills & feeling terrible. As it's an infection it definitely takes it out of you and I'm just starting to feel some energy now, but I haven't dared hit the gym yet.


Ouch, I feel for you, I had that about 10/12 years ago now, other than stubbing a gout ridden toe it was pretty much the most painful thing I could imagine. Mine went from an small cut (where the infection got in) near my ankle all the way up to my groin, you could almost see the infection spreading up the lymph system. Glad you're better now.... One highlight I had though was a script for DF118s which kept me happy and contented and constipated for a few weeks :-)

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Out of curiosity, are people wanting to get in shape specifically for Glasto? If so, is this a vanity thing or is it to be physically ready for the rigors of the fest?

95% for the festival.

5% for vanity - cos I can have a nice tum if I bother trying.

But basically it's more a musical assault course than a holiday - you can take it like a holiday, but there's so much on that it feels to me like missing out on too much so I squeeze every bit of fun I can out of those 120 hours

This usually means I end up eating and drinking like a total pig but come back lighter and stronger, but very very broken - and that's as a man with a physical job that means I'm moving/active all day every day anyway

It's a challenge, make no mistake.

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Ive already mentioned it on here, but last year I wasnt in the best shape health wise leading upto Glastonbury. I was diagnosed 3 months before last years festival with multiple small blood clots on one of my lungs, and only came off warfarin 5 days before the festival started. I knew I wasnt quite right at certain points of the festival, for instance the Wednesday night I had hand tremors and pins and needles, The Sunday was an absolute blur at points as my body had just had enough. To top it off we didnt have the best festival with the group of friends we went with, some first timers who just didnt get Glastonbury, and It took me a good month and a half to mentally get over what had happened at the festival. Not saying we didnt have a good time but the people we went with were just hard work, constantly moaning, they wouldnt go anywhere by themselves, including the toilets, it was just an odd year.


Since then Ive been going to the gym since October, eating well, and with less than two weeks until the festival feel the best Ive ever felt leading up to a Glastonbury. I feel ready for whatever the festival throws at me, long days, plenty of overdoing it and getting around the site. I feel like Ive got to make up for last year in a way, its just me and the wife this year, and cant wait to let loose and in a couple of weeks time.


See some of you at the meet on The Wednesday.


Good on you fella, the people you're with make or break your experience and it sounds like they definitely broke yours and Mr Swedes last year.  I've experienced it rarely, you get a few bellends and it really wipes the shine off of it.


I went on my own with the missus for the first time in 2008, I was a bit deflated beforehand as we normally have a fair few of us, all regulars who totally get the festival and make the experience for me.  I've got to say it was one of the best I've been to though, saw loads more than usual and even managed to not row for the full 5 days, blinding.  We're doing the same this year as a load of mates have bloused out.


Hope you both have a blinding one this year.

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Good on you fella, the people you're with make or break your experience and it sounds like they definitely broke yours and Mr Swedes last year. I've experienced it rarely, you get a few bellends and it really wipes the shine off of it.

I went on my own with the missus for the first time in 2008, I was a bit deflated beforehand as we normally have a fair few of us, all regulars who totally get the festival and make the experience for me. I've got to say it was one of the best I've been to though, saw loads more than usual and even managed to not row for the full 5 days, blinding. We're doing the same this year as a load of mates have bloused out.

Hope you both have a blinding one this year.

Thanks buddy.

I've been 6 times previous, my best year was 2013 when it was just me and the wife, that's why I'm so excited for this year

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