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Post Glasto Moan

Guest farihairedavenger

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We moved away from some people when we were at west holt stage. For two reasons, my husband stood up to check on our little boy who was asleep one of the girls sat down in his seat and said "finally they've moved". Hubby told her to move which she did. Secondly all were wearing hunter wellies and flowers in their hair. They were talking about their "garp yeaar" (gap year) and how mummy and daddy were going to pay for them. It was clear by the conversation they had little understanding of the value of money

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Didn't really see any annoying behaviour this year or maybe I'm just too oblivious/drunk to notice such things. Most people apologised if they knocked into me etc,

I did camp in South Park which is pretty quite though so no one really around at night.

One thing I noticed more as mentioned above is that everyone looked the same! Didn't seem to be much diversity in the crowd really.

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I'm all with the hunter hating - the folk I used to look out for at the festival were skinny faced gurning rough lads who got a bit bargey - nowadays I try and religiously avoid girls/women with hunter wellies, pretty festival tops and flower garlands - all three of the unpleasant leery experiences were with them assuming since they were a little princess and it was their party that they could do exactly what and how they wanted. It *is* the spoilt brat uniform, half the blokes with them were apologetic

As with anything I'm sure there are folk who genuinely find that they are the perfect welly for them, but I've learnt to steer clear in general of anyone who looks like the Daily Mail's photos of the festival

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Ok before I get pounded for criticising glasto let me start by saying I think it is an amazing festival but after going since the 90s there are some things that are really bugging me. Something's have gotten better over the years to be fair but the things that have changed for the worse are making me question whether to keep going.

1. The litter. It's disgusting how so many people just chuck their rubbish on the floor like because their mummies aren't there to clean up after them, someone else will.

4. The cool kids. With their hunter wellies, designer togs, immaculate hair topped with garland and iPhones glued to their hands, I got a bit sick of them pushing to the front of acts only to chat the whole way through then take a pic just to say they were front row and centre at the latest music sensation.

Anyone share my feelings or am I just too much of an old fart?

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And another thing - I thought crowd reactions were rather lame throughout the pyramid/other stage acts I saw. Me and my mate dubbed it a 'smattering of middle class applause'. This seems to tie in with other peoples experiences of people being more bothered about getting to the front for selfies, rather than being into the acts!?

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I wonder if it would be helpful if instead of proclaiming each Glastonbury 'the best ever', ME actually made statements intially & through the year about how (in so many words) Glastonbury doesn't welcome the growing army of knobheads, and that if such people go to the festival, they can expect to be consistently challenged by people (young & old) who understand the festivals ethos.

I know last year, I said to some lads who were pissing against the outside of the urinals 'come on lads it's only just there' - I didn't shout or swear at them, my tone was actually reasonably friendly, but what I got back was a mass of F. Offs & a barrage of quite horrible personal insults. Sadly, I have reached the stage where I won't challenge this behaviour any more, it's better for me to walk past it, and not have my mood ruined by people who don't deserve to have that power over me.

One of my realisations in my year off was that I have to let that old Glastonbury go, because expecting it to be there is one of the things that's spoiling it for me. That isn't how I want it to be - so a stronger lead from the organisers regarding what Glastonbury was about could be useful. Let's face it, these people aren't reading the fine guide.

Edited by kh24
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Here is my 2 pence worth

1. The litter - yes this winds me up - especially when people are within 5 meters from the bin. I made a conscious effort to try to take my rubbish with me but I am sure during the busy times the odd thing got dropped.

2. The queues. I never queued at bars/for Shangri la or for food - yam the cassava was my longest wait which was about 10 mins while they cooked more rice.

3. The knobs. Fortunately didn't come across any.

4. The cool kids. Yes annoying - but unfortunately it is the youth of today. Didn't seem to be as many people taking video's of the acts on their phones as in the past though.

5. The food prices. Was just saying to a mate who didn't get tickets some of the food seemed expensive for what you got - there is still value to be had - just had to be more selective.

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My worst moan was on the Thursday morning - the coach I was on didn't have our event tickets, so we spent 2 hours waiting in Brum for a plan of action to be developed, and 4 hours waiting at Gordano services for a courier to come with our tickets. I'm writing a letter to GFL/See so that it doesn't happen again, and that one party should take responsibility - they were both blaming each other.

The crowd were 99.9% lovely, the only time I saw the worst of the Glasto crowd was when the crush developed at the Oxlyers/Silver Hayes on Saturday midnight. Had to spill out into the nearby pathway while everyone was shoving everyone else, cokey guy took great fun in throwing water at me while I was sheltering inbetween tents, and a group appeared to be taking advantage of the chaos to go through the probably-broken-by-now tents by the boundary to see what they could rob.

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I have to say that I think the litter this year was worse than it's been in many years. Even in the car parks from 6am on Wednesday and in the queue going in we were commenting on the amount of empty cans, cartons and glass bottles (grrr) were dumped on the ground despite there being bins in the car park.

Up near the Glastonbury sign on Thursday morning was revolting - a carpet of cans, cups, and those fucking NOS canisters. An army of litterpickers descended around lunchtime, and yet despite watching someone else clean up their rubbish people were still leaving stuff behind. Litterpickers are not fucking servants.

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Discarded plastic water bottles with lids on rip my knitting...

They were littered everywhere are a real hazard they don't compress if you stand on one and in the mud you are likely to go flying hopefully the metal Wateraid bottles will reduce this.

Maybe a 20p deposit on the bottles would help, at T in the Park there is a deposit on plastic beer glasses result is you don't see many lying around. Folk either return them or a few skint lads go around picking them up.

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I really fail to grasp why anyone takes issue with someone else's footwear.

"A hippy wouldn't wear hunters"

Dear god...Get a grip!!

It's the knobs in dunlop wellies you want to be worrying about, pissing in hedges or on other peoples nice clean Hunters, whilst swigging their excess alcohol and chucking litter everywhere. Well them or the flip flop wearing beardy types stinking out the longdrops with their smelly curried lentil poop.

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We had a huge (freakishly tall) group of lads barge right the way through the crowd into us about 20 mins into Kasabian. Doesn't usually bother me too much if they are having a bit of a smile and chat with you. Not one 'thank you' or 'excuse me' from one of them. They knocked one of our female friends over and didn't even help her up. Instead, they stood there with their mobiles out and pissing on the floor as they blocked our view.

My god did they get it when club foot kicked in.

We even ended up with their flag. It was like a Viking response. Our team of midgets took them out with every drink we owned sprayed over them and the call to arms from Serge....'Mosh pit, mosh pit, mosh pit..."

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I really fail to grasp why anyone takes issue with someone else's footwear.

"A hippy wouldn't wear hunters"

Dear god...Get a grip!!

It's the knobs in dunlop wellies you want to be worrying about, pissing in hedges or on other peoples nice clean Hunters, whilst swigging their excess alcohol and chucking litter everywhere. Well them or the flip flop wearing beardy types stinking out the longdrops with their smelly curried lentil poop.

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Hate moaning ànd negativity about the festival but litter and people pissing where they pleased.

I'm a smoker and always carry a mini portable ash tray for the butts and a bag for our empties till we get near a bin.

I challenged several dickheads pissing where they shouldn't please bring back the green police

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Really? Worth bearing in mind two things Eavis has said on record previously:

1) He'd rather the festival was less about drinking, and isn't a fan of people doing drugs

2) He misses the 'dangerous' feel the festival had before the fence went up

The whole 'festival ethos' thing is not something that comes down from upon high by the organisers, it's something created bottom-up by the people that attend. If their ethos changes, so will that of the festival. And maybe that means it's not for the same people it used to be. And that's fine. There are other festivals that are.

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It did seem there were more unpleasant characters there this year. Whilst at the front for Metallica, a bloke was totally off his nut and barging his elbow into my side and other people (I know its a moshpit, but his behaviour was unacceptable). I asked him to stop a couple of times only to be confronted with him threatening to punch me with his fist inches from my face. Have never had that happen to me at any festival, let alone Glasto.

Also had a twat run up behind me in the Circus area and pinch my nipple really hard then running off shouting "I'm getting your tits out for myself" (I should point out that I'm a 15 stone man).

And then there were 2 girls sat in the middle of the path as people left Dolly. Quite a selfish thing to do in itself, but then a group of lads trying to get in for Ed Sheeran just shouted out "fuck them, just walk over them".

However, we did have really nice neighbours, and met some really nice people over the weekend. Just a few rotten apples.

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The rubbish as usual, there were literally 6 piles of camping chairs in the Pyramid field at 4pm Monday afternoon.

The Campervan East 17 field had 4 abandoned caravans this year, a small Tent,bbq,chair or windbreak maybe, but to willfully take a caravan with the intention of leaving it behind is another thing.

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The litter was bad this year. I used to work on recycling crew for five years an used to be people at the gates giving out bags. We came in through gate a and there were no bags. Our campsite crew also did not have any and had to wait until wed night. I was in family camping and the campsite was amazingly clean which shows the type of people who camp there as no litter pickets come through the campsite. I did see a few litter pickers but there was not much picking of litter going on

I think it's a shame. When we worked there we worked so hard to clean up and our leader took us to clean the worst areas such as stone circle and pyramid stage. We didn't get breaks (only ten mins) and worked a full 8 hour shift. Maybe there has been a change in staff

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