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Guest gibbin82

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It wasn't just Worthy View though I had to think of the misses, she was suffering (neither of us are young and we both have the aches and pains that come with life) and I couldn't expect her to walk up the hill of death again. And although I did consider buying a tent but then carrying all our gear down to a new tent on site and then back up the hill to the car park wouldn't have been a very pleasant option for either of us. And anyway having paid £265 for a bit of extra comfort at WV you should have to really dish out more money to get the standard festival facilities (which would have actually been better as you don't have to queue for long at the long drops and if you go in the afternoon to the kids field or the Greenpeace area you can walk in a shower without any queuing at all)

I do appreciate the suggestion about the less mainstream choices of entertainment, but that is something we usually try to do anyway, but there are something's that you just want to see.

There was also the over crowding that was a bit of a worry, we usually like to get in front of the barrier by the Pyramid when we do chose to see band there, but this year with both Metalica and Kasabian on my list I was concerned due to the types of bands they are and audiences they attract added to the overcrowding experience of earlier in the festival that it might become a bit unbearable in there, throw in a mosh pit mentality and probably not being able to sit down for 6 hours from Robert Plant to the end of Metalica was not something we would probably be going to enjoy or even be able to do. And it's not like you can just pop back to the tent to have a kip for an hour if you feel a bit knackered.

The thing is though I am really disappointed that I am not still there, living in Leicester I was going to see Kasabian last weekend, but as one of my friends daughters invited me to her wedding and really I felt obliged to go I sold a pair of tickets at face value for the Leicester gig only a couple of weeks back thinking I would be seeing them at Glastonbury.

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Gibbin, having been there what do you put the overcrowding down to? I watched Robert Plant on BBC streaming and it didn't look all that overcrowded but I guess he may not be fashionable with the young ones. Obviously, the TV pictures can be deceiving also. Was it the weather? The way the line-up was organised? Something completely different?????

Really sorry that you (and the Mrs) had a bad time. It would be easy for me to say that I would not have made the same decision under any circumstances but I'm not you and I wasn't there.

(and I'm really jealous of anyone who got a ticket)

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Your going to miss leicester's crowning glory tomorrow night?

Kasabian are my band ive seen them that many times ive lost count.my first was in 2004 when processed beats was released,ive been with

them from the start and i would crawl over

broken glass and hot coal to be at that gig

tomorrow night i really would.

Its hard for my to accept that someone would go

home due to overcrowding and that you didnt

fancy standing up all day to watch metallica.

Theres 175,000 people there sure its gonna get crowded and if you want a great view down the

front for the headliners then yeah you have to put abit of work in.

Bloody mental. Each to their own i supose,im not

knocking you, you do what you want to do but i cant help but feel the ticket was wasted on

you. Sorry!

Edited by wbarenno
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Seems as if you went aglamping and the steep hill which you thought you knew about was a bit steeper than you thought it will be interesting to see if any others had the same experience as you.showers and toilets at festivals are a bit hit and miss irrespective of the festival and obviously it would appear that Avalon is a great equaliser and Money buys you nothing when it comes to nature.I did not get a ticket but a bit of research allowed me to to come to the conclusion that with my arthritis I would not even consider that location you chose. Live and learn and. Stop whinging here and go and complain to Eavis and let us know ho you got on

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Gibbin, having been there what do you put the overcrowding down to? I watched Robert Plant on BBC streaming and it didn't look all that overcrowded but I guess he may not be fashionable with the young ones. Obviously, the TV pictures can be deceiving also. Was it the weather? The way the line-up was organised? Something completely different?????

Really sorry that you (and the Mrs) had a bad time. It would be easy for me to say that I would not have made the same decision under any circumstances but I'm not you and I wasn't there.

(and I'm really jealous of anyone who got a ticket)

Edited by Craigston
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What was up with Worthy View? Well what was right with it? Far more people than it could cope with, showers you couldn't use unless you were prepared to spend a long time queuing for them during their opening times, toilets with massive queues that were blocked or closed when you reached them (although they were always clean but who cares about that when all you desperately want is a shit!), the massive hike up the hill when you were knackered at the end of the day (yes, I was aware of it beforehand but you at least expect it to be worth it when you get to the top), the campsite no quieter than the main site since the increase in capacity and closer spacing of tents. And to top it off paying a lot of money for the pleasure of gaining nothing for it except a worse festival experience.

As for the festival, yes there was still something's about it that really make Glasto special, but the overcrowding at the more popular event was unbelievable, in fact my carefully planned itinerary was rendered pointless. First on my list was Baggy Mondays at the Stonebridge Bar, I was there with half hour to spare, but couldn't get in and there was dangerous overcrowding and pushing outside at times threatening the safety of the crowd and tent (the poles at the front of the tent were pushed aside during one crush) With the plan for Baggy Mondays aborted it was on to NYC Downlow for the Tribute to Franky Knuckles, but again couldn't get in. Next day I went to see Blondie admittedly I didn't arrive in plenty of time to get a choice spot but at least expected to get to a reasonable place to see and hear it, but it was so packed you couldn't get near it. It seems as though there were a few things on the line up that were head and shoulders above the rest as regards to popularity and as a result a large the percentage of people headed towards them.

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Sorry mate but sounds like your a twat.

What you expect at worthy view a mono rail to take you home each night!

As for the queues either give up or do something else the festival offers.

why go home?

No sympathy here, im sure your a regular bloke and all but you aint gonna get much feeling here.

Hope you don't try for a ticket next year!

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What was up with Worthy View? Well what was right with it? Far more people than it could cope with, showers you couldn't use unless you were prepared to spend a long time queuing for them during their opening times, toilets with massive queues that were blocked or closed when you reached them (although they were always clean but who cares about that when all you desperately want is a shit!), the massive hike up the hill when you were knackered at the end of the day (yes, I was aware of it beforehand but you at least expect it to be worth it when you get to the top), the campsite no quieter than the main site since the increase in capacity and closer spacing of tents. And to top it off paying a lot of money for the pleasure of gaining nothing for it except a worse festival experience.

As for the festival, yes there was still something's about it that really make Glasto special, but the overcrowding at the more popular event was unbelievable, in fact my carefully planned itinerary was rendered pointless. First on my list was Baggy Mondays at the Stonebridge Bar, I was there with half hour to spare, but couldn't get in and there was dangerous overcrowding and pushing outside at times threatening the safety of the crowd and tent (the poles at the front of the tent were pushed aside during one crush) With the plan for Baggy Mondays aborted it was on to NYC Downlow for the Tribute to Franky Knuckles, but again couldn't get in. Next day I went to see Blondie admittedly I didn't arrive in plenty of time to get a choice spot but at least expected to get to a reasonable place to see and hear it, but it was so packed you couldn't get near it. It seems as though there were a few things on the line up that were head and shoulders above the rest as regards to popularity and as a result a large the percentage of people headed towards them.

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Sorry mate but sounds like your a twat.

What you expect at worthy view a mono rail to take you home each night!

As for the queues either give up or do something else the festival offers.

why go home?

No sympathy here, im sure your a regular bloke and all but you aint gonna get much feeling here.

Hope you don't try for a ticket next year!

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Reckon I would if I wasn't waiting for a coach. Only really London Grammar I'm bothered about seeing and I'm just exhausted really. Not sure whether I've just realised this place isn't for me or I'm a little disappointed it isn't what it's made out to be. I was expecting a great spirit but it feels exactly the same as most other festivals, and I've encountered some really awful people here culminating in disgusting chants at the singer of a band today, to which nobody bothered to say anything to the guy chanting apart from some agreeing. That was hard to watch.

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To be fair to people, as there is some criticism here, it can be exhausting, personal factors can get to you and some people do feel like bugging out early. @Riggins, take it easy in the morning, get some rest, get some decent food in you and who knows, that last day might be the best of all of them.

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Come on guys. I'm as jealous as the rest of you that someone got tickets and then decided to not to use them fully but we all have times when things aren't working even when everyone else around us tells us they should be.

We're not walking in his shoes and he's not walking in ours.

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Reckon I would if I wasn't waiting for a coach. Only really London Grammar I'm bothered about seeing and I'm just exhausted really. Not sure whether I've just realised this place isn't for me or I'm a little disappointed it isn't what it's made out to be. I was expecting a great spirit but it feels exactly the same as most other festivals, and I've encountered some really awful people here culminating in disgusting chants at the singer of a band today, to which nobody bothered to say anything to the guy chanting apart from some agreeing. That was hard to watch.

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Look dude I 'm not here to do sympathy Glasto is what you want to make of it,there was a time when you were lucky to find a toilet,but you had a bad time and you have spent a lot of money for an experience you were going to find but did'nt, if the area you were renting your canvas in was not up to what you expected then complain to the organisers.Mentioning it to a bloke on the way out is pointless and this thread will fade into the ether and be forgot by most.i'll remember it but a bloke died at the festival not the first and not the last,just think about that for a second and then come back and tell me how hard done by you were.oh and on a more cynical side when you left that was 2 less people in the queue for the toilets and I heard the showers were too hot for people on Saturday afternoon.you only get what you put into it.

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Reckon I would if I wasn't waiting for a coach. Only really London Grammar I'm bothered about seeing and I'm just exhausted really. Not sure whether I've just realised this place isn't for me or I'm a little disappointed it isn't what it's made out to be. I was expecting a great spirit but it feels exactly the same as most other festivals, and I've encountered some really awful people here culminating in disgusting chants at the singer of a band today, to which nobody bothered to say anything to the guy chanting apart from some agreeing. That was hard to watch.

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I had the same feeling last year at Leeds festival but had no way of getting home so stuck with it. Thankfully once it got to Saturday night I started to enjoy myself and had a nice weekend.

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy yourself. Nothing worse than something not living up to expectations and you end up in a shitty mood.

Hope you give it another go next year and look for other options rather than WV, you never know, it might end up being the best yet. Every year is different at every festival. :)

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I'd be interested to know what the chants were and to whom. I noticed a slightly uncomfortable vibe - things I could almost hear but not quite but still got an nasty feeling about - last year but not quite enough to make an issue of it. I hope the chants you heard were nothing important but I'm guessing you wouldn't have posted if they hadn't upset you in some way. Also I hope that none of the nastiness was pointed your way.

Really hope you enjoy tomorrow.

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Look dude I 'm not here to do sympathy Glasto is what you want to make of it,there was a time when you were lucky to find a toilet,but you had a bad time and you have spent a lot of money for an experience you were going to find but did'nt, if the area you were renting your canvas in was not up to what you expected then complain to the organisers.Mentioning it to a bloke on the way out is pointless and this thread will fade into the ether and be forgot by most.i'll remember it but a bloke died at the festival not the first and not the last,just think about that for a second and then come back and tell me how hard done by you were.oh and on a more cynical side when you left that was 2 less people in the queue for the toilets and I heard the showers were too hot for people on Saturday afternoon.you only get what you put into it.

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