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More Metallica Controversy

Guest norm wilson

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People calling this out as selective outrage aren't so wrong. I've mentioned this in the other thread, but Metallica's decision to play an apartheid state should have created far more furore than the fact that one of them once shot a bear, yet no one really bats an eyelid.

It's not so different as to when Queen played Sun City in 1985 and that pretty much did for their international reputation.

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Interview from 2009

GW Do you still go hunting?

HETFIELD Nowadays it doesnt feel necessary, killing things just to kill them. Im not against hunting, but it doesnt seem as necessary as going 150 miles an hour in my car now. [laughs]

GW What changed your mind?

HETFIELD We went hunting in Siberia. This was just before I went into rehab, when I fell off the wagon majorly. Ive got a wife and kids at home, but I was like, See you later, Im going to Siberia. I went out on the Kamchatka peninsula, hunting grizzly bear on snowmobiles in four feet of snow. You fall off the snowmobile, youre done. I saw a bear print and it looked pretty human [to me]. I saw something in that that didnt make much sense to me. We were in this four-foot high chicken shack in the middle of nowhere, four-hour helicopter ride out of this shitty little town, drinking vodka. There was nothing else to drink. That was the end for me.


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Hold on, I do hope you you're not so stupid to think that they're not? Are you saying that you believe Fox Hunting (illigal since 2005 but still allowed to happen on Worthy Farm with Michael Eavis's blessing) is not 'as bad' as hunting bears in Canada (legally) In my opinion they are both as bad as each other and worthy of the same criticism. Fox Hunting is disgusting and has brought shame on this country for centuries and for you to think that it isn't comparable to hunting any other kind of wildlife is mental!!

Yes, they are distinctly different.

BTW, your 'facts' are factually wrong.

I don't care much for your opinion. Perhaps try thinking a little more?

(just to make clear, i'm not fan of hunting of any sort, but I am able to recognise different motivations for them).

[my apols for first posting as 'Bluearsedfly', I was trying to track down a problem with his account (it's not me) and hadn't realised I was still logged in as him. Doh!]

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Yes, they are distinctly different.

BTW, your 'facts' are factually wrong.

I don't care much for your opinion. Perhaps try thinking a little more?

(just to make clear, i'm not fan of hunting of any sort, but I am able to recognise different motivations for them).

[my apols for first posting as 'Bluearsedfly', I was trying to track down a problem with his account (it's not me) and hadn't realised I was still logged in as him. Doh!]

Edited by Jelly Belly
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I think people should be able to hunt non-endangered, non-domestic animals if they like. So long as they use a weapon made by their own hand, do not cause the animal undue suffering, and utilise as much of the animal's remains as possible. Hunting animals for the sake of it is sick, and hardly a challenge when you have a gun.

Wasn't planning on seeing Metallica anyway, but this has pretty much ended any curiosity I had.

Edited by nofunciona
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I think people should be able to hunt non-endangered, non-domestic animals if they like. So long as they use a weapon made by their own hand, do not cause the animal undue suffering, and utilise as much of the animal's remains as possible. Hunting animals for the sake of it is sick, and hardly a challenge when you have a gun.

Wasn't planning on seeing Metallica anyway, but this has pretty much ended any curiosity I had.

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You need your heading reading, if you can't see how disgusting and morally wrong Fox Hunting is then you're a lost cause.

Hunting for fun = morally wrong.

A farmer hunting down a livestock killer in an efficient manner is not.

Spot the difference? :rolleyes:

Maybe if you weren't so pally with the festival organisers then you could see the wood through the trees but clearly it's affected your judgement so you really shouldn't comment on it at all?

PMSL. :lol:

If you'd been reading here a bit longer, maybe thoughts might over-ride your very wrong prejudices?

Mock outrage, only as long as it against some American Heavy Metal singer and not a friendly English farmer in his 80's eh?

Nope, real outrage at your own stupidity. Just that and only that. :)

I've not said Metallica should play or not play, I don't give a shit either way; I won't be there to see them, they're not my thing. I've merely defended in this thread the right of people to protest if they wish to.

I've picked up on a few comments here (including yours) and decided to make my own comments, as a counter to the sort of stupidity that has you posting factually incorrect stuff, and where you are too dim to realise the hugely different motivations behind Hetfield's blood-lust-for-fun and Eavis's defence of his and other farmers' livestock and livelihoods.

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I think people should be able to hunt non-endangered, non-domestic animals if they like. So long as they use a weapon made by their own hand, do not cause the animal undue suffering, and utilise as much of the animal's remains as possible. Hunting animals for the sake of it is sick, and hardly a challenge when you have a gun.

Wasn't planning on seeing Metallica anyway, but this has pretty much ended any curiosity I had.

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Hunting for fun = morally wrong.

A farmer hunting down a livestock killer in an efficient manner is not.

Spot the difference? :rolleyes:

PMSL. :lol:

If you'd been reading here a bit longer, maybe thoughts might over-ride your very wrong prejudices?

Nope, real outrage at your own stupidity. Just that and only that. :)

I've not said Metallica should play or not play, I don't give a shit either way; I won't be there to see them, they're not my thing. I've merely defended in this thread the right of people to protest if they wish to.

I've picked up on a few comments here (including yours) and decided to make my own comments, as a counter to the sort of stupidity that has you posting factually incorrect stuff, and where you are too dim to realise the hugely different motivations behind Hetfield's blood-lust-for-fun and Eavis's defence of his and other farmers' livestock and livelihoods.

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More Metallica Controversy after the brown acid thing ...now we have got people not happy with James Hetfields bear hunting antics . Enough to start on-line petitions and urging people to complain to the festival organizers ....It was never going to be straight forward with Metallica was it


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Absolute nonsense.

If you were backing Fox Hunting where by the weapon was a shot gun, I would say fair enough but these individuals are hunting with Dogs, for blood and for fun. I grew up in the country side pal; I am all too familiar with the characters in these hunts. For you to label me dim is insulting, especially coming from someone who has contradicted their own argument within two sentences of each other.

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