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What have you done to get ready for Glastonbury 2015?


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Hehe. I found a bottle of Sailor Jerrys for under a tenner a while back. Sadly I can no longer find it and suspect that my occasional tipple may have demolished the lot. Probably not a great sign that I'm sat drinking the rum I've since obtained as we speak.

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Glasto BBQ held yesterday, lots of music listened too, sorted out boxes of campervan stuff. Now today sorting clothes... Away next weekend, weekend atter is Jersey folklore festival and the following we will be in our campervan on the way to Glastonbury via a weekend in Devon :-)

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Decided I want one of these..


But not at the £90 price tag....

Besides as it's going to be hot and dry it will only sit in my tent unloved.....

As lovely as it looks, it's not quite long enough for proper rain ... The drops will run down the front and get your legs all soggy :)

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I finally started listening to the spotify playlist my mate put together, really getting into the mood now! It's taken longer than I thought this year but I am putting that down to revision getting in the way of proper Glastonbury prep.

Long story short is that I cannot fucking wait!

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Started making piles in the spare room, alcohol, clothes and camping stuff. dragging stuff out from under the bed and realise that I didn't need anymore wetwipes/tent pegs/space blankets but I always seem to get an urge to buy them whenever I'm near the pound shop!

Did a mercenary shop to Primark (only for the brave at the weekend) for cheap clothes for layers as layering up is where it's at

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Took a walk to my old corner shop (literally 10 mins away as opposed to the new one which is 3 mins away!) just because it was sunny, and spotted the plastic cups I took the last few times so got a pack of pint ones and a pack of half pint ones for spirits/mixers and wine. First purchases!

Now I'm sat drinking a thatchers and watching a HD version of Muse 2010 and feeling very excited

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Well over the last week I've:

Tried out my new walking boots at Foos gig - got these http://www.amazon.co...=berghaus boots

Bought 2 new pairs of waterproof socks

Bought some cans of passion fruit cider from B&M

Watched the live streaming of Primavera sound on bands that are playing Glastonbury

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Listening to Patti Smith right now to get in the mood. It is working.

I've loved Horses for years, but ever since knowing I'd be seeing her do it at Glastonbury, it's taken on a new life, sounds so much more exciting than it ever did. Can't wait.

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I've run a hangover praparedness drill today. (Got hammered last night and now dealing with the consequences)

I've realised I need to get stronger painkillers, and stock up on rehydration sachets and generally man up a bit.

Plan-A is to not sober up though! :D

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Got a little bit too excited and ordered my new tent, rucksack, sleeping bag, camping chair and various other bits to be delivered to me apartment, without thinking through how I’m going to drag it all onto the plane along with all my other luggage for the two weeks I’m back. Probably should have thought that one through a bit better, and just had it delivered to me for when I got back to the UK.

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